Moderator: @tcr, Notes: @johnnyman727, @frijol
- CE Update (good news)
- FCC Update (bad news)
- CLI Progress
- TWIT update
- Tessel Allocation
- CE Update: Involves some schematic changes which Kolker is taking into account. Should be fixed.
- FCC Update: Step 1: @tcr will try to pull in recent OpenWRT changes. Step 2: @johnnyman727 will include Ravi in the discussion.
- Getting T2 version: when we build OpenWRT, use the version of the firmware submodule to create a text file on the OpenWRT OS that can be read by the CLI. Remake that text file whenever OpenWRT is built. Open Question: How exactly to generate the text file?
- #action-item @johnnyman727 should send Rick a 1 + 5 T2's
- #action-item @johnnyman727 should add Donovan as Team Member and send him a T2
- #action-item @tcr will send out TWIT with news about CE/FCC
- Try to get guarantees about blog posts from commercial partners who want to use T2s
- #action-item @johnnyman727 will send out links to incoming T2 requests