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polarblau edited this page Feb 6, 2012 · 4 revisions


Vertebrae comes with a few handy generators which should help you to get up–and–running quickly as well as provide you with a few shortcuts all the way during development.

Similar functionality is provided by the backbone-on-rails and the backbone-rails gems. In comparison to these two gems, Vertebrae takes an (even) more opinionated approach and tries to identify some best practices as well.

vertebrae-i18n makes the Rails locale strings available across your application and provides a few helpers. A similar functionality is provided by the babilu and i18n-js gems.

vertebrae-validations makes the Rails validations easily usable in backbone models. It also provides a few helpers to easy live validations on forms as well as a middleware to validate against the server. Similiar functionality is provided by the client_side_validations gem.

vertebrae-routes makes the Rails routes available for backbone routers. This is particularily handy if you want to support a no–JS fallback and are trying to match the Rails routes.


These will likely go away after a while. Reminders, ideas, …

[DEV] Generators outline

[DEV] Handy links

[DEV] Base files outline

[DEV] Other files in namespace