Moderator: @rwaldron Notes: @tcr Attending: @johnnyman727, @frijol
- Welcome to watching Kelsey awkwardly eat spaghetti
is a lot of fun and moving along
- Royalties from Tessel may complicate the Foundation arrangement
- We leverage jQuery for IP arrangement, but are using Bocoup for FCC filing
- What differentiates sale of merchandise from physical goods
- TELEC issues rollover to this week
- Jon succeeded in setup script for US Celery orders
- Module sale arrangement is a go
- Decided not to apply for GSoC
- In touch with Grove manager about adapter
- Debating payment arrangement and schedule
- Assembly is moving along regardless
- Jon is currently tasked with a large number of items
- How can we reduce our bus factor?
- How can we prioritize issues better?
- @flaki + @hipsterbrown will be at JSConf Budapest
- We will want to source these from Seeed / Celery
- Rick, Kelsey, Jon also need to bolster inventory
- Video, audio modules are up next
- @hipsterbrown is on the 3G module integration with CLI
- We've shipped some boards! 🎆
- We are still getting details from Seeed about payment
- Hopefully we can just confirm the schedule we've prepared and release it
- @johnnyman727 Arrange a call with jQuery Foundation
- @tcr Draft email and post info to TELEC listing
- @rwaldron Follow up with Passopolis signup
- @frijol Figure out what a Hackathon set consists of
- @frijol Finish the mass storage example this week
- @johnnyman727 Inform Fedex of our estimated timeline
- @johnnyman727 Ask Seeed the "status of sending modules", "status of adding Tessel to store", and "putting missing modules on their store"