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I have a figure I create in latex using the tikz package. Is it possible to write it directly in the Rmarkdown document? (ie, the way equations can be written, if mathjax is specified as a widget).
The code I use to create my latex figure is below. I'm using the io2012 framework for my slides.
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, positioning, calc, plotmarks}
\pgfdeclarelayer{bg} % declare background layer\pgfsetlayers{bg,main} % set the order of the layers (main is the standard layer)
Some text
\tikzstyle{startstop3} = [rectangle, minimum width=5cm, line width=1mm,minimum height=2cm,text centered, font = \bf, draw=black, fill=white]
\tikzstyle{process3} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=4.2cm, text width = 4cm, minimum height=2cm, line width=1mm, text centered, draw=black, fill=white!100]
\tikzstyle{cloud3} = [draw, rectangle, rounded corners, fill=black!100, text width = 3.5cm, minimum width=4cm, minimum height = 1.5cm, text centered, text=white]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\tikzstyle{circle3} = [circle, fill = black, xshift = 0.1cm]
%\tikzset{every loop/.style={min distance=40mm,in=0,out=40,looseness=10}}\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,node distance=2cm]
\node (perch1) [process3] {};
%% regeneration framework\node (perch2) [process3, right of=perch1, xshift = 6cm] {};
\node (perch4) [process3, right of=perch2, xshift = 3cm, yshift = 2cm] {};
\node (perch3) [process3, right of=perch2, xshift = 3cm, yshift = -2cm] {};
\node (perch5) [process3, right of=perch4, xshift = 3cm, yshift = -2cm, label={[align=left]}] {};
\node (perch1n) [circle3, left of=perch1, text = white, yshift = 0.9cm, xshift = -0.1cm] {\textbf{\Large 1}};
\node (perch2n) [circle3, left of=perch2, text = white, yshift = 0.9cm, xshift = -0.1cm] {\textbf{\Large 2}};
\node (perch3n) [circle3, left of=perch4, text = white, yshift = 0.9cm, xshift = -0.1cm] {\textbf{\Large 3}};
\node (perch4n) [circle3, left of=perch3, text = white, yshift = 0.9cm, xshift = -0.1cm] {\textbf{\Large 4}};
\node (perch5n) [circle3, left of=perch5, text = white, yshift = 0.9cm, xshift = -0.1cm] {\textbf{\Large 5}};
\node (glyphosate) [right of=perch1, text = black, xshift = 1.8cm, yshift = 0.3cm] {};
\draw[->,gray, >=angle 60, line width = 1mm, line cap=round] (perch1n) edge [out=105,in=170,looseness=20, min distance = 10mm] node[below] {} (perch1n);
\draw[->,black, >=angle 60, line width = 1mm, line cap=round, loosely dashed] ($(perch4.east)$) to [bend left] ($(perch5.north)$);
\draw[->,gray, >=angle 60, line width = 1mm, line cap=round] ($(perch4.west)$) to [bend right] ($(perch1.north)$);
\draw[->,gray, >=angle 60, line width = 1mm, line cap=round] ($(perch3.west)$) to [bend left] ($(perch1.south)$);
\draw[->,gray, >=angle 60, line width = 1mm, line cap=round] ($(perch2.east)+(0, -0.17)$) to [bend left] ($(perch3.north)$);
\draw[->,black, >=angle 60, line width = 1mm, line cap=round] ($(perch2.east)+(0, +0.17)$) to [bend right] ($(perch4.south)$);
\draw[->,black, >=angle 60, line width = 1mm, line cap=round] ($(perch1.east)$) -- ($(perch2.west)$);
\node (perch4I) [circle3, fill = white, right of=perch3, text = white, yshift = -0.74cm, xshift = -.26cm] {3};
\draw[->,gray, >=angle 60, line width = 1mm, line cap=round] (perch4I) edge [out=285,in=350,looseness=25, min distance = 10mm] node[below] {} (perch4I);
\node (perch5I) [circle3, fill = white, right of=perch5, text = white, yshift = 0.7cm, xshift = -0.33cm] {5};
\draw[->,black, >=angle 60, line width = 1mm, line cap=round, loosely dashed] (perch5I) edge [out=25,in=85,looseness=30, min distance = 10mm] node[below] {} (perch5I);
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
I have a figure I create in latex using the tikz package. Is it possible to write it directly in the Rmarkdown document? (ie, the way equations can be written, if mathjax is specified as a widget).
The code I use to create my latex figure is below. I'm using the io2012 framework for my slides.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: