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File metadata and controls

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YAML-Based Exchange Format for Correctness Witnesses

Introduction to Verification Entries

Verification entries represent verification results, including invariants at various program locations. Their YAML-based, flexible exchange format is designed to be easy to understand by humans and easy to process by tools.

Each information record is called verification entry. There can be several entries in one file of verification entries. Loop invariants are an example of an entry type. The format can be extended by other entry types to support exchange of other verification artifacts.

The design goal of this format is to simplify cooperation between tools that participate in the verification process.

Identification of entries is a major concern: we use UUIDs for references between entries.

Format Description

Each file of verification entries is formatted in YAML.

A valid file of verification entries contains an array, even if there is only a single entry. Files of verification entries are UTF-8 encoded.

Each file of verification entries contains an array of entries. The format of an entry depends on its entry type. Currently, we have the following entry types:

  • loop_invariant
  • loop-invariant_certificate

Entry types are use-case specific and independent. Each producer and consumer of entries can filter those entry types that it supports.

The following sections describe the format of a verification entry for each entry-type.

Loop Invariant

Loop invariants are important building blocks in software verification. There are many verification approaches that use loop invariants as lemmata to construct a proof of correctness.

Verification entries of entry type loop invariant can be used as verification witness, more specifically, correctness witnesses.

In the following, we provide an example, and then a detailed description of the various components.


We consider the file multivar_1-1.c.invariant_witness.yaml, which is a file of verification entries that contains a verification entry of type loop invariant. The verification entries where produced for the verification task multivar_1-1.yml for program file multivar_1-1.c.

The verification entry has four parts: the entry type, the metadata to describe the provenance of the entry, the location that this entry talks about, and the invariant at that location.

- entry_type: loop_invariant
    format_version: 0.1
    uuid: 91023a0f-9f45-4385-88c4-1152ade45537
    creation_time: 2021-05-05T15:18:43+02:00
      name: CPAchecker 
      version: 2.0.1-svn
      configuration: (Optional) svcomp21--04-kInduction
      description: (Optional)
      command_line: (Optional)
        - multivar_1-1.c
        multivar_1-1.c: 511f45a8d763ef520f6d92e4135c8572805994a66531c6216b17157d0dde2f9c
      specification: CHECK( init(main()), LTL(G ! call(reach_error())) )
      data_model: ILP32
      language: C
    file_name: multivar_1-1.c
    file_hash: 511f45a8d763ef520f6d92e4135c8572805994a66531c6216b17157d0dde2f9c
    line: 22
    column: 0
    function: main
    string: (x >= 1024U) && (x <= 4294967295U) && (y == x)
    type: assertion
    format: C


The following tables describe the format in more detail.

Property Data Type Format Description
entry_type string "loop_invariant" The type of this entry. The format is specific to the entry type. In this case, the entry type declares that the entry contains a loop invariant that holds at some location in a program.
metadata assoc. array see below Additional information about the "environment" in which the entry was produced.
location assoc. array see below Location in the source code to which the entry refers, i.e., at which the loop invariant holds.
loop_invariant assoc. array see below Actual loop invariant.
Property Data Type Format Description
format_version string "0.1" Version of the verification-entries format that the entry is formatted in.
uuid string UUID Unique identifier of the entry (RFC4122 defines the UUID format).
creation_time string ISO 8601 Date and time when the entry (not the file) was created.
producer assoc. array see below Tool that produced the entry.
task assoc. array see below Verification task during which the entry was produced.
Property Data Type Format Description
name string Any Name of the tool that produced the invariant.
version string Any Version of the tool.
configuration (optional) string Any Configuration in which the tool ran. Consider using this property if there are substantially different configurations of the tool.
command_line (optional) string Bash-compliant command Command line with which the tool ran. Specifying the exact command possibly increases reproducibility.
description (optional) string Any Additional description. Use this property for any information that does not fit into any of the above properties.
Property Data Type Format Description
input_files string[] Bash-compliant file-name pattern File(s) that were given as input to the verfier. Each file pattern must represent exactly one input file.
input_file_hashes assoc. array <file-pattern> : <file-hash> Mapping of each input file to its SHA-256 hash. Every file-name pattern listed in input_files must appear in this property.
specification string SV-COMP format Specification against which the program was analyzed for producing the entry.
data_model string "ILP32" or "LP64" Data model that was assumed for the input program.
language string Any Source language of the input files.
Property Data Type Format Description
file_name string Bash-compliant file-name pattern Name of the file containing the loop where the invariant holds. Must be present in task.input_files.
file_hash string SHA-256 hash Hash of the file containing the loop where the invariant holds.
line integer natural number > 1 Line where the invariant holds (starting with 1).
column integer natural number >= 0 Column where the invariant holds in that line (starting with 0). For example, if column has value 0 then the invariant holds before the first source-code token of the line.
function string func. name in the source language Name of the function in which the invariant holds.
Property Data Type Format Description
string string defined in format The actual invariant formula.
type string "assertion" How to interpret string. The following values are supported:
  • assertion: Has the C semantics of assert(<string>) inserted at the specified location.
format string "C" Format of the string. The following values are supported:
  • C: Expression in C language.


A json-schema of the format can be found in file loop-invariant-schema.json. This schema can be used for validation and for code generation.

Loop-Invariant Certificate

Verification entries of entry type loop-invariant certificate can be used to document the outcome of validation attempts. That is, a validation of the verification result took place, in which a tool used the referenced loop invariant in its attempt to construct a proof of correctness, and its findings are documented in the entry of type loop-invariant certificate.

This entry type helps to document trust in an invariant (if an invariant has many confirmed certificates then it is likely to hold) and scoring decisions in competitions that assign scores only after confirmation from a results validation.


The file of verification entries multivar_1-1.c.invariant_witness.yaml also contains an entry of type loop-invariant_certificate, which has also four parts: the entry type, the metadata to describe the provenance of the entry, the target that identifies what is certified, and the certification result.

- entry_type: loop_invariant_certificate
    format_version: 0.1
    uuid: 954affa9-32e4-4b35-85ae-888da3a6a53b
    creation_time: 2021-05-05T15:18:43+02:00
      name: CPAchecker
      version: 2.0.1-svn
      configuration: (Optional) svcomp21--04-kInduction
      description: (Optional)
      command_line: (Optional)
    uuid: 91023a0f-9f45-4385-88c4-1152ade45537
    type: loop-invariant
    file_hash: XXXf45a8d763ef520f6d92e4135c8572805994a66531c6216b17157d0dde2f9c
    string: confirmed
    type: verdict
    format: confirmed | rejected


The following tables describe the format in more detail.