1.18.0 (2023-04-21)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#781) (8193be2)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#786) (ed054fe)
- WebDAV: fix WebDAV sync error on iOS (#789) (922f54b)
1.17.8 (2023-04-11)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#767) (05d6be0)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#779) (c756fa6)
- Editor: fix misplaced input placeholder on Safari (#783) (6360fab)
1.17.7 (2023-03-19)
- deps: update dependency notistack to v3 (#768) (6dc4356)
- WebDAV: fetching file metadata from WebDAV server (#773) (8229131)
1.17.6 (2023-03-08)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#745) (dce32d5)
- deps: update rust crate keyring to v2 (#759) (ad69f40)
- deps: update rust crate tauri to 1.2.4 (#740) (3acedb3)
- recurring task: avoid accidentally removing spaces when creating recurring tasks (#769) (3337df7)
1.17.5 (2023-02-14)
1.17.4 (2023-02-13)
1.17.3 (2023-02-10)
1.17.2 (2023-02-06)
1.17.1 (2023-02-06)
1.17.0 (2023-02-06)
- Clipboard: allow todo.txt content to be copied to the clipboard in Safari (#719) (1b486a5)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#697) (60ddf69)
- Desktop: update task list after adding a new todo.txt file (#744) (a2213f3)
- improved synchronization with cloud storages (#732) (3d60e02)
- Timeline: scroll to today's date (#716) (609a205)
1.16.1 (2022-12-07)
- CloudStorage: save done.txt in the same cloud directory as the todo.txt (#709) (1553dc2)
- SplashScreen: fix app stuck on the splash screen (#705) (37803ab)
- SplashScreen: hide splash screen after applying the theme mode (#708) (ba6147b)
- SplashScreen: run electron specific method only under the electron platform (#712) (904d7aa)
1.16.0 (2022-12-04)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#677) (69ba4b1)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#689) (8d5720f)
- deps: update dependency i18next to v22 (#691) (79c7931)
- deps: update dependency i18next-browser-languagedetector to v7 (#695) (eda75a5)
- deps: update dependency i18next-http-backend to v2 (#696) (379cacf)
- deps: update dependency react-i18next to v12 (#692) (71adefb)
1.16.0 (2022-12-04)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#677) (69ba4b1)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#689) (8d5720f)
- deps: update dependency i18next to v22 (#691) (79c7931)
- deps: update dependency i18next-browser-languagedetector to v7 (#695) (eda75a5)
- deps: update dependency i18next-http-backend to v2 (#696) (379cacf)
- deps: update dependency react-i18next to v12 (#692) (71adefb)
1.15.0 (2022-10-12)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#666) (52172ca)
- TaskForm: make sure that the due date can always be updated (#683) (9f294df)
1.14.1 (2022-09-29)
- deps: pin dependencies (#569) (3022ae9)
- deps: pin dependency @mui/x-date-pickers to 5.0.0-beta.2 (#586) (fafa829)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#664) (935b7c8)
- deps: update dependency @capacitor/filesystem to v4.1.0 (#645) (b3dd5ef)
- deps: update dependency @date-io/date-fns to v2.15.0 (#614) (4eede29)
- deps: update dependency @mui/material to v5.10.1 (#626) (1e65e50)
- deps: update dependency @mui/x-date-pickers to v5.0.0-beta.4 (#608) (184f545)
- deps: update dependency capacitor-rate-app to v3 (#620) (d19fcd1)
- deps: update dependency date-fns to v2.29.1 (#579) (59f9906)
- deps: update dependency date-fns to v2.29.2 (#630) (ac9d521)
- deps: update dependency i18next to v21.8.16 (#596) (76f6fde)
- deps: update dependency i18next to v21.9.0 (#611) (3a55f2d)
- deps: update dependency i18next to v21.9.1 (#628) (fef86f2)
- deps: update dependency i18next-browser-languagedetector to v6.1.5 (#616) (6eae659)
- deps: update dependency jszip to v3.10.1 (#605) (06ec304)
- deps: update dependency react-i18next to v11.18.3 (#590) (ac6bf3d)
- deps: update dependency react-i18next to v11.18.4 (#622) (666315e)
- deps: update dependency react-i18next to v11.18.5 (#642) (34b6152)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.82.0 (#593) (d5a1ad7)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.82.0 (#594) (b43f8cd)
- deps: update emotion monorepo to v11.10.0 (#598) (6e9a0a8)
- deps: update emotion monorepo to v11.10.4 (#652) (56e27a9)
- deps: update material-ui monorepo (#577) (2a220ad)
- deps: update material-ui monorepo (#588) (a9617bb)
- deps: update material-ui monorepo (#603) (9e6a488)
- deps: update material-ui monorepo (#612) (733df80)
- deps: update material-ui monorepo (#619) (2dcec16)
- deps: update material-ui monorepo (#633) (ab79e4b)
- deps: update material-ui monorepo (#650) (a5be08b)
- FilePicker: make files in the 2do.txt folder selectable via the file picker (#676) (f8bc7d4)
1.14.0 (2022-05-27)
- MentionTextEditor: zero-width chars handling (#443) (a26bc03)
- RecurrenceSelect: trigger change event with the correct value (#474) (a60c9d1)
1.13.0 (2022-05-08)
1.12.0 (2022-05-01)
1.11.0 (2022-04-30)
- FilePicker: correct drag-n-drop validation (#326) (b951f00)
- only show notification when tasks have been archived (#383) (ef9d79c)
- prevent the access token from being refreshed twice (#386) (9b5cdf7)
- TaskList: hide completed tasks if set via settings (#382) (0b98a8c)
- archive completed tasks to done.txt (#362) (f93e300)
- Filter: add option to set filter type (b446269)
- Filter: limit filter types to AND and OR (#345) (8596493)
- MentionTextField: automatically add a space after a mention (#378) (81edf00)
- TaskForm: open the task form in a full-screen dialog (iOS) (#381) (8c4ad81)
1.10.0 (2022-04-05)
- TaskForm: do not focus the task description field after selecting a due date (#324) (13d2ba1)
- TaskForm: prevent multiple spaces from being inserted into the task text when mention chooser is opened (mobile) (#320) (02e2d63)
- TaskForm: trim task text when adding mention trigger (#323) (66f9e2d)
1.9.0 (2022-04-02)
- PrioritySelect: deactivate auto-selection if no priority was entered with the keyboard (#312) (db918c8)
- TaskEditor: render mentions after copy & paste task text (#309) (2e05282)
- CloudStorage: extend "Session expired" toast with an action to login again (#294) (653b4d0)
- PrioritySelect: better keyboard support for task priority selection (#308) (103819e)
- TaskList: multiple filter conditions are ANDed together (#301) (6a71f0f)
1.8.0 (2022-03-25)
- drag and drop support for todo.txt files (#265) (a813970)
- TaskEditor: improve suggestions of contexts, projects and tags (#255) (f3d1646)
1.7.0 (2022-03-13)
1.6.0 (2022-02-10)
1.5.0 (2022-01-03)
1.4.0 (2021-12-13)
- add iOS platform (#176) (fcc6584)
- code signing for macOS app (#186) (f88710b)
- show confirmation dialog before deleting a task (#187) (9117312)
1.3.0 (2021-12-03)
- react-router: add basename for GitHub Pages (#161) (3c705a1)
- update the raw property when editing a task (#165) (22df1aa)