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Areté S. Poffart aretesatori

Universidad Austral de Chile Valdivia, Chile

Joaquin Antonio Camhi Ensemeyer JoaquinCamhi
Estudiante de la Universidad de Chile
Jorge Cummins Holger JorgeCSH
Engineering student, Universidad de Chile.

Santiago, Chile

Alejandra Campos Urbina AlePatata
Passionate about problem-solving and software development. Enjoys board games, watching movies, and exploring new tech challenges. I hope we can work together:)

Universidad de Chile Beauchef 851

Matias Ignacio Saavedra Guerra matias-saavedra-g
I like cars

Universidad de Chile Chile

Electrical Engineering Student Uchile @uchile-robotics @Duckietown-Chile
Benjamín Rojas Bustamante benja-irb
I'm a Mechanical Engineering student at University of Chile. I'm interested in Robotics, Mechanical Design and make things with my own hands.


Matías Guzmán Parra matiasguzmanp
Electrical Engineering student at FCFM, Universidad de Chile. Robot enthusiast 🤖

Santiago de Chile

Sebastián Herrera Kitsuneden02
Electrical Engineering Student @ University of Chile

@uchile-robotics @uchile-robotics-forks