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356 lines (192 loc) · 9.84 KB

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356 lines (192 loc) · 9.84 KB

Configurating thesis

Front Matter

  • Thesis Title thesis-info.tex LINE1

Configure Draft Mode

  • preamble/preamble.tex LINE160


sorted: Wed 19 Dec 2018 11:17:45 GMT

  • cleaning repository for to commit version v1.0.0 (submission)

    • all comments were deleted forpre-submission (Date: Fri Oct 26 19:14:15 2018 +0100) to the 'submission' version on Mon 29 Oct 00:11:20 GMT 2018
  • learn how to make difference between

    pre-submission (Date: Fri Oct 26 19:14:15 2018 +0100) submission (Date: Sun 28 Oct 21:07:37 GMT 2018) to see the deleted comments that can be either used as a future work or deleted

added: Sun 28 