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mamonsu: tools

List of mamonsu commands and options:

mamonsu agent [agent_action] [-c | --config]  
mamonsu bootstrap [-M mamonsu_user] [-x | --create-extensions] [-c | --config] [connection_options]  
mamonsu export [zabbix-] {template | config} filename [export_options]  
mamonsu report [report_options] [connection_options]  
mamonsu tune [tuning_options] [connection_options]  
mamonsu upload [upload_options]  
mamonsu zabbix {template | host | hostgroup} server_action  
mamonsu zabbix item {error | lastvalue | lastclock} host_id
mamonsu zabbix dashboard upload [template_name]
mamonsu zabbix version  
mamonsu --version  
mamonsu --help

Table of Contents

Command-Line Reference



mamonsu agent { metric-get metric_name | metric-list | version } [-c | --config]

Provides information on the collected metrics from the command line. You can specify one of the following parameters:

metric-get metric_name
        Checks the latest value for the specified metric. You can get a list of available metrics using the metric-list option.

        Shows the list of metrics that mamonsu is collecting. The output of this command provides the item's key of each metric, its latest value, and the time when this value was received.

        Displays mamonsu version.

        Specifies mamonsu config file.
        Default = '/etc/mamonsu/agent.conf'
        mamonsu agent gets info about default host and port from the config file.



mamonsu bootstrap [-M mamonsu_user]
                  [-x | --create-extensions]
                  [-c | --config]

Bootstraps mamonsu. This command can take the following options:

        Specify a non-privileged user that will own all mamonsu objects and processes.

        Creates additional extensions and functions for collecting metrics using these extensions objects (currently, installation of pg_buffercache extension and setting of pg_stat_statements, pg_wait_sampling and pgpro_stats extensions).

NOTE: pg_buffercache can sometimes generate overhead compared to the common behavior of other objects. To avoid this you can SET work_mem on database or mamonsu user level, but be careful not to affect other objects performance.

        Specifies mamonsu config file.
        Default = '/etc/mamonsu/agent.conf'
        mamonsu bootstrap gets info about mamonsu default database from the config file.

        Provides optional command-line connection parameters.



mamonsu export config filename.conf  [--add-plugins=plugin_directory]
mamonsu export template filename.xml [--add-plugins=plugin_directory]

Generates a template or configuration file for metrics collection. The optional parameters to customize metrics collection are as follows:

        Collects metrics that are defined in custom plugins located in the specified plugin_directory. If you are going to use custom plugins, you must provide this option when generating both the configuration file and the template.

        Specifies an identifier under which the collected metrics will be displayed on the Zabbix server.

        Default: 'Mamonsu PostgreSQL OS' where OS is the name of your operating system.

        Exports the template for Zabbix server version 4.4 or lower.

        Specify the name of the template that will be displayed on the Zabbix server.

        Default: 'Mamonsu PostgreSQL OS' where OS is the name of your operating system.

export zabbix-


mamonsu export zabbix-template filename.xml [--add-plugins=plugin_directory]
                                            [--plugin-type={pg | sys | all}]
mamonsu export zabbix-parameters filename.conf [--add-plugins=plugin_directory]
                                               [--plugin-type={pg | sys | all}]

Exports metrics configuration for use with the native Zabbix agent. The optional parameters to customize metrics collection are as follows:

        Collects metrics that are defined in custom plugins located in the specified plugin_directory. If you are going to use custom plugins, you must provide this option when generating both the configuration file and the template.

        Specifies an identifier under which the collected metrics will be displayed on the Zabbix server.

        Default: 'Mamonsu PostgreSQL OS' where OS is the name of your operating system.

        Specifies the agent.conf file to be used as the source for metrics definitions.

        Default: /etc/mamonsu/agent.conf

        Exports the template for Zabbix server version 4.4 or lower.

        Specifies the major version of the server for which to configure metrics collection. mamonsu can collect metrics for PostgreSQL 9.5+.

        Default: 12

--plugin-type={pg | sys | all}
        Specifies the type of metrics to collect:

         - 'pg' for PostgreSQL metrics.

         - 'sys' for system metrics.

         - 'all' for both PostgreSQL and system metrics.

        Default: all

        Specifies the name of the template that will be displayed on the Zabbix server.

        Default: 'Mamonsu PostgreSQL OS' where OS is the name of your operating system.



mamonsu report [--disable-sudo]

Generates a detailed report with information about the hardware, operating system, memory usage and other parameters of the monitored system, as well as PostgreSQL configuration, large tables and current locks.

The following optional parameters customize the report:

        Inactivates 'sudo' commands. If defined, command will not report data that can only be received with superuser rights. This option is only available for Linux systems.

        Saves report into the specified file.

        Default: /tmp/report.txt

        Prints report to stdout.

        Default: True

        Includes information of the PostgreSQL cluster into the generated report.

        Default: True

        Includes system information into the generated report.

        Default: True

        Provides optional command-line connection parameters.



mamonsu tune [--disable-sudo]
             [--log-level {INFO|DEBUG|WARN}]

Optimizes PostgreSQL and system configuration based on collected statistics. You can use the following options:

        Inactivates 'sudo' commands. If defined, command will not tune the settings that can only be changed by a superuser. This option is only available for Linux systems.

        Forbids mamonsu to run the pg_reload_conf() function. If you specify this option, the modified settings that require reloading PostgreSQL configuration do not take effect immediately.

        Forbids mamonsu to tune pgbadger parameters.

        Displays the settings to be tuned without changing the actual system and PostgreSQL configuration.

--log-level { INFO | DEBUG | WARN}
        Changes the logging level.

        Default: INFO

        Provides optional command-line connection parameters.



mamonsu upload [--zabbix-address=zabbix_address]

Uploads metrics data previously saved into a file onto a Zabbix server for visualization. For details on how to save metrics into a file, see the config file section called “Logging Parameters”.

This command can take the following options:

        The address of the Zabbix server.

        Default: localhost

        The port of the Zabbix server.

        Default: 10051

        The name of the Zabbix host.

        Default: localhost

        A text file that stores the collected metric data to be visualized, such as localhost.log.

        Changes the logging level.

        Default: INFO

zabbix cli

zabbix item


mamonsu zabbix item {error | lastvalue | lastclock } host_name

Shows the specified property of the latest metrics data received by Zabbix for the specified host.

zabbix version


mamonsu zabbix version

Shows the version of the Zabbix server that mamonsu is connected to.

zabbix host


mamonsu zabbix host list
mamonsu zabbix host show host_name
mamonsu zabbix host id host_name
mamonsu zabbix host delete host_id
mamonsu zabbix host create host_name hostgroup_id template_id mamonsu_address
mamonsu zabbix host info {templates | hostgroups | graphs | items} host_id

Manages Zabbix hosts using one of the actions described in the section called “Zabbix Server Actions”.

zabbix hostgroup


mamonsu zabbix hostgroup list
mamonsu zabbix hostgroup show hostgroup_name
mamonsu zabbix hostgroup id hostgroup_name
mamonsu zabbix hostgroup delete hostgroup_id
mamonsu zabbix hostgroup create hostgroup_name

Manages Zabbix host groups using one of the actions described in the section called “Zabbix Server Actions”.

zabbix template


mamonsu zabbix template list
mamonsu zabbix template show template_name
mamonsu zabbix template id template_name
mamonsu zabbix template delete template_id
mamonsu zabbix template export file

Manages Zabbix templates using one of the actions described in the section called “Zabbix Server Actions”.

zabbix dashboard


mamonsu zabbix dashboard upload [template_name]

Uploads Zabbix Dashboard with necessary PostgreSQL and system metrics to mamonsu template. Works only with Zabbix 6.0 and higher. Template example:

Click to view mamonsu Dashboard



mamonsu --version

Displays mamonsu version.



mamonsu --help

Displays mamonsu command-line help.

Connection Options

connection_options provides command-line connection parameters for the target PostgreSQL cluster. connection_options can be --host, --port, --dbname (-d), --username (-U), and --password (-W). The --dbname option should specify the mamonsu_database created for monitoring purposes. Note that the --username (-U) option must specify a superuser that can access the cluster.

If you omit connection_options, mamonsu checks the corresponding environment variables for these settings. If they are missing, mamonsu tries to connect to the current_user database of the server instance running locally on port 5432 on behalf of current_user, where current_user is the operating system user name. Make sure to provide the actual connection parameters if your PostgreSQL cluster is located elsewhere.

Zabbix Server Actions

Using mamonsu, you can control some of the Zabbix server functionality from the command line. Specifically, you can create or delete Zabbix hosts and host groups, as well as generate, import, and delete Zabbix templates using one of the following commands. The object_name to use must correspond to the type of the Zabbix object specified in the command: template, host, or hostgroup.

        Displays the list of available templates, hosts, or host groups.

show object_name
        Displays the details about the specified template, host, or host group.

id object_name
        Shows the ID of the specified object, which is assigned automatically by the Zabbix server.

delete object_id
        Deletes the object with the specified ID.

create hostgroup_name
create host_name hostgroup_id template_id mamonsu_address
        Creates a new host or a host group.

export template_name
        Generates a Zabbix template.

info {templates | hostgroups | graphs | items} host_id
        Displays detailed information about the templates, host groups, graphs, and metrics available on the host with the specified ID.


