- Clone/Download the repository
- Run Julia from within the folder
- In Julia's REPL switch to package mode: type
- Activate the environement: type
activate .
- Install all necessary dependencies: type
There main file Main_Visualisation_Makie_MD7.jl that contained several visualisation options.
Set the path
to your file, e. g.:
path ="/Users/imac/REPO_GIT/MDOODZ7.0/MDLIB/"
Select the time steps to be visualised, for example to visualise from step 0 to 100 with a step of 20:
file_start = 0
file_step = 20
file_end = 100
Define which field, for example the phases:
field = :phases
Some useful switches:
printfig = true # <-------------- will print figures to disk as .png
ph_contours = true # <-------------- will overlay phase contours on top of heatmap
T_contours = true # <-------------- will overlay temperature contours on top of heatmap
fabric = true # <-------------- will add fabric quiver (normal to director vector)
α_heatmap = 0.85 # <-------------- transparency of heatmap
nap = 0.3 # <-------------- pause for animation
... customize and contribute!
Results obtained with new code versions can be compared to reference models. Here is an example for PinchSwellGSE
which models pinch-and-swell formation with grain size evolution:
Another example with the Shrinking
model configuration which models the stress perturbation due to densification: