An JDV Project that connects one database table (Postgresql) and one CSV file.
- JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0 with Teiid plugin
- JDK 1.8+
- JBoss EAP 6.4+
The project source code is in src directory and consists in a JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0 GA Teiid Model Project. It has:
- Sources
- For CSV files and Postgresql database
- Views
- Models for the sources, with joins and materialized view tables
- It generates the VDB file jdv-customer.vdb.
If you have Docker Engine on your host, just run the database/ script. It will spin up a Postgres conatiner with our DB preloaded for this demo.
It is necessary to have the following resources created in EAP:
- Datasource
- jndi-name="java:/CadastroCliente"
- Example (change the URL/username/password as needed):
<datasource jndi-name="java:/CadastroCliente" pool-name="CadastroCliente" enabled="true"> <connection-url>jdbc:postgresql://postgresql:5432/redhat</connection-url> <driver>postgresql</driver> <security> <user-name>redhat</user-name> <password>redhat@123</password> </security> </datasource>
- Example (change the URL/username/password as needed):
- jndi-name="java:/CadastroCliente"
- Resource Adapter
- resource-adapter id="RendaCartao"
- Example (change the Path/file name as needed):
<resource-adapter id="CNPJSource"> <module slot="main" id="org.jboss.teiid.resource-adapter.file"/> <transaction-support>NoTransaction</transaction-support> <connection-definitions> <connection-definition class-name="org.teiid.resource.adapter.file.FileManagedConnectionFactory" jndi-name="java:/CNPJSource" enabled="true" pool-name="CNPJSource"> <config-property name="ParentDirectory"> /home/jboss/source/files/ </config-property> </connection-definition> </connection-definitions> </resource-adapter>
- Example (change the Path/file name as needed):
- resource-adapter id="RendaCartao"
Copy the file jdv-customer.vdb to deployment folder of your EAP instance.
The VDB will be available at this URL: jdbc:teiid:jdv-customer@mm://localhost:31000.
You can test your VDB using the following SQL statements:
- select * from Cliente;
Used folders:
- src
- files
- database