All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- refactored to use if_chain
- it is now possible to set defaults for limit, color and from in a config file
- the from value is now an option, in order for it to be omitted and use a default omitted and use a default
- limit parameter in request
- unit tests
- a bit of help for the cli args
- Moved the access of the api from main into the request module
- automatic paging, it caused build issues and people can pipe it on their own.
- options to activate and deactivate colored output
- Display time until the connection leaves
- Use colors and a bit of asci to make output nicer
- A changelog file
- Paged output of connections with
- Structs that represent the api
- CLI to query the api and print results