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Publishing script for Realfagstermer RDF/SKOS.

Setup: Copy config.ini.dist to config.ini, fill in the values, and set strict permissions like 0600.

make does the following:

  1. Get RDF representation from Roald
  2. Get mappings from µmapper
  3. Combine and add metadata about the vocabulary itself (as a concept scheme)
  4. Serialize as RDF/XML, NT, Turtle
  5. Commit Turtle to git
  6. Update triple store (currently Virtuoso)
  7. TODO: Gzip and publish?

(Since the files we fetch from Roald and µmapper are XML, the script will just fail if the files should, for some reason, be incomplete. This is advantageous.)

To make it run hourly, we add a crontab:

15 * * * * cd /data/realfagstermer-publish && make 2>&1 >> out.log

that runs some minutes after the hourly µmapper export:

08 * * * * cd /data/mapper && php artisan export:rdf

Data model (work in progress)

Each subject is an instance of skos:Concept, and also one of mads:Topic, mads:Geographic, mads:Temporal, mads:GenreForm or mads:ComplexSubject, indicating the type of subject.

@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix xs: <> .
@prefix mads: <> .

<> a skos:Concept, mads:Topic
    skos:inScheme <>
    skos:prefLabel "IR-spektroskopi"@nb  <!-- Burde det ikke vært "IR-spektroskopi"? -->
    skos:altLabel "Infrarød spektroskopi"@nb
    skos:narrower <>
    skos:exactMatch <>,
    dcterms:identifier "REAL008317"
    dcterms:created "2014-01-01"^^xs:date
    dcterms:modified "2014-08-30"^^xs:date
    dcterms:replaces <>

Merging, deprecation, ...

  • If concepts <A> and <B> are merged into concept <C>, we could add

    <A> owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ; 
      dcterms:isReplacedBy <C> .
    <B> owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
      dcterms:isReplacedBy <C> .
    <C> dcterms:replaces <A>, <B> .
  • MADS? Make <A> and <B> instances of mads:DeprecatedAuthority and add <A> mads:useInstead <C>, <B> mads:useInstead <C>

First-time setup:

virtualenv ENV
. ENV/bin/activate
pip install -U rdflib requests python-dateutil pytz tzlocal otsrdflib configparser
pip install -U git+git://


Publiseringsscript for Realfagstermer






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