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Upgrade Guide

v1.4 to v1.5

v1.5 requires Tailwind v3.3.3. Update the version in config.exs:

config :tailwind,
  version: "3.3.3",

Then run mix tailwind.install.

v0.19 to v1.0.0

In tailwind.config.js you need to add more colors:

  theme: {
    extend: {

      colors: {

        // ADD THESE COLORS (can pick different ones from here:
        warning: colors.yellow,

        // Options: slate, gray, zinc, neutral, stone
        gray: colors.gray,

NOTE: If you are supplying your own colours, they will require keys for different shades.

In your app.css you need to import the default Petal Components CSS:

@import "tailwindcss/base";
@import "../../deps/petal_components/assets/default.css";
@import "tailwindcss/components";
@import "tailwindcss/utilities";

Update tailwind and esbuild dependencies:

mix deps.update esbuild
mix deps.update tailwind

In your config.exs, update tailwind and esbuild to more recent versions:

config :esbuild,
  version: "0.15.5",
  default: [

config :tailwind,
  version: "3.3.3",
  default: [

Update tailwind and esbuild binaries:

mix esbuild.install
mix tailwind.install

v0.18 to v0.19

There should be no breaking changes. This provides declarative assigns for all components so you should get warnings if you don't pass the right attributes.

Using with Phoenix 1.7

Petal Components work fine with Phoenix 1.7 - there just will be some naming conflicts as the Phoenix generator now creates a file called core_components.ex, which has some function components defined in there.

To fix, go to the generated core_components.ex file and rename or remove the following functions: modal, button and table.

Unfortunately, this means the generators like mix won't work properly. If you want generators for Petal Components, look into buying Petal Pro.

For a full upgrade commit of Phoenix 1.6 to 1.7 you can see here how we did it with Petal Boilerplate.

If you want to pick and choose which components to use, you could namespace Petal Components.

defmodule PC do
  use PetalComponents

Then there would be no naming conflicts. But you would have to use the module for every component: <PC.button></PC.button> etc.

v0.17 to v0.18

This guide assumes you are also updating phoenix_live_view to 0.18.0.

Update mix.exs

{:phoenix_live_view, "~> 0.18"},
{:petal_components, "~> 0.18"},

Live View 0.18 updates


Global replace: Phoenix.LiveView.Helpers --> import Phoenix.Component.

In some places you'll need to import Phoenix.Component. For example with assign_new/3 calls.

Live title tag

live_title_tag is to be replaced with a component:

  <%= assigns[:page_title] || "Welcome" %>

Renaming <.link>

Live View 0.18 deprecations:

  • live_redirect - deprecate in favor of new <.link navigate={..}> component of Phoenix.Component
  • live_patch - deprecate in favor of new <.link patch={..}> component of Phoenix.Component
  • push_redirect - deprecate in favor of new push_navigate function on Phoenix.LiveView

Petal Components has a <.link> component, but now Live View 0.18 has its own <.link>:

    <.link href="">my app</.link>
    <.link navigate={@path}>remount</.link>
    <.link patch={@path}>patch</.link>

The attributes are a bit different to our link. So we renamed <.link> to <.a> to make it an easier upgrade.

Perform these global replaces:

`<.link` --> `<.a`
`</.link` --> `</.a`

This way, your app will still work with our <a> tags. However, we will eventually deprecate this in favour of the new Live View <.link>.

Renaming Heroicons

PetalComponents now internally uses, which uses Heroicons V2.

Unfortunately Heroicons V2 renames a lot of icons and is kind of like another library. So we have renamed PetalComponents.Heroicons --> PetalComponents.HeroiconsV1 for anyone who would like to continue using V1.

To keep using V1:

Do the global replaces:

Replace `PetalComponents.Heroicons` --> `PetalComponents.HeroiconsV1`
Replace `Heroicons.Solid` --> `HeroiconsV1.Solid`
Replace `Heroicons.Outline` --> `HeroiconsV1.Outline`

To use V2:

Delete all references to PetalComponents.Heroicons.

For every case you have used a Heroicon in a HEEX template you will have to update to the new syntax defined here:


<!-- Old way -->
<Heroicons.Solid.home class="" />

<!-- New way -->
<Heroicons.home solid class="" />

Note the solid attribute. For outline, you don't need any attributes.

The most annoying part is that a lot of the icon names have changed. You can see a list of the all the name changes here:

Icon Button

We can't use a dynamic Heroicons.Solid.render/1 anymore so instead we need to pass in the icon as the default slot.

Old way:

<.icon_button to="/" icon={:trash} />

New way:

<.icon_button to="/">
<Heroicons.trash solid />

Alpine JS updates

You can't use the bind shortcuts in the latest Live View.


<div :class="..."></div>


<div x-bind:class="..."></div>

You can do this global replace: :class= --> x-bind:class=. You'll have to do it for each attribute using this bind syntax, eg: :aria-expanded= --> x-bind:aria-expanded=

There could be many more if you use Alpine a lot.