is a ROS4HRI-compatible
engagement detector node.
The node estimates the engagement status of persons who are in the field of view of the camera, using the 'visual social engagement' metric defined in "Measuring Visual Social Engagement from Proxemics and Gaze" (by Webb and Lemaignan). This metric combines the distance between the robot and the person, with a measure of mutual gazing (whether the person and the robot are looking at each other).
For each of the whose faces are detected by the robot (ie, in
), it performs temporal filtering of this metric
(over a 2sec window) and then publishes the resulting level of engagement on the
topic: humans/persons/<person_id>/engagement_status
The engagement status is defined according to the EngagementLevel.msg
Here a quick overview of the different states:
: no information is provided about the engagement levelDISENGAGED
: the human has not looked in the direction of the robotENGAGING
: the human has started to look in the direction of the robotENGAGED
: the human is fully engaged with the robotDISENGAGING
: the human has started to look away from the robot
roslaunch hri_engagement monitor.launch <parameters>
See config/00-default.yaml for the list of parameters, their documentation, and their default values.
follows the ROS4HRI conventions (REP-155).
In particular, it uses the conventions (topics, naming) defined in the REP to access the list of the people tracked.
(hri_msgs/IdList): the IdList of the tracked people/humans/persons/<person_id>/face_id
(std_msgs/String): the face_id corresponding to person <person_id>
(hri_msgs/EngagementLevel): the level of engagement of each tracked person/intents
(hri_actions_msgs/Intent): publishes anENGAGE_WITH
intent when a user is engaged with the robot.
Before launching the engagement detector, you need to get the following nodes compiled and running:
You can test hri_engagement
with your webcam:
- start
:rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node /usb_cam/image_raw:=/image
- By default,
publish its images in thehead_camera
optical frame, withZ
expect a reference frame (by default namedsellion_link
forward:rosrun tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 1.52 0 sellion_link head_camera
- start
:rosrun hri_face_detect detect
- start
:rosrun hri_person_manager hri_person_manager
- finally, start
:rosrun hri_engagement engagement_monitor _reference_frame:=sellion_link
If you configure the log level of hri_engagement
(using eg
), you can see the exact values being computed.
There are two tests, test_hri_engagement_synth_data
using synthetic data and
using rosbags derived from live recordings.
The synthetic data are simple programmatically generated inputs and expected ground truth outputs. Currently are generated sequences of static positions of up to two persons simultaneously.
There are two live recordings tests, one called test_simple_hri_engagement
the other called test_complex_hri_engagement
. The first one runs a test on a
few simple bags of a person in front of the camera. Those are supposed to all
pass. THe second one runs a test on more complex bags of three single persons
and three multi persons (two of them in front of the camera). At the moment
those tests do not pass and is not run by default.
First, we need to build the package
catkin build hri_engagement
And then:catkin test hri_engagement
N.B: The folder hri_engagement_bags
contains the bags recorded in the PRISCA
Lab in Naples. Each bag is a short recorded of 7-15 sec of a person (1p) or more
than one (2p) in front of the camera looking at it (eng_1 and eng_2) or not
(dis_1 and dis_2). The information regarding the bags are stored in the bag.json