Collecting and Viewing Metrics Data

Once started, mamonsu begins collecting system and PostgreSQL metrics. The agent command enables you to get an overview of the collected metrics from the command line in real time.

To view the list of available metrics, use the agent metric-list command:

mamonsu agent metric-list

The output of this command provides the item key of each metric, its latest value, and the time when this value was received. For example:

system.memory[active]      7921004544    1564570818
system.memory[swap_cache]      868352    1564570818
pgsql.connections[idle]           6.0    1564570818
pgsql.archive_command[failed_trying_to_archive]    0    1564570818

To view the current value for a specific metric, you can use the agent metric-get command:

mamonsu agent metric-get metric_name

where metric_name is the item key of the metric to monitor, as returned by the metric-list command. For example, pgsql.connections[idle].

You can view graphs for the collected metrics in the Zabbix web interface under the Graphs menu. For details on working with Zabbix, see its official documentation at

If you have chosen to save all the collected metrics data into a file, as explained in the config file section called “Logging Parameters”, you can later upload these metrics onto a Zabbix server for visualization using the upload command.

Tuning PostgreSQL and System Configuration

Based on the collected metrics data, mamonsu can tune your PostgreSQL and system configuration for optimal performance.

You can get detailed information about the hardware, operating system, memory usage and other parameters of the monitored system, as well as PostgreSQL configuration, as follows:

mamonsu report

To view the suggested optimizations without applying them, run the tune command with the --dry-run option:

mamonsu tune --dry-run

To apply all the suggested changes, run the tune command without any parameters:

mamonsu tune

You can exclude some settings from the report or disable some of the optimizations by passing optional parameters. See the section called “Command-Line Reference” for the full list of parameters available for report and tune commands.

Managing Zabbix Server Settings from the Command Line

mamonsu enables you to work with the Zabbix server from the command line. You can upload template files to Zabbix, create and delete Zabbix hosts and host groups, link templates with hosts and check the latest metric values.

To set up your Zabbix host from scratch, you can follow these steps:

  1. Optionally, specify your Zabbix account settings in the following environment variables on your monitoring system:

    • Set the ZABBIX_USER and ZABBIX_PASSWD variables to the login and password of your Zabbix account, respectively.
    • Set the ZABBIX_URL to http://zabbix/

    If you skip this step, you will have to add the following options to all mamonsu zabbix commands that you run:

    --url=http://zabbix/ --user=zabbix_login --password=zabbix_password
  2. Generate a new template file and upload it to the Zabbix server:

    mamonsu export template template.xml
    mamonsu zabbix template export template.xml
  3. Create a new host group:

    mamonsu zabbix hostgroup create hostgroup_name
  4. Check the IDs for this host group and the uploaded template, which are assigned automatically by the Zabbix server:

    mamonsu zabbix hostgroup id hostgroup_name
    mamonsu zabbix template id template_name
  5. Create a host associated with this group and link it with the uploaded template using a single command:

    mamonsu zabbix host create host_name hostgroup_id template_id mamonsu_address

    where host_name is the name of the host, hostgroup_id and template_id are the unique IDs returned in the previous step, and mamonsu_address is the IP address of the system on which mamonsu runs.

Once your Zabbix host is configured, complete the setup of your monitoring system as explained in sections “Installation" and "Configuration”.

Exporting Metrics for Native Zabbix Agent

Using mamonsu, you can convert system and PostgreSQL metrics definitions to the format supported by the native Zabbix agent.

This feature currently has the following limitations:

  • You cannot export metrics if you run mamonsu on Windows systems.

  • Metrics definitions for pgpro_stats and CFS features available in PostgresPro are not converted.

To collect metrics provided by mamonsu using the native Zabbix agent, do the following:

  1. Generate a configuration file that is compatible with the native Zabbix agent and place it under /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agent.d/. You can prepend the filename with the required path:

    mamonsu export zabbix-parameters /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agent.d/zabbix_agent.conf

    For all possible options of the export zabbix-parameters command, see the section called “Command-Line Reference”.

  2. Generate a template for the native Zabbix agent:

    mamonsu export zabbix-template template.xml

    For all possible options of the export zabbix-template command, see the section called “Command-Line Reference”.

  3. Upload the generated template to the Zabbix server, as explained in in sections “Installation" and "Configuration”.

  4. If you are going to collect PostgreSQL metrics, change the following macros in the template after the upload:

    • For {$PG_CONNINFO}, provide connection parameters for the PostgreSQL server to be monitored.
    • For {$PG_PATH}, specify psql installation directory.