Control an energetic dog on a borking adventure. Dodge enemies, unleash powerful borks, and collect powerups to increase your score. Embrace the challenge and see how far you can run in this delightful game.
turbo-cli run -w .
Define game metadata and settings such as name, version, author, description, and resolution.
turbo::cfg! {r#"
name = "Bork Runner"
version = "1.0.0"
author = "Turbo"
description = "Infinite runner as a dog with borks and a bat."
resolution = [256, 144]
Initialize the game state with relevant parameters.
turbo::init! {
struct GameState {
// ... (abbreviated for brevity)
} = {
In the game, when the player presses a button, the dog shoots out something called a "Bork." This Bork travels across the screen, and if it hits an enemy,
if state.last_game_over == 0 && state.is_ready {
// Bork!!!
if gp.start.just_released() {
if state.tick - state.last_bork >= state.bork_rate && > 0 {
state.borks.push(Bork::new(state.dog_x, state.dog_y));
state.last_bork = state.tick; -= 1;
// ... (other controls and game logic)