Milestone 5
Deliverable 5.1
ZIP-321 parsing and integration
Deliverable 5.2
Zingo Labs: Wrap-Up and presentation of Integration tests with Darksidewalletd to the wider-community
Deliverable 5.3
Zcash mobile SDKs: Maintenance. If possible, Darksidewalletd integration testing updates
Development of Missing RPCs for Lightwalletd
Integration of regtest support on Android…
Deliverable 5.1
ZIP-321 parsing and integration
Deliverable 5.2
Zingo Labs: Wrap-Up and presentation of Integration tests with Darksidewalletd to the wider-community
Deliverable 5.3
Zcash mobile SDKs: Maintenance. If possible, Darksidewalletd integration testing updates
Development of Missing RPCs for Lightwalletd
Integration of regtest support on Android and iOS Zcash SDKs Rust FFI
Integration of regtest support on Kotlin and Swift side of SDKs
Deliverable 5.4
Fixed time Allocation:
- [Tentative] Lead ZIP-315 initiative if no one else offers to
- Office Hours
- Arborist