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Teiid Spring Boot User Guide

What is Teiid Spring Boot?

Teiid Spring Boot is a framework for developing Spring applications, that are looking to utilize Data Virtualization features. Data Virtualization technology provides seamless integration with multiple hetrogenious data sources. For example, you can combine data from Oracle database with data from Microsoft SQL Server, REST Service, Flat File etc. You not only integrate the data, you can also create your own Views of that integrated data. The Data Virtualization technology is based on Teiid

Teiid Spring Boot is a new bootstapping mechanism of Teiid for rapid development - including the optional use of Annotations and the Spring ecosystem. If you are familiar with Spring, and in particular the JPA or JDBC template model, then most of learning is already done.

How is Teiid Spring Boot different from Teiid?

If you are familiar with Teiid or Teiid Embedded, most of the functionality you are after in using Teiid is still there. However it requires new Spring paradigms to utilize.

Teiid Spring Boot has two flavors. One that is purely code driven, and another that supports a DDL VDB.

VDB-less Development

There is NO VDB. You read it correct! OK, we lied there is no user facing VDB. In the regular Teiid development one needs to use tooling like Teiid Designer or use DDL based files and build Virtual Database (VDB), then deploy that into a server environment. Data sources need to be configured before you can use virtual views in your application.

With Teiid Spring Boot there is no need to use the any tooling - your application layer and View definition layer become one. The virtual View construction happens with Annotations in your Java code. It is exactly the same steps as defining an Entity using JPA framework with couple extra annotations that are specific to Teiid.

In the regular Teiid development, Teiid is typically accessed as an external database. You connect to it using a JDBC connection, or layer a JPA on top of the JDBC connection. In VDB-less Teiid Spring Boot, it is more a framework/library to join the data. The Teiid engine is bootstrapped as implicit embedded database on your application start, which user doesn’t really need to know about. The VDB is used via JPA and other Spring constructs without the need for exposing a socket based server for database connections.

VDB-less Teiid Spring Boot is not really designed for running third party BI tools like Tableau, Business Objects etc to some business reports. This is designed specifically for its usage with Microservices and Spring based Java applications.

Since this is Spring Boot, this only supports Java language.

VDB Based Development

Most of the user guide addresses the VDB-less case. However if you need traditional Teiid features, such as utilizing a DDL file and exposing that explicit database via JDBC, pg, OData, then VDB based development is for you.

Please refer to the sample.

Your First Example, Join Data From Two Postgres Databases

This guide walks you through the process of building an application that uses Teiid Spring Boot and JPA to store and retrieve data from two relational databases as a single call

What you’ll build

You’ll build an application that combines the data from two separate tables from two separate Postgres databases. For simplicity, this example assumes both databases identical and both have identical schema as follows.

CREATE TABLE customer (
    id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    firstName character varying(25),
    lastName character varying(25)

However, your data inside these tables can be different.

What you’ll need

  • About 15 minutes

  • A favorite text editor or IDE

  • JDK 1.11 or later

  • Maven 3.0+

Build With Maven

First you set up a basic build script. You can use any build system you like when building apps with Spring, but the code you need to work with Maven is included here. If you’re not familiar with Maven, refer to Building Java Projects with Maven.

Go to Spring Initializer and type in "JPA" in dependencies and generate a project. Then open the generated code in your favorite IDE, and edit the pom.xml to add the below dependencies.

Otherwise, in a project directory of your choosing, create the following sub-directory structure; for example, with

mkdir -p src/main/java/example on *nix systems:

and create pom.xml file of your choosing and add following maven dependencies

   <version>{{ book.versionNumber }}</version>

Since we are going to connect Postgres database, add the JDBC driver dependency. You can replace this with database driver of your choosing.


Define the Data Sources

In this example, first we need to define all of the data sources that are in play. To capture data source configuration information, create the following Java class. This pattern is prescribed in Spring Boot when working more than single database. Please note the annotation @ConfigurationProperties defines the properties prefix as well identifier for datasource.

package org.example;

public class DataSources {
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "")
    public DataSource africa() {
        return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource.europe")
    public DataSource europe() {
        return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
Keep the data source property name and method name exactly SAME. From above example "africa" in property and africa() method, keep the names same, as additional properties will not be discovered otherwise.

We are creating two(2) data source connections, with names "africa" and "europe". Now we need to provide the corresponding configuration for these data sources. In "" file, define your configuration similar to


# these Teiid specific source import properties


# these Teiid specific source import properties

Change the property values above to fit your database environment. The property with "importer.SchemaPattern" post fix defines that database schema that you would like to access tables from. There are lot more properties to restrict/allow what schema objects you want to work with. Check Teiid documentation for JDBC Translator "import" properties.

Define View/Entity Class

Now it is time to define the main Entity or View class. We have the Customer table in both the databases that we need to union as one. For that, create Entity like below

package org.teiid.spring.example;

@SelectQuery("SELECT id, firstName, lastName FROM africa.Customer "
                +"UNION ALL "
                +"SELECT id, firstName, lastName FROM europe.Customer")
public class Customer {
    long id;
    String firstName;
    String lastName;

    public Customer() {}
    public Customer(int id, String firstName, String lastName) { = id;
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName= lastName;
    public String toString() {
        return "Customer [id=" + id + ", firstName=" + firstName + ", lastName=" + lastName + "]";

Here you have a Customer class with three attributes, the id, the Firstname, and the LastName. You also have two constructors. The default constructor only exists for the sake of JPA. You won’t use it directly. The other constructor is the one you’ll use to create instances of Customer to be used from the database.

In this guide, the typical getters and setters and import statements have been left out for brevity.

The Customer class is annotated with @Entity, indicating that it is a JPA entity. The @Table annotation, is optional, but to give a different unioned name in Teiid you can define it. Sometimes @Table also need to be used to avoid the naming conflicts.

The Customer’s id property is annotated with @Id so that JPA will recognize it as the object’s identity. The id property.

The other two properties, name and ssn are left with out any annotation. It is assumed that they’ll be mapped to columns that share the same name as the properties themselves.

@SelectQuery annotation is where most of the magic of Teiid is occurring. This defines a query that joins the tables from two separate data sources. This can be any ANSI compatible SQL query, make sure the entities at data source level are fully qualified. For ex: africa.Customer, where africa represents the data source name you created in class.

At application boot time, Teiid Spring Boot scans the application’s packages for these annotations and builds the respective metadata required to create a virtual database internally and deploys to a internal server. To do this annotation scan, define the application package name in file as below.


In absence of this property entire classpath is scanned, that could take significant time depending upon all the libraries in your application.

For more available annotations, refer to Reference Guide.

The convenient toString() method will print out the customer’s properties.

Create simple queries

Spring Data JPA focuses on using JPA to store data in a relational database. Its most compelling feature is the ability to create repository implementations automatically, at runtime, from a repository interface.

To see how this works, create a repository interface that works with Customer entities:

package org.example;

public interface CustomerRepository extends CrudRepository<Customer, Long> {

CustomerRepository extends the CrudRepository interface. The type of entity and ID that it works with, Customer and Long, are specified in the generic parameters on CrudRepository. By extending CrudRepository, CustomerRepository inherits several methods for working with Customer persistence, including methods for saving, deleting, and finding Customer entities.

Spring Data JPA also allows you to define other query methods by simply declaring their method signature. In a typical Java application, you’d expect to write a class that implements CustomerRepository. But that’s what makes Spring Data JPA so powerful: You don’t have to write an implementation of the repository interface. Spring Data JPA creates an implementation on the fly when you run the application.

Let’s wire this up and see what it looks like!

Create an Application class

Here you create an Application class with all the components.

package org.example;

public class Application implements CommandLineRunner {
    private CustomerRepository customerRepository;

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args).close();
    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("\n\nFrom All customers entity");

Now when you execute this application, you should see results like below, which are combined results from both of your Postges database tables.

Customer [id=1002, firstName=Joseph, lastName=Smith]
Customer [id=1003, firstName=Nicholas, lastName=Ferguson]
Customer [id=1004, firstName=Jane, lastName=Aire]
Customer [id=1005, firstName=Charles, lastName=Jones]

If you need to do insert/update/delete with above example you would need to define additional annotations for them. See @InsertQuery, @UpdateQuery and @DeleteQuery. If you need to read data from a JSON based payload, see @JsonTable annotation. Using similar techniques you combine data from any data source. Currently we have rdbms, file, web-service, excel support but all the data sources that are supported by Teiid will be supported in this framework very soon. If you want to contribute please let us know.

For full working example of this can be found here

Available Examples

See the samples.