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Franchesca Fatima Zelaya Contreras FranchescaF
👋 ¡Hola a todos! Ingenieria de profesión y actualmente estoy inmersa en un bootcamp de desarrollo web.

Lima, San Juan de Miraflores

Elvis Finol elvisfinol
Cloud security specialist

@PaloAltoNetworks Madrid → Spain

Pablo pcarmonac
Diver & UW Photographer MSD PADI & CMAS 3 Tech Geek Mac User & Linux Fan Python Padawan


💻Top-notch💻 PixelPioneer-pro
Senior Full-Stack Web Developer | Proficient in MERN Stack and Python | Passionate about performance optimization
Raúl Rosales Artenlaclase
Profesor de Artes visuales y Tecnología. Diseño de proyectos tecnológicos. Desarrollo web.

@artenlaclase Chile

Joshuesito jggjosue
🇲🇽 Made in Mexico 📚🤓 I like to read books 💳⚒🔭🚀 Technologies and Communications Engineer 📱💻⌚️ Mobile Software Engineer

México City

Jose Luis Noguera josenoguera-94
Economist and Developer.

Santa Marta

Andrea Ceniceros Carrera AndreaCCarrera
Full stack developer (Logroño, La Rioja, Spain).

Logroño, La Rioja

Daniel Steven Rodriguez Verano DanielLenoz
Front-end Developer | Designer UI | Student of platzi | remote work

Bogota Colombia

OmegaDev Mauricio2202
Frontend and Backend Web Developer with 4 years of experience, I have worked in software development companies, participated in working groups for the construct
By now, i am interested in Maxima programming language.
Daniel Rojas Grass DanRo3
👋 Hi! I'm an enthusiastic Frontend Developer, specialized in React and TypeScript. I love transforming ideas into fluid, interactive web applications. 🚀

Netsy Ai Cuba

Pedro Yanez wotanCode
🔴 Jedi Knight 🔵


Slayder Reyes Cuellar Slaternight
Hola! un gusto tenerte en mi perfil :) Soy Desarrollador FrontEnd & Productor Multimedia.

Bogotá, Distrito Capital.

Pedro Luis Pruiz05
Software engineer | FullStack developer | Freelance | Currently working in Concentra.

Concentra Domican Republic

Arias Gustavo elgusty3a
Casi Ing. Electricista, ingresante de la Tecnicatura Universitaria de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Informáticas (TUDAI) en Tres Arroyos. Recién llegado a GITHUB
jciterceros jciterceros
👋 Oi, eu sou Fernando Terceros! 💻 Comecei a programar por diversão. Gosto muito de [NodeJs/ReactJs/Python] e estou sempre buscando aprender mais...


AlejakSoto alejaksoto Bogotá

Daniel Fernando Armive
Soy un programador frontend👨🏻‍💻, residente en Colombia🏢, de 11 años de edad


Francisco Esteban Garrido Jiménez AshPantebi
Astronomer and Data Scientist who working in some project related to gaming industry. My strength is programming on Python and actually I'm learning SQL.

NA Chillán, Chile

Benjamin Zamora WindB3NJA
🗒️ "I believe in the importance of using AI technologies to improve people's quality of life."


Daniel De Los Santos Lugo danielsantoslgo
Cloud and DevOps Engineer | Founder and CEO @One-Cloud-Chad

One Cloud Chad Dominican Republic

Victor Rodrigo Ruiz Garay viroruga
Engineer Computer


Luiggy Luiggy102
💻 Software Engineering Student, 📚 Language Learner, 🎸 Music


Ricardo Gomez ricagome

Quantums Data Colombia