The following instructions run CI checks locally on a container
Download the latest sr-build-tools image from aws: docker pull
If it asks you for login then use the following command: aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
Create a temp container: docker run -it --rm --net=host --privileged -e DISPLAY -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 --gpus all -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e LOCAL_USER_ID=$(id -u) -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw
pull the latest sr-build-tools: cd sr-build-tools; git pull
Clone the repository you want to test with: git clone --branch test_branch /home/user/workspace/src/sr_interface
Make sure you replace the test_branch with the branch you want to test
Enter in bin folder: cd bin
Now its time to run the check script: The arguments are: branch name of sr-build-tools, check type (local in our case), checks and local repository in our container If the repository you want to check is a private one or contains private repos in its repository rosinstall file you need to export your github credentials like that:
export GITHUB_LOGIN=your_username
export GITHUB_PASSWORD=your_password
These will be lost when you exit the container
The available checks are
install check: check_install
Style Check: code_style_check,check_license
Code Coverage: check_cache,code_coverage
For example:
sudo -E ./ master local-docker check_cache,code_coverage /home/user/workspace/src/sr_interface
The unit tests are stored here: /home/user/unit_tests
You need to install Ansible in order to run this script.
Use following command to do so (it will install recent version in contrary to apt-get)
sudo pip install ansible <repository path (default: ./src)> <workspace path (default: .)> <code-style-check-type(default: code_style_check)>
The results are written to <workspace>/build/test_results/<package_name> in XML format starting with roslint prefix.
~/workspaces/ros/sr-build-tools/bin/ ~/workspaces/ros/shadow_ws/src/sr-visualization ~/workspaces/ros/shadow_ws
sudo apt-get install git make gcc flex bison
git clone
- Check available versions of rt preempt patch
- Check corresponding kernel version
- Edit
variables to fit the chosen versions - Run
. It will open menuconfig, where you have to configure the preemption model. General setup
->Preemption Model
set to Fully Preemptible Kernel (RT)
- Edit
variable to fit the chosen version - Run
in the same directory
was run
- Run
sudo dpkg -i linux-*.deb
to install the deb packages
In order to be able to change between kernels at the system startup, go to /etc/default/grub
file and make sure that GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT
value is higher then zero or comment it out completely. If you made any changes to the file, before rebooting run sudo update-grub
At the system startup, in the GRUB menu select Advanced options for UBUNTU
and chose the rt kernel that you installed.
This script has a few pre-requists as it is normally ran via a CodeBuild execution which store parameters in AWS.
Firstly you will need to have AWS CLI configured. you can do this by running aws configure
and entering your Access Key and Secret Key as well as the Default Region as eu-west-2, you can leave the final value empty by just pressing enter.
You will then also have to set variables GITHUB_LOGIN
, the password you enter will need to be a token which has permission to pull all shadow-robot repos. To do this run:
export GITHUB_LOGIN="github_username"
export GITHUB_PASSWORD="github_token"
After this is done you can run the script. The script has 3 needed parameters and one optional
- Image Name: This is the URI of the image you want to get the changelog for (find examples here)
- Image Tag: This is the tag of the image you want to gather the changelog for. It won't work with night-build or release tags, just ones like noetic-v0.0.1
- Image Repository: This is the
Repository Name
field found here, it should match the URI of the image you used for the first parameter - (OPTIONAL) Image Tag Previous: If we ever have to re-publish old image or the script fails, we can use this Image Tag Previous field to manually select which two images we want to compare. If this value isn't present it will find the last chronological image tag that matches the same distribution tag
Example executions: Example with autoselected previous tag:
gather_changelog/ noetic-v0.0.8 shadow-dexterous-hand-glove
Example with Optional 4th varible:
gather_changelog/ noetic-v0.0.2 shadow-dexterous-hand-glove noetic-v0.0.1