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Cheng20010201 edited this page Mar 16, 2020 · 42 revisions

Source Academy Assessments Repo

Assessments are XML files that specify student homework: missions, paths, quests, practical assessments etc. This repo allows the Source Academy community to share sample assessments and their concomitant modules.

Note that as of AY1920, the assessments of the module CS1101S are kept in private repositories. This public repo currently only serves documentation purposes and contains example files. The cadet backend checks the private repositories regularly (e.g. hourly) and picks up any new ones.

Further documentation

Structure of assessment repos

We specify that private assessment repos contain folders (such as my_missions or paths_2021), and each of these folders contain Assessment XML files. The file names and folder names are ignored. What matters is the content of the files regarding mission number and kind, and not the file names.

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