This function squashes differences between the last TFS commit and HEAD into one TFS-checkin and mark it as descendant of both previous TFS-checkin and HEAD.
It works similarly to checkintool, except checkintool launches the standard TFS checkin window.
The checkin
command differs from rcheckin in that the latter mirrors a series of commits into TFS instead of squashing them into one.
Usage: git-tfs checkin [options] [ref-to-shelve]
where options are:
-d, --debug
Show debug output about everything git-tfs does
-i, --tfs-remote, --remote, --id=VALUE
The remote ID of the TFS to interact with
-m, --comment=VALUE
A comment for the changeset
Do not concatenate commit comments for the changeset comment.
Omits setting commit being checked in as parent, thus allowing to rebase remaining onto TFS changeset without exceeding merge commits.
-f, --force=VALUE
The policy override reason.
-w, --work-item=VALUE1:VALUE2
Associated work items:
e.g. -w12345 to associate with 12345
or -w12345:resolve to resolve 12345
Disables gated checkin.