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찬호랑이 bk100km

Suwon, South Korea

Jung Sang Wung kk5949

South Korea, Seoul

박준규 ParkJunGyu26
한국항공대학교 21학번

KAU Goyang-si, Ulsan

Superior Ability and Spiritual Power richinhim
Let's change one habit When you find something difficult instead of telling you that it is difficult tell yourself that it would take a lot of time n effort.


J_Coder Jo-Minseok
Enjoy Coding

Dong-Eui Univ. Busan, Republic of Korea

Juhwan Kim 3Juhwan
행복하세요 여러분

Sejong University, @woowacourse

김재원 jambottle
Front-end Engineer

@sirloin-dev Seoul, Korea

Erica ericagong
Javascript | Typescript | React

Seoul, Korea

TRE takoyakimchi

@woowacourse Seoul, South Korea

MasterWWW gerald525
Senior Full Stack Engineer - React | React Native | Node.js | TypeScript | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Next.js | Nest.js | MySQL | MongoDB
mingulee mingulee-devel
안녕하세요! 개발자 이민선입니다!
Yongsu seoyongsu
backend devaloper


Lydia lydiahjchung
Data Science & Applied Mathematics

South Korea

JI HOON KIM shaul1991

대한민국, 서울

hannkim Kimhan-nah
Hanyang Univ. Comp. Sci. | 42 Seoul

42 Seoul (@innovationacademy-kr) Republic of Korea

minsekim minsekim1
Tech Leader in 4dayworks Inc.

4dayworks Inc. & Samhyook Univ. Seoul, Gangnam



shinheekim shinheekim

소프트웨어공학과 Seoul, Republic of Korea

Changhyun Park harry4455

Seongnam, South Korea

BruceHan intrager
Don't give in to authority you don't agree with.


MJ minai621 Seoul, Dong-jak-gu