The YKFOATHSession
provides access to the OATH application on a YubiKey, for managing and using OATH TOTP and OATH HOTP credentials (as specified in RFC 6238 and RFC 4226).
Communication with the OATH application is done through the YKFOATHSession
and the methods it expose. You obtain the session by calling - (void)oathSession:(YKFOATHSessionCallback _Nonnull)callback
on a YKFConnectionProtocol
. The method is guaranteed to either return the session or an error, never both nor neither.
connection.oathSession { session, error in
guard let session = session else { /* Handle error */ return }
session.listCredentials { credentials, error in
// Do something with the array of credentials
[connection oathSession:^(YKFOATHSession * _Nullable session, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (session == nil) { /* Handle error */ return; }
[session listCredentialsWithCompletion:^(NSArray<YKFOATHCredential *> * _Nullable credentials, NSError * _Nullable error) {
// Do something with the array of credentials
Read more about OATH on the Yubico developer site.