- 3D Manhattan Room Layout Reconstruction from a Single 360 Image
- PanoAnnotator
- LayoutMP3D: Layout Annotation of Matterport3D
- Matterport3DLayoutAnnotation github (we use the annotation provided by LayoutNetv2)
Please refer to Matterport3DLayoutAnnotation to download the source datas.
- Put all the rgb under
. - Download the annotation to
(originally json format). - Download the data split into
Use below code to convert original ground-truth json into txt. (Remember to update the uppercase variables)
import os
import glob
import json
import numpy as np
IN_GLOB = 'label_data/*json'
OUT_DIR = 'label_cor'
os.makedirs(OUT_DIR, exist_ok=True)
for p in glob.glob(IN_GLOB):
gt = json.load(open(p))
assert gt['cameraHeight'] == 1.6
us = np.array([pts['coords'][0] for pts in gt['layoutPoints']['points']])
us = us * 1024
cs = np.array([pts['xyz'] for pts in gt['layoutPoints']['points']])
cs = np.sqrt((cs**2)[:, [0, 2]].sum(1))
vf = np.arctan2(-1.6, cs)
vc = np.arctan2(-1.6 + gt['layoutHeight'], cs)
vf = (-vf / np.pi + 0.5) * 512
vc = (-vc / np.pi + 0.5) * 512
cor_x = np.repeat(us, 2)
cor_y = np.stack([vc, vf], -1).reshape(-1)
cor_xy = np.stack([cor_x, cor_y], -1)
out_path = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, os.path.split(p)[-1][:-4] + 'txt')
with open(out_path, 'w') as f:
for x, y in cor_xy:
f.write('%.2f %.2f\n' % (x, y))
Use below code to organize the data split for training and evaluation. (Remember to update the uppercase variables)
import os
from shutil import copy2
IMG_ROOT = 'image_up'
TXT_ROOT = 'label_cor'
OUT_ROOT = 'mp3d_layout'
TRAIN_TXT = 'mp3d_train.txt'
VALID_TXT = 'mp3d_val.txt'
TEST_TXT = 'mp3d_test.txt'
def go(txt, split):
out_img_root = os.path.join(OUT_ROOT, split, 'img')
out_txt_root = os.path.join(OUT_ROOT, split, 'label_cor')
os.makedirs(out_img_root, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(out_txt_root, exist_ok=True)
with open(txt) as f:
ks = ['_'.join(l.strip().split()) for l in f]
for k in ks:
copy2(os.path.join(IMG_ROOT, k + '.png'), out_img_root)
copy2(os.path.join(TXT_ROOT, k + '_label.txt'), out_txt_root)
os.rename(os.path.join(out_txt_root, k + '_label.txt'), os.path.join(out_txt_root, k + '.txt'))
go(TRAIN_TXT, 'train')
go(VALID_TXT, 'valid')
go(TEST_TXT, 'test')
We assume only visible corners in txt annotation (which is the same as Holistic 3D Vision Challenge, ECCV2020's format).
For MatterportLayout dataset, please copy&paste below script to
and run:
python --ori_glob "data/mp3d_layout/train/label_cor/*txt" --output_dir data/mp3d_layout/train_no_occ/label_cor/*txt
python --ori_glob "data/mp3d_layout/valid/label_cor/*txt" --output_dir data/mp3d_layout/valid_no_occ/label_cor/*txt
python --ori_glob "data/mp3d_layout/test/label_cor/*txt" --output_dir data/mp3d_layout/test_no_occ/label_cor/*txt
import os
import json
import glob
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from misc import panostretch
def cor_2_1d(cor, H=512, W=1024):
bon_ceil_x, bon_ceil_y = [], []
bon_floor_x, bon_floor_y = [], []
n_cor = len(cor)
for i in range(n_cor // 2):
xys = panostretch.pano_connect_points(cor[i*2],
cor[(i*2+2) % n_cor],
z=-50, w=W, h=H)
bon_ceil_x.extend(xys[:, 0])
bon_ceil_y.extend(xys[:, 1])
for i in range(n_cor // 2):
xys = panostretch.pano_connect_points(cor[i*2+1],
cor[(i*2+3) % n_cor],
z=50, w=W, h=H)
bon_floor_x.extend(xys[:, 0])
bon_floor_y.extend(xys[:, 1])
bon_ceil_x, bon_ceil_y = sort_xy_filter_unique(bon_ceil_x, bon_ceil_y, y_small_first=True)
bon_floor_x, bon_floor_y = sort_xy_filter_unique(bon_floor_x, bon_floor_y, y_small_first=False)
bon = np.zeros((2, W))
