Having a visual representation of your project structure is a great benefit. Humans are visual beings and our brain is really great at recognizing patterns and structures. This can be utilised at getting new developers up to speed in a short time. It also helps all developers building a cleaner application, because of a better understanding of the whole project.
Install dependencies2graph (prefer global). This project uses the output from another tool called dependency-cruiser. You need it as well, so install them together
npm install --global dependencies2graph dependency-cruiser
If you're using TypeScript make sure that you have the TypeScript compiler installed as well
npm install -g typescript
Create a JSON file of your dependencies with dependency-cruiser and than start the interactive viewer or create your graphs via dependencies2graph cli.
When using TypeScript dependency-cruiser by default ignores compile time dependencies like interfaces and types.
To include these compile time dependencies add the --ts-pre-compilation-deps
command line flag to call of dependency-cruiser.
A typical usage for TypeScript and ignoring everything in your node_modules folder is the following:
dependency-cruiser -T json --exclude "^node_modules" -f deps.json <path-to-source> --ts-pre-compilation-deps
dependencies2graph deps.json
For a one-off views you can simply pipe the output from dependency-cruiser direct to dependencies2graph
dependency-cruiser -T json --exclude "^node_modules" <path-to-source> | dependencies2graph
To get a svg with an overview of a typical Angular application you can call
dependencies2graph generate --input deps.json --out overview.svg --filter src/app
$ dependencies2graph viewer [dependency-file]
# or read from stdin
$ cat dependency.json | dependencies2graph viewer
When you hover a node or edge on the interactive graph all connected dependencies and dependants are highlighted. The light blue dependencies and dependants are direct dependencies and the darker blue are transient one.
$ dependencies2graph generate
--version Version anzeigen [boolean]
--help Hilfe anzeigen [boolean]
-i, --input dependency-cruiser JSON file, if omitted read
from stdin [string]
-f, --filter path for the dependency subgraph
[string] [default: ""]
-d, --depth number of child folders to show(0 for infinite)
[number] [default: 1]
-D, --external-depth number of child folders for external dependencies
[number] [default: 1]
-e, --external-dependencies flag to show dependencies which point outside of
<filter> [boolean] [default: false]
-F, --external-filter filter path for external dependencies and
dependents [string]
-E, --external-dependents flag to show dependents which point inside of
<filter> [boolean] [default: false]
-C, --connected-components mark all connected components of the dependency
tree as circular [boolean] [default: false]
-o, --out output file [string] [default: stdout]
-t, --target output format
[string] [choices: "svg", "dot", "raw"] [default: "svg"]
--engine Graphviz engine (responsible for graph layout)
[string] [choices: "dot", "circo", "fdp", "neato", "osage", "twopi"]
[default: "dot"]
JSON file generated by dependency-cruiser. Dependency-graph supports both formats from dependency-cruiser version <=3 and the new version 4.0.0.
Regex for file path, that should be included in the graph, e.g. --filter src/app
Output file. If not specified the output is printed to stdout.
Number of the level of directories that should be expanded. If the depth of the dependencies is bigger than the parameter they are collapsed in a folder node in the graph.
Flag that indicates, that external dependencies should also be shown in the output graph. By definition a dependency is external if the source path of the file does not match the filter parameter.
Output target format.
- svg: graph as svg vector file.
- dot: graph as dot file to be consumed by Graphviz. The svg target uses viz.js - an JavaScript port of Graphviz - to generate the svg. Here is a memory constrain for big graphs. In this cases Graphviz can be used directly with the dot source.
- raw: JSON of the interal graph representation. Should mainly be used for debugging purpose
The Grapviz engine to use when generating a svg file. The engine is responsible for the layout of the resulting graph. By default the 'dot' engine is used and it should not be necessary to modify this parameter. For more information consult the Graphviz documentation.
- Orange round nodes are files
- white folders are collapsed directories
- blue nodes are external dependencies
- red edges are invalid (by dependency-cruiser validation rules)
- orange edges are circular dependencies
- an edge always points from the source (import) to the target (export)