./deployment.sh exec tagservice bin/seedTopicTags
./deployment.sh exec searchindexer bin/delete
./deployment.sh exec searchindexer bin/index
This will update the solr search service index.
./deployment.sh exec searchindexer bin/delete
./deployment.sh exec searchindexer bin/scheduleJobs
This will add nlp update tasks to a background jobs processing queue to limit resources spending.
In order to login into the https://learninglocker.slidewiki.org for the first time, we need to create a site admin user:
./deployment.sh exec learninglockerapi node cli/dist/server createSiteAdmin [email] SlideWiki [password]
- Login as admin and open SlideWiki organisation.
- Go to Settings -> Stores and select "Add new", name it SlideWiki
- Go to Clients: a new client should have been set up for SlideWiki Store.
- Rename it to SlideWiki Activities Service or similar, and check Scopes: All
- Select "Add new" in Clients page
- Name it SlideWiki Platform, and select ONLY Scopes: Read all statements
The SlideWiki Activities Service client will be the one used for writing statements in the SlideWiki Store. The key-secret pair should be included in .env as:
The SlideWiki Platform client will be used for reading all statements from SlideWiki Store. The Basic Auth string should be included in .env as:
pause background jobs
./deployment.sh stop learninglockerworker
copy stuff
./deployment.sh exec activitiesservice bin/lrs-cp
unpause background jobs
./deployment start learninglockerworker