Meme-Box has the following types of medias that could be triggered:
These Items can be easily selected from Media-Folder
-List, if you have the Folder selected.
If you want to use online files, just paste the online URL to it.
The file types that can be used varies of the Target-Screen
(Browser or OBS).
Known & Tested:
This Type needs to have fixed value of Visible screen time
Known & Tested:
If no Play time on screen
is set, the full clip will the played and after that hidden / stopped.
Known & Tested:
If no Play time on screen
is set, the full clip will the played and after that hidden / stopped.
This will show the Iframe of URL
in your target-screen.
Note: This Type needs to have fixed value of
Visible screen time
With this type you can create your own Widgets, with custom HTML, CSS and JS.
Also including a Widget-API to access Twitch-Events or a Persistence-State.
You can also declare variables for easier way to change the "Widget-Settings".
Or import / export these Widgets.
Note: This Type needs to have fixed value of
Visible screen time
These are mostly the same as normal Scripts, but they cant be triggered by other sources.
And they have to access to all events - so that you can create custom logic like "Bots"