This repository contains the files to build a model to evaluate the emotions from tweets.
Ensure you have the right versions of the dependencies. Run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a
file using the.env.sample
:cp .env.sample .env
Set the variables at the
This module is responsible for the tweets gathering process.
python -m data_fetch.get_tweets [QUERY] -s <SAVE_DIR> -m <MAX_REQUESTS> -c <COUNT> -n
Call the Twitter's API and search for tweets w/ the given QUERY
- query: String. Search parameter.
- -s | --save_dir: String. Path to the directory where the data will be saved.
- -m | --max_requests: Int. Max number of requests to the API. Default:
. - -c | --count: Int. Max number of tweets for each request. Default:
. - -n | -newer: Boolean. Collect the newer tweets. Default:
A DataFrame
w/ the collected data when a SAVE_DIR
is provided. Otherwise, None
python -m data_fetch.concat_datasets [QUERY] -s <SAVE_DIR> -m <MAX_REQUESTS> -c <COUNT> -n
Create a new file w/ the datasets containing the given QUERY
- query: String. Search parameter.
- dataset_dir: String. Path to the directory where the files are saved.
python -m data_fetch.kmeans_data_filter [FILE] -o <OUTPUT_NAME> -od <OUTPUT_DIR_NAME>
-ni <N_INIT> -mi <MAX_ITER>
Filter the data from a file, based on the result of a clustering process using the K-means algorithm.
- file: String. Path to the file that will be processed.
- -o | --output_name: String. Name of the output file, including the extension.
- -od | --output_dir_name: String. Name of the directory where the output
file will be placed. Default:
. - -mf | --max_features: Int. Max number of features to use for the TF-IDF
scoring. Default:
. - -n | --n_clusters: Int. Number of clusters to create. Default:
. - -ni | --n_init: Int. Number of time the k-means algorithm will be run
with different centroid seeds. Default:
. - -mi | --max_iter: Int. Maximum number of iterations of the k-means
algorithm for a single run. Default:
. - -r | --random_state: Int. Determines random number generation for
centroid initialization. Default:
This module is responsible for filtering the tweets, based the emotion associated w/ the query and the predicted sentiment.
python -m sentiment_analysis.train [MODEL_TYPE] [DATASET_PATH] [TOKENIZER_PATH]
Train a sentiment analysis model, using the given MODEL_TYPE
and save the weights.
- model_type: String. Model to use. Choices: [
] - dataset_path: String. Path to the dataset.
- tokenizer_path: String. Path to the tokenizer.
- save_dir: Stirng. Path to the directory where the weights will be saved.
- -l | --label_col: String. Name of the label column. Default:
. - -t | --text_col: String. Name of the text column. Default:
. - -v | --validation_split: Float. Fraction of the dataset to use as validation data. Default:
. - -ed | --embedding_dim: Int. Output dimension of the embedding layer. Default:
. - -lr | --learning_rate: Float. Initial learning rate. Default:
. - -e | --epochs: Int. Total number of epochs. Default:
. - -b | --batch_size: Int. Number of batches per epoch. Default:
python -m sentiment_analysis.train_nb [DATA_FILE] [MODEL_FILE] [SAVE_DIR] -t <TEXT_COL> -p
Train a naive bayes model and save it.
- filename: String. Path to the dataset.
- -l | label_col: String: Name of the label column. Default:
. - -t | text_col: String: Name of the text column. Default:
. - -t | validation_split: Float. Fraction of the dataset to use as validation data. Default:
python -m sentiment_analysis.predict_from_directory [FILES_DIR] [MODEL_FILE] [SAVE_PATH] -t <TEXT_COL>
Create an annotated dataset, based on the search query and the Naive Bayes' sentiment analysis.
- files_dir: String. Path to the directory containing the datasets.
- model_file: String. Path to the naive bayes
file. - save_path: String. Path where the resulting dataset will be saved.
- -t | --text_col: String. Name of the text column. Default:
python -m sentiment_analysis.predict_nb [DATA_FILE] [MODEL_FILE] [SAVE_DIR] -t <TEXT_COL> -p
Predict the tweet polarity and save the purge the oddly fetched examples.
- data_file: String. Path to the data file.
- model_file: String. Path to the model file.
- save_dir: String. Path to the directory where the result will be saved.
- -t | --text_col: String. Name of the text column. Default:
. - -p | --positive: Boolean. If the emotion can be classified as positive. Default: