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Shaun Reich edited this page May 7, 2013 · 14 revisions

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Basic walkthrough examples (C++, but applicable to other languages)

Adding a bunch of static bodies (useful for very large tiled worlds)

` cpSpace* space = cpSpaceNew();

cpVect gravity = cpv(0, -9.8); cpSpaceSetGravity(space, gravity);

// each space has its own static body, so in the case of a large tiled world, we'll just add // shapes to that one body, which means that it's quite cheap. (this is equivalent to Box2D's adding // multiple fixtures to one body).

cpBB bb = cpBBNew(x, y, x2, y2); cpShape *tileShape = cpBoxShapeNew2(space->staticBody, bb); cpShapeSetFriction(tileShape, 0.7);

cpSpaceAddShape(space, tileShape);


And of course you can do that many many times, adding new shapes to the same static body but at different positions.

To delete a tile shape, do use the following:

cpSpaceRemoveShape(space, tileShape); cpShapeFree(tileShape) Note that you must remove the shape before freeing it otherwise you will crash.

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