bon[0] = np.interp(np.arange(W), bon_ceil_x, bon_ceil_y, period=W)
bon[1] = np.interp(np.arange(W), bon_floor_x, bon_floor_y, period=W)
#bon = ((bon + 0.5) / H - 0.5) * np.pi
return bon
def sort_xy_filter_unique(xs, ys, y_small_first=True):
xs, ys = np.array(xs), np.array(ys)
idx_sort = np.argsort(xs + ys / ys.max() * (int(y_small_first)*2-1))
xs, ys = xs[idx_sort], ys[idx_sort]
_, idx_unique = np.unique(xs, return_index=True)
xs, ys = xs[idx_unique], ys[idx_unique]
assert np.all(np.diff(xs) > 0)
return xs, ys
def find_occlusion(coor):
u = panostretch.coorx2u(coor[:, 0])
v = panostretch.coory2v(coor[:, 1])
x, y = panostretch.uv2xy(u, v, z=-50)
occlusion = []
for i in range(len(x)):
raycast = LineString([(0, 0), (x[i], y[i])])
other_layout = []
for j in range(i+1, len(x)):
other_layout.append((x[j], y[j]))
for j in range(0, i):
other_layout.append((x[j], y[j]))
other_layout = LineString(other_layout)
return np.array(occlusion)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('--ori_glob', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--output_dir', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
os.makedirs(args.output_dir, exist_ok=True)
paths = glob.glob(args.ori_glob)
for path in paths:
if path.endswith('json'):
with open(path) as f:
dt = json.load(f)
cor = np.array(dt['uv'], np.float32)
cor[:, 0] *= 1024
cor[:, 1] *= 512
with open(path) as f:
cor = np.array([l.strip().split() for l in f]).astype(np.float32)
cor = cor.reshape(-1, 4)
duplicated = [False] * len(cor)
for i in range(len(duplicated)):
for j in range(i+1, len(duplicated)):
if (cor[j] == cor[i]).sum() == 4:
duplicated[j] = True
cor = cor[~np.array(duplicated)].reshape(-1, 2)
cor[:, 0] = cor[:, 0] % 1024
cor = np.roll(cor[:, :2], -2 * np.argmin(cor[::2, 0]), 0)
occlusion = find_occlusion(cor[::2].copy()).repeat(2)
bon = cor_2_1d(cor)
cor_v1 = []
for i in range(0, len(cor), 2):
if occlusion[i] & ~occlusion[(i+2) % len(cor)]:
cur_x = cor[i, 0]
next_x = cor[(i+2) % len(cor), 0]
prev_x, j = None, i-2
while prev_x is None:
if j < 0:
j += len(cor)
if ~occlusion[j]:
prev_x = cor[j, 0]
j -= 2
dist2next = min(abs(next_x-cur_x), abs(next_x+1024-cur_x), abs(next_x-1024-cur_x))
dist2prev = min(abs(prev_x-cur_x), abs(prev_x+1024-cur_x), abs(prev_x-1024-cur_x))
# print(cor[i], prev_x, next_x, dist2next, dist2prev)
if dist2prev < dist2next:
cor_v1.append([prev_x, bon[0, (int(prev_x)+1) % 1024]])
cor_v1.append([prev_x, bon[1, (int(prev_x)+1) % 1024]])
cor_v1.append([next_x, bon[0, (int(next_x)-1) % 1024]])
cor_v1.append([next_x, bon[1, (int(next_x)-1) % 1024]])
elif ~occlusion[i]:
cor_v1 = np.stack(cor_v1, 0)
for _ in range(len(cor_v1)):
if np.alltrue(cor_v1[::2, 0][1:] - cor_v1[::2, 0][:-1] >= 0):
cor_v1 = np.roll(cor_v1, 2, axis=0)
if not np.alltrue(cor_v1[::2, 0][1:] - cor_v1[::2, 0][:-1] >= 0):
cor_v1[2::2] = np.flip(cor_v1[2::2], 0)
cor_v1[3::2] = np.flip(cor_v1[3::2], 0)
for _ in range(len(cor_v1)):
if np.alltrue(cor_v1[::2, 0][1:] - cor_v1[::2, 0][:-1] >= 0):
cor_v1 = np.roll(cor_v1, 2, axis=0)
with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, f'{os.path.split(path)[1].replace("json", "txt")}'), 'w') as f:
for u, v in cor_v1:
f.write(f'{u:.0f} {v:.0f}\n')
So now, you should have a mp3d_layout
directory with below structure for HoHoNet to train.
└── mp3d_layout
├── train
│ ├── img/*png
│ └── label_cor/*txt
├── train_no_occ
│ ├── img/*png
│ └── label_cor/*txt
├── valid
│ ├── img/*png
│ └── label_cor/*txt
├── valid_no_occ
│ ├── img/*png
│ └── label_cor/*txt
├── test
│ ├── img/*png
│ └── label_cor/*txt
└── test_no_occ
├── img/*png
└── label_cor/*txt