Moderator: @frijol Notes: @rwaldron Attending: @frijol, @tcr, @johnnyman727, @rwaldron
Manufacturing Update
- 100 complete
- 5 failed
- Jon requested the 95 Tessels
- will run the USB and Ethernet tests manually
- will fix the test rig because it's a nightmare
- The test rig uses a branch of the t2-cli from ~400 commits ago
- will ship out
- Seeed wants more test rigs
- Jon is going to determine why the rig is so slow
- Potentially have more test rigs made
- Can afford it
- 100 complete
Canceled all failed orders (via Celery)
FCC and CE paperwork filed!
- First 100 have old ID
- Milestone "USB MODULES HOORAY" - version 0.0.10
- Make USB video/audio module functioning with T2 CLI and OpenWRT @tcr
- @rwaldron has
- Make USB BLE module work with T2 CLI
- @frijol working on tutorials
- wants to buy usb ble dongles for users to test
- wants to buy usb ble dongles for users to test
- @frijol working on tutorials
- Make Flash Drives mount automatically
- Make USB 3G module work out of the box
- @tcr needs:
- uci for ethernet module
- udev rule
- /etc/config
- @tcr needs:
- Add Tessel networking utilities to the tessel module @HipsterBrown
- Minor issues to be resolved
- Make USB video/audio module functioning with T2 CLI and OpenWRT @tcr
- @tcr still needs to send Jon 3g instructions
- Done!
- @tcr needs to fix NaN for audio video module
- Done!
- New issues to address
- Done!
- @johnnyman727 needs to update milestone dates
- Done!
- @johnnyman727 should get a better idea of how much of an increase in price Seeed is interested in.
- Done!
- @johnnyman727 will figure out how to update the golden image
- Done!
- tessel/ needs review and sign off
- We rec'ed an email about a hackathon in May
- Requesting hardware
- Currently don't have the resources for this
- Get in touch with major league hacking
- @johnnyman727 to get a quote for test rigs
- @johnnyman727 add documentation sublists to milestone items
- @johnnyman727 respond to metrohack
- @tcr and @rwaldron to resolve audiovideo issues