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Etdi J. etdij

Bali, Indonesia

Felix D. Davis drdavisdfelix
"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." - Marcus Aurelius
Ezequiel Augusto Stanganelli eastanganelli
Hi! I'm a Full Stack developer with expertise in C/C++ and NodeJS. I actually work as Freelance Software Developer.

- CABA, Argentina

Casul casul-dev
A Casul é um grupo de desenvolvedores que se uniu para produzir Jogos e aplicativos que verdadeiramente possuem excelência, qualidade e inovação.


Maitham Al-rubaye Maitham16
Everything will be all right in the end; so if it is not all right, it is not yet the end.
Michael Pedersen mpeder
Cloud nerd

Google Cloud Denmark

Georg A. G. Notter agent-z28
Founder of Agent ERP GmbH Founder of Sirum GmbH


Christopher Nelson ChrisNelsonOK

@SourceOfTruthLLC McLoud, OK

Guilherme Bacellar / Th3 0bservator guibacellar
Security Researcher | Machine Learning and Fraud Detection Specialist | Cyber Espionage | Malware Creator | Mobile Reverse Engineer | OSINT Lover


Eliott Burkle eliooooooo
A student working in development. Continuous learning in this field.


Brian Juul Andersen Brianmanden
Fullstack web developer with 5 years experience. C#/.Net/.NetCore,TypeScript/JavaScript,MSSQL/MongoDB, Angular/Blazor, Umbraco, NodeJs, KeyCloak, LINQ


Mano southguy


Evandro Andrade Evandro-J-O-Andrade
Iniciando minha base em 1996, com Visual Basic 3.0 Windows 95 e DoS, construir minha carreira solida e versátil, buscando sempre aprimorar os meus conhecimento!

New Wave Sistemas Digital

Natan Nobre Chaves natannobre
Bachelor in Computer Engineering at Universidade Federal do Ceará

CoffeeBean Technology @coffeebeantech Ceará, Brazil

Mukunda Modell 20after4
Software Engineer. Musician. Maker of things. Contributor: @phorgeit Previously: @wikimedia and @DeviantArt


Holger hlgrprng / / SH / Berlin / Hamburg

LeonGu lebrosoft
software solution architect

Shanghai, China

Alessio Pellizzaro APXc
I am a young Italian developer, class of 1999 and I am the owner of Pellizzaro Development Projects - Company based in Italy

Pellizzaro Development Projects Verona, Italy

Josue Grullon josuegrullon
Think twice, write once! Dominican Republic

Thiago Menezes ThiagoA-Menezes

IBM São Paulo - SP / Brazil

jsxz jsxz
machine learing , bigdata

china shanxi xian