AI - automatic assignment of tags to stackoverflow threads
A selection of 50000 stackoverflow post has been made with a SQL request on the website
using the following code:
SELECT TOP 50000 ViewCount, CreationDate, Title, Body, Tags, Score, CommentCount, AnswerCount, FavoriteCount
FROM Posts WHERE FavoriteCount > 10 AND AnswerCount > 1 AND Score > 100 ORDER BY Score DESC
Data have been cleaned and regularized using specific Python libraries for NLP such as BeautifulSoup and ntlk A first exploration of most frequent tags and associated keywords has been carried out using simple functions as values_count
Code can be found at the following location notebooks/Stackoverflowtags-Part1.ipynb
Data have been processed, TF-IDF scores calculated and based on those tags could be predicted using unsupervised approaches such as LDA and NMF A more modern package, YAKE,
has outperformed them. Best results using using supervised learning have been obtained using an optimized Random Forest alghorithm and Logistic Regression
Code can be found at the following location notebooks/Stackoverflowtags-Part2.ipynb
Results are summarized below