Moderator: @tcr Notes: @hipsterbrown Attending: @rwaldron
- @tcr will email MailChimp right after this meeting
- @tcr has the TELEC issue solved, just needs to document it in Gist and communicate with Seeed to re-create it (estimate 3 weeks for completion)
- @tcr Hoodies have been produced and shipped to whiplash, just needs to put in shipping info
- @rwaldron, Friday not a good day for Bocoup to host, already booked for company meetings, Steering Committee meeting is better off for Saturday (good for @tcr, @hipsterbrown, @rwaldron. need confirmation from @jonmckay & @Frijol)
- @rwaldron commented on TWIT
- both @hipsterbrown items rolled over to this week
- @rwaldron: No one in Japan will be ordering thousands of Tessel for commercial use, just have a restriction with Seeed on their site until TELEC is approved
- @hipsterbrown: We need better feedback from issues, especially related to cli and network discovery
- @rwaldron: Have folks turn on the crash-reporter and recreate the issue, then post the reporter URL in an issue or #support Slack channel
- @rwaldron: We can use GitHub issue templates to suggest specific details needed by contributors to help recreate and debug
- @rwaldron & @hipsterbrown draft an for t2-cli repo
- @hipsterbrown follow up with @reconbot re deployment, maybe with redirect? also @frijol
- @hipsterbrown draft a Google form getting community research re Reach needs
- @tcr Add hoodies shipping info to Whiplash
- @tcr document TELEC testing in public gist
- @tcr email MailChimp about free service
- @johnnyman727 post the Rust getting-started gist to the blog
- @johnnyman727 write up something about multiple language support plugin for public knowledge
- @frijol investigate if there is someone who might be interested in championing Reach
- @johnnyman727 message @reconbot about Sparkfun/Italian manufacturer discussion
- @johnnyman727 talk to Jory about potential upsides/downsides to exclusivity in new contract negotiations
- @johnnyman727 update issues surrounding button API in firmware and docs
- @johnnyman727 check with Jia on why analog values are mapped 0-3.3 instead of 0-1