0.19.0 (2024-11-16)
- add nwg-look (c85495b)
- distrobox/fedora: use host release version (d7d7e3f)
- niri wm config (#369) (6d06211)
0.18.0 (2024-10-18)
0.17.0 (2024-10-10)
0.16.0 (2024-09-02)
- add nerdfetch (4478e27)
- gnome: add gravatar extension (c63a299)
- keymapp: autostart on gnome (44e0efd)
- tenv: always autoinstall (76a3f60)
- chezmoi/gnome-ext: cleanup + no ignore (0a02856)
- init help message + unused comment in gh.fish (354ee71)
0.15.1 (2024-08-15)
- fish: gh auth properly ignore gh token (ba7de3c)
- fish: gh auth status (c719a00)
- nvim/telescope: conflicting key for open in trouble (57953fd)
0.15.0 (2024-07-28)
- fish: abbrs for graphit (c789cb1)
- fish: aqua improvements + gh/tf helpers (9ce919a)
- fish: more graphite abbrs (ff29378)
- nvim: additional lazy extras + misc cleanup (8480dcb)
- zsa/keymapp: true-up desktop + paperwm config (15f5224)
- aqua/renovate: handle trunkio/launcher from npm (9635e2c)
- gsettings/paperwm: correct wm classes (d861cd0)
- nvim: update which-key spec (5eff17d)
0.14.0 (2024-07-08)
0.13.0 (2024-06-15)
- nvim: some fun new editor plugins (7e5b2e9)
- nvim: some new opts for ui & indent + filetype handling (1202116)
0.12.0 (2024-06-07)
0.11.0 (2024-06-02)
- aqua: a few new packages to play with :D (a2652b7)
- aqua: add gh-dash (3caa067)
- nvim: navigation helper plugins (712a060)
- zellij: ctrl+o send Clear now that ctrl+l used for nav (5c6af56)
- chezmoi: remove BlackBox externals (46e0f8a)
- fish: git_status conflict when overlap in names (9e47224)
- nvim: conflict with shift+<h/l> - use buffer nav for now (3dfe5bc)
- nvim: let me scroll when I need it! (b537662)
0.10.0 (2024-05-18)
- aqua: .aqua/ symlinks for dots for gh actions use (a3447f8)
- aqua/fish: add dagger, kubeswitch, kubeiexec (2b65a25)
- aqua: add checksums + small pruning (75de87b)
- aqua: add dagger (42c50f4)
- aqua: add ghcp (89927e0)
- aqua: add helix editor (99991cd)
- aqua: upgrade neovim => v0.10.0 (2fe3950)
- chezmoi: add k9s config + themes (d3f7b77)
- chezmoi: chezmoiscript to install rustup (a79bb2d)
- fish/starship: + GCP/AWS context helper functions (bb48bec)
- fish: terraform abbrs (9bf3e92)
- new dot, yamlfmt (cbd7d2d)
- yazi - terminal file manager + nvim integration (e59f2f8)
- zellij/fish: fix attach + adds abbrs (333f8ea)
- zellij/nvim: better navigation (eb4edd3)
- chezmoi/rust: run installer accepting defaults (7dd6f96)
- distrobox: add wrapper to handle starting oneshot offline (ef7b67b)
- distrobox: fish init - handle vars not set in wayland (93563ae)
- fish/distrobox: ignore exited (e38a140)
- fish/distrobox: load order, after setenv + gum bin logic (76dd39c)
- fish: gpg init inside distrobox (eee025d)
- fish: squash a couple bugs in fish funcs (3d83b96)
- nvim: kill conflicting text wrapping keymaps (2befa97)
0.9.0 (2024-02-21)
- aqua: add several new (ab5f88b)
- aqua: golang errcheck (f705b0d)
- distrobox: enable systemd oneshots for auto-updates (694ad08)
- fish/zellij: fish helpers for interactions with zellij (08b01a4)
- fish: cleanup + misc distrobox/nvim related niceties (acaaf74)
- fish: launch fedora distrobox keymap (914492b)
- fish: launch into distrobox if available (9dedb0f)
- fish: zellij completion (a614175)
- nvim: autocmd to ignore formatting from vi comment (de8d685)
- zellij: additional edit abbrs / layouts (a007380)
- chezmoi/distrobox: handle case where XDG_RUNTIME_DIR missing (d6b8aef)
- distrobox: misc cleanup (a7d0e31)
- fish/abbrs: exa => eza flags (d453331)
- fish: keybindings to match distrobox containers (3766aeb)
0.8.0 (2024-02-03)
- aqua: add some packages (9fb2691)
- distrobox: bazzite-arch + use new exports feature (6bf76f9)
- Steam (flatpak) + MangoHud config (efefd6a)
- yubi: Yubi u2f keys from 1pass (214b6c8)
- fish/git_status: handle home printing /var (97cd74a)
- justfile: distrobox logic + conflict with ublue-os (a314c5a)
- just: use new import + add targets from ublue (76862cb)
0.7.0 (2023-12-09)
- add aichat + openai token (7f28922)
- chezmoi: add yubico authenticator (3275b91)
- chezmoi: add zsa keymap bin (aeb0a96)
- font: Monaspace NerdFont (0fc51b7)
- just: Set unstable via env (v1.16+) (a1649da)
- paperwm: scratch layer + custom keys (c36a9ff)
- zellij: add room plugin (ebe3f8d)
- zellij: enable session switcher keybindings (dfb80d0)
- chezmoi: match gnome* for desktop_session (96bea85)
- init: add instructions for init via db (ea9957e)
0.6.0 (2023-11-11)
- act: add act + hacky support for podman (a28764a)
- add gpg pub key + import (a80bfdd)
- aqua: add dive (af32f02)
- aqua: add gron - make json grepable (c8505a0)
- aqua: add smallstep/certificates (88030ed)
- distrobox: add fedora image (34d8c93)
- distrobox: add ublue/fedora image + enable nvidia when appropriate (b2b218b)
- distrobox: script to export apps & bins (616822c)
- fish: add function to quickly update git submodules in repo (d90c2f8)
- fish: add gobrew (5fe5415)
- fish: keybinding to drop into distrobox (b91b666)
- fish: more fun with light/dark (ce92b74)
- gsettings: backup favs + support distrobox backup (67cf73f)
- immich-go: add to aqua + token export (86f78f2)
- just: add ~/.justfile (only ublue support today) (a61c8e3)
- nav: add dkaslovsky/nav to aqua + helper funcs (37f554a)
- nvim/wezterm: auto-change dark/light based on time (8fd5d09)
- nvim/zellij: dark/light based on hour (dae9272)
- nvim: add justfile treesitter parser (4076584)
- playing w/ custom wallpaper config (f7bbbb9)
- pre-commit: add commit-msg local runner (db45d30)
- small tweaks to distrobox assemble + add just to aqua (4039ee2)
- zellij: shortcut for new tab w/ editor in specified dir (68dd3a3)
- aqua: revert installer version until they update their website (86219a4)
- chezmoi: overly trimmed blackbox + starship escape (4fae81d)
- chezmoi: properly handle ublue/not (3f4f5bd)
- fix: s/test/type/ (fa887df)
- nvim: fix up catppuccin + other issues (f7a10c6)
- paperwm: update user.js based on recent changes (0fa2771)
- path, cleanup db-assemble, chezmoi loginctl outside db (df8295b)
- starship: timeout + check custom (972a7cf)
- zellij: add copy_command based on desktop env (1e063c8)
0.5.0 (2023-07-29)
- aqua: add gum (a3f2898)
- aqua: add some more bins (fd03d67)
- aqua: more packages! (10a1b80)
- chezmoi: add GTK Colloid cursors (89c8cb9)
- chezmoi: additional nerd fonts (b64a68e)
- chezmoi: flyway (e9b522c)
- chezmoi: gnome - install catppuccin themes (+ small refactor) (cb27acc)
- chezmoi: gnome extensions via gext (4a9ffc9)
- chezmoi: handle FiraCode nerd font (d739378)
- chezmoi: pyenv install a default python version (fe84d00)
- chezmoi: ubuntu fonts (d29998e)
- distrobox: always pull (6c77111)
- fish: set/getclip support wayland (a9049d2)
- git: always setup remote (5bc9720)
- gnome ext: add pano (a6111b7)
- nvim: copilot + lazy updates (8270605)
- paperwm: calc always to scratch (9e5e942)
- starship: add distrobox info to prompt (6c080eb)
- wezterm config (816a018)
- chezmoi gext + gpg init (d995568)
- chezmoi: aqua update script - better handle op interaction (ac3d5d9)
- chezmoi: catppuccin install (ed93f41)
- chezmoi: init private repos - github auth check (6e0b58a)
- chezmoi: paperwm symlink (8af5247)
- cleanup from distrobox additions + handy fish func (ff47cb0)
- fish: actually edit using chezmoi 🤦 (c4005d2)
- fish: aqua func (0965dba)
- misc small fixes & tweaks (ac2b09f)
- paperwm: handle extension rename (16d8bff)
- renovate: remove breaking quotes for aqua/catppuccin (7b27666)
- setenv: has checks (e9c454a)
- starship: removed nerdfont chars (fb4f072)
0.4.0 (2023-04-22)
- aquas: add mage-select, nvim, direnv (ae61821)
- k8s + fish fun [+aquas] (bf8fe99)
- paru: add paru conf (b944552)
- init -> req go & fix dockerfile (eca7091)
0.3.0 (2023-04-17)
0.2.0 (2023-04-15)
- mage: option to install paru (AUR helper) (f5cb6cb)
- release 0.1.0 (5c9303b)