Nuclei Open Source Virtual Platform is modified based on repo.
It integrated nuclei qemu into systemc environment to provide a virtual platform based on systemc tlm.
It use technology such as greensoc's qbox and greenlib to support systemc modeling.
Git clone the repository and update the submodules. After cloning the repository, run the following command to update the submodule:
# NOTE: for internal developer, please use internal git repo url
git clone
cd nuclei_vp
# checkout wip branch or other branch you need
# this is still under development, so branch is named wip
git checkout wip
# make sure this step below executed successfully
git submodule update --init --recursive
# check repo status and git submodule status
git status
git submodule
Caution: Not all scripts located in
We are using docker ubuntu 20.04 to build and test this repo.
Make sure docker is installed in your system, and you have executation right.
# in host now
# The docker is a prebuilt one, uploaded to docker hub, see
bash scripts/
# now in docker
We have made a script to build this project using cmake, see scripts/
if you want to know the details, please check script content.
# in docker now
cd /work
# build nuclei vp project in folder
# it will automatically build and install this project
# if you want to build it in a new folder, change to another name
bash scripts/
# in docker now
## build freeloader and qemu disk images using nuclei linux sdk or use a prebuilt image
## see
## simple steps in nuclei-linux-sdk repo is as below
## $ make SOC=evalsoc CORE=ux900fd freeloader gendisk
## then you can copy <nuclei-linux-sdk>/work/evalsoc/freeloader.elf and <nuclei-linux-sdk>/work/evalsoc/disk.img to <nuclei_vp>/images/
## or you can download a prebuilt version from
## extract it to <nuclei_vp>/images folder
# run this virtual platform located in
bash scripts/
Sample output can be found in runlog.txt
If you want to test baremetal case, please use command below:
# in docker now
## build baremetal case for nx900fd using nuclei sdk
## see
## using SOC=evalsoc CORE=nx900fd
## extract it to <nuclei_vp>/images folder
# run this virtual platform located in
# default elf is images/baremetal.elf
bash scripts/ conf/riscv64_bare.lua
Sample output can be found in runlog_baremetal.txt
See License.