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MIS Major. Financial Analyst.


Rain DefinitelyNotCherry
oh jeez idk im just working my way towards a cybersec role and idk what im doing here tbh so yay I like big bow ribbons but wait.. isn't a bow a ribbon?
Ryan Hung ryannewcomer
hi, I am a high school student! I start coding a few years ago, which starts from a book!! Currently learning java


Tony mgelios
Software Development Engineer

Warsaw, Poland

Yasantha Paranamanna yasanthachamara
PEGA Senior System Architect


"Building the future, one line of code at a time and Creating solutions, one commit at a time"
Kaushal Kishor Mishra KaushalKishorMishra
Working to be the best,

Kathmandu, Nepal

Coleccionista de menudos.
Tammy tsmiller81
I’m a passionate Developer with a foundation in computer science. I thrive on solving complex problems & am always eager to learn & grow in the tech industry.
