08-11-2018 https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/VigoJUG/events/255662689/
- Presentation assistant: Plugin shows shortcuts.
- No Tabs in IntelliJ IDEA
- Mastering the "new" Android Studio en Codemotion 2016
- Mooc about IntelliJ: https://javaspecialists.teachable.com/p/intellij-wizardry
- Link: https://github.com/alexhermida/talks/tree/master/python-tools
- Pipsi (by flask creator)
- Httpie
- Youtube-dl
- Watchdog (whachmedia)
- Pgcli (hay para MySQL)
- Asciinema (IDEA integrar en paella player, micro a go y volvió)
- La libreta de Lucía
- Automatizar!!!
- CryFS or EncFS
- En Ubuntu????
AUTONOTE: https://tldr.ostera.io/tmux - Use CTL+a CTL+a (set -g prefix C-a C-a) - script
terminal to a file
- Unha boa presentación: https://www.slideshare.net/jasonlotito/tmux-17005278
- A miña configuración: https://github.com/eloycoto/dotfiles/blob/master/tmux.conf
- A mellor explicación que te podes encontrar: https://danielmiessler.com/study/tmux/
- A configuración de referencia: https://github.com/gpakosz/.tmux
- Un xestor de sesions: https://github.com/tmuxinator/tmuxinator
$ pushd
$ cd ~2
$ cat << EOF
$ cat <<< "1234"
>>>>> CTRL + R <<<<
AUTONOTE: autojump (see fasd) > cd
- O meu ficheiro de configuración (seguro que hai mellores tirando do Google): https://gist.github.com/antonmry/ba74d990a5e2424dddd92a05307e88fc
- Videos sobre i3 onde está mellor explicado (ou polo menos, a configuración é máis estandar): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1I63wGcvU4
- Unix porn: https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/
- alacritty terminal
- Nmtui
AUTONOTE: Try i3wm, tmux, vim and an USA keyboard?? (I♥emacs)