Bug Fixes
- Properly handle null values in epoch_counter_processor
- Stop sending components that did not collect any data for the poll cycle.
- Output stacktrace for errors that occur in the agents poll cycle code.
Bug Fixes
- Send agent version to the HTTP API, not the SDK version.
- Stop using SSL by default in Ruby versions below 1.9 (this fixes an issue where the agent stops reporting)
- Set timeouts on HTTP API connection (fixes an issue where the agent stops reporting in Ruby 1.9 and higher)
- Aggregate data when the collector is unreachable.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where the ssl_host_verification flag was not working.
- Fixed ordering of min and max in metric array that is sent to the HTTP API.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where to_set method was not found when requiring this gem without using bundler.
- Added JSON as a dependency to provide Ruby 1.8.7 support.
- Improved logging
- Support for proxies
Bug Fixes
- Duration of data collection time is now calculated to match actual duration
- Dropped dependency on Faraday
- Added timestamps to output to improve debugging experience.
- Released on RubyGems
- Added configuration option for SSL hostname verification
- Initial public release version of the New Relic Platform Ruby SDK