- Moderator: @tcr
- Notes: @johnnyman727
- Attending: @frijol and @hipsterbrown
- @hipsterbrown draft TWIT with latest survey
- @frijol should make a post with "Meet a Testalator" (for herself)
- @hipsterbrown captive portal RFC draft done in 2 weeks
- @tcr send out test mailer with SendInBlue
- @tcr update Window's fix gist
- @tcr draft PR to create unmaintained notice copy on tessel/cc3000-async
- @johnnyman727 publish language deployment post
- @johnnyman727 email Jasmine about Seeed money
- @rwaldron look into budget for TesselCamp co-working space
- @hipsterbrown has been reworking the networking API
- @tcr has successfully imported contacts into sendInBlue and put credentials in Passopolis
- @tcr has updated the Windows fix gist to point to a working fix
- We have still not yet received royalties from Seeed, Jon will send another email
- @hipsterbrown will make reservation for Tessel Camp location
- @tcr wants to delete the owner team and make team members list public
- @frijol is curious about whether we should remove anyone from the organization if they become inactive for some amount of time
- @hipsterbrown points out that people's schedule's vary and removing someone seems to present more dangers than leaving them on
- @frijol is a little worried about active maintainers being disappointed about how low the bar is for some team members
- Brief discussion about Reach champion, want bring them in for the next meeting
- @frijol should post a blog with her interview of herself
- @tcr should write "meet a tesseler" about himself
- @hipsterbrown to release a TWIT with the survey on Friday
- @hipsterbrown captive portal RFC draft done in 1 week
- @tcr to port Mailchimp template over ("try to make it look like a normal email") to sendInBlue
- @tcr to put old subscribers in a new bucket on S3
- @johnnyman727 to create a new Github issue on project repo with list of unmaintained repos
- @johnnyman727 to send another email to Seeed about royalties
- @frijol to get in touch with prospective Reach champion about attending next meeting
- Everyone should re-familiarize themselves with notes on project vision issue