Note: Ingress Controller
should be installed if dashboard need to be accessible from outside the cluster.
./gok install monitoring
./gok create certificate monitoring kube
./gok patch ingress prometheus-server monitoring letsencrypt kube
./gok patch ingress grafana monitoring letsencrypt kube
./gok reset monitoring
Grafana: username: admin password: admin
Prometheus Server: The main server which stores and scrapes time series data.
TSDB(Time Series Database): Metrics are a critical aspect of any system to understand its health and operational state. Design of any system requires collection, storage and reporting of metrics to provide a pulse of the system. Data is stored over a series of time intervals and needs an efficient database to store and retrieve this data.OpenTSDB Time Series Database is one such time series database that can serve that need.
PromQL: Prometheus defines a rich query language in the form of PromQL to query data from the time series database.
Pushgateway: Available to support short lived jobs.
Exporters: They are used to promoting metrics data to the prometheus server.
Alertmanager: Used to send notifications to various communication channels like slack, email to notify users.