LXDepot is a simple UI to interface with one to many LXD servers, allowing you to start, stop, create, and delete containers.
Additionally, it can talk to third party DNS providers to automatically register and remove records, and bootstrap containers so once a user hits create, they can sit back for a moment and then be ready to SSH in and begin work.
LXDepot has only a few command line flags to keep things simple
-port (default:8080) which port to bind to
-config (default:configs/config.yaml) instance config file
-webroot (default:web/) where our templates + static files live
-cache_templates (default:true) more for dev work, setting to false make the service read the web templates off disk each request
./lxdepot -port=8888 -config=/opt/lxdepot/configs/config.yaml -webroot=/opt/lxdepot/web/
The config file controls PKI, the hosts we talk to, DNS configuration, and bootstrapping commands. A fully documented sample config can be found in configs/sample.yaml
To use this you need to create a client cert and key using openssl or similar. An example openssl command is:
openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout client.key -out client.crt -days 365 -subj '/CN=lxdepot'
This cert will then need added to all the LXD hosts you want to talk to. Put the client.crt on the host and then do:
lxc config trust add client.crt
Alter the commands as you see fit, these are only examples.
The server certificate can then be found (on the LXD host) at: /var/lib/lxd/server.crt
Sometimes you don't want people messing with your stuff. To that end, if you do not want LXDepot to manage a container, that is to say start, stop, delete (it will still be listed and you can view info on it), add this user flag to the container. It will tell LXDepot the container is off limits
During creation add this to the config, the container will start and bootstrap and then be unmanageable by LXDepot
Or from the command line:
lxc config set CONTAINERNAME user.lxdepot_lock true
First, this was an experiment in learning Go, so I'm sure there are a few things that make you go ... wat
Secondly, everthing was initially developed for use at Circonus so perhaps some assumptions were made (like limiting to IPv4).
Last, tests are light / not really exsistent for anything as this depends on a lot of external services to really do anything, and I haven't decided how to handle that in test yet