A plugin for installing and managing postgres_9.
script/plugin install git://github.com/railsmachine/moonshine_postgres_9.git
Configure settings if needed
configure(:postgresql => {:version => '9.2'})
Add the following line near the top of your manifest:
include Moonshine::Postgres9
As long as you’re using one of the standard moonshine stacks, like :default_stack
, then the postgres 9 recipes will override the default Postgres recipes and install version 9.x instead.
Moonshine Postgres9 enables SSL connections between the client and server. The server requires an SSL certificate and key to be placed at $PGDATA/server.crt</cody> and <code>$PGDATA/server.key
respectively. The {PostgreSQL docs}(www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/ssl-tcp.html) describe the steps to create a self-signed certificate.