This is the configuration repository for the
We use branch based environments to manage the configuration. The branch name is the environments it applies to.
The deliverables' repositories are:
The NDC application:
Semantic viewers:
Deployment to dev is automatic whenever there is a change in BE or FE app.
classDef default stroke:white,color:#fff,clusterBkg:none,fill:#3344d0
classDef cluster font-weight: bold,fill:none,color:darkgray,stroke:#3344d0,stroke-width:2px
classDef subgraph_padding fill:none, stroke:none, opacity:0
classDef bounded_context stroke-dasharray:5 5
dev((developers fa:fa-user))
BE["backend\nrepo fa:fa-code"]
FE["frontend\nrepo fa:fa-code"]
KUBE["kubernetes\nrepo (dev branch) fa:fa-code"]
subgraph Applications
direction TB
Registry -.- |download images| INFRA
dev -->|push\n changes fa:fa-code-merge| Applications
Applications -->|CI triggers workflow\nusing an access token\n on| KUBE
Applications -->|CI pushes\nimages| Registry
click KUBE "" "Github Action"
KUBE --> |github webhook triggers\ndeployment| INFRA([ISTAT dev\ninfrastructure fa:fa-server])
This is a partially automated. Developers are expected to manually promote the dev
configuration to test
Once developer pushed his config changes to test
branch, ISTAT will recieve a webhook and will start the deployment
This is totally manual process.
Developers are expected to manually promote the test
configuration to prod
Then they should request the deployment of the prod
configuration to ISTAT over the email.