Meeting: #84
Facilitator: @johnnyman727 Notes: @frijol
Attending: @tcr, @rwaldron
- Links are messed up/the order of things is weird/there's missing information
- How do we make people comfortable asking questions? Might be edge casey, but need to be careful about this and make sure
##How do we do better internal community?
- Hangout for team members?
- Want to see them, who are these people?
- Guided discussion, not feel like wasting their time
##What do we do with OpenWRT?
- Put in more effort on GH, on OpenWRT thread with attempted fixes to keep bumping up the issue. Generate noise about it.
- Get a consultant from OpenWRT?
- Reach out to people who have used this chipset, esp. those who have passed FCC (e.g
- Reach out to people who understand the Yun
- Test on a Yun
- Can we get a testbed from Mediatek?
##How many Tessel 1s can we sell?
- What's our minimum quantity?
- Set a max we sell to any given entity
- SAP is buying 40
- Tweetmonkey wants 50... we don't have many
- Tell people we're putting all our resources into T2 rather than T1
- Can we ship no FCC? 90% sure it's a software config issue, could push out an update. Silkscreen says "FCC cert" on it so we'd have to figure out how to roll this in.
- @johnnyman727 make an issue on the onboarding repo where we comment with our processes
- @johnnyman727 one-off hangout: team members, how can you best contribute to ship?
- @johnnyman727 @frjol @rwaldron get in touch with each team member you've onboarded and let them know about T2 update/check in
- @tcr put in public effort trying to fix FCC issue
- @tcr make more clear walkthrough on the issue about how community members can help
- @tcr @kelsey write TWIT, be more specific with backers regarding
- @kelsey get Seeed contract from Jia and read it
- @jon bring @tcr a couple of Yuns, @tcr test
- @rwaldron test packetspammer on Linino (get walkthrough instructions from @tcr)
- @jon get back to Azure re how many Tessels they need to run the hackathon
- @tcr invite new Team Member & become a mentor
- @jon create a doc outlining what should be in a Team Member invitation email
- @jon create a doc for how to publish modules as technicalmachine