A minimal, super lightweight (3KB minimized and gzipped), zero dependency, JavaScript animation library.
Since this library was created a standards-based alternative has been introduced: the Web Animation API. This API is well-supported in modern browsers. Unless you need to support old browsers like IE 10 you will be better off using it than this library. If you do need to support older browsers, you should probably still use the Web Animation API with a polyfill.
npm install animol --save
import * as animol from 'animol';
const myElement = document.getElementById('my-element');
myElement, // DOM element
2000, // Duration
{ marginLeft: '0px', backgroundColor: '#FF0000' }, // From
{ marginLeft: '200px', backgroundColor: '#00FF00' }, // To
animol.Easing.easeInOutCubic, // Easing function
1000 // Delay
Animol is intended to be super lightweight, ease to use and performant. It abstracts the repetitive logic for calling requestAnimationFrame
, easing, and parsing CSS strings.
It's ideal for small projects where you want to do some JavaScript animations without reinventing the wheel, and you don't want to import a large library.
For advanced use cases involving timelines, svg, etc. check out Greensock or Anime.js.
Compatible with all modern browsers and IE 10+.