High-level .js/.ts/.d.ts builder API by sitting on top of Babel's tooling.
Uses a simpler mental model than the comprehensive set of nodes in a normal AST representation.
In Forge, you work with scopes which act similar to scopes for variables. After creating the API, you get the ability to do top-level things (like setting up imports) but also a rootScope
which lets you declare things like types, interfaces, constants and functions.
Creating something like a function, will create a new scope (as well as providing functions for setting up uour function) making for some readable imperitive code for describing how to create a file.
The outcome is a Babel AST, which can be converted into a string, and ran with prettier to make pretty.
- Have a good API for .d.ts files
- Have a good API for .ts files
- Have a good API for creating JSX components
I want a good builder for .d.ts files I have scattered around in projects, and I want a good tool for generating source files to use in generating template files for puzzmo.com
import { createSourceFile } from "@puzzmo-com/obebel"
const dts = createSourceFile({})
dts.setImport("React", { subImports: ["useState"] })
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
optional: true,
{ exported: true },
const code = forge.getResult()
import { createSourceFile } from "@puzzmo-com/obebel"
const tsx = createSourceFile({})
tsx.setImport("React", { subImports: ["useState"] })
name: "disabled",
type: "boolean",
optional: true,
{ exported: true },
const component = tsx.rootScope.addFunction("MyComponent")
component.addParam("props", "Props")
For now, this repo is an open source project which is pulled directly from the puzzmo.com codebase, so OSS contributions need be merged upstream and then come down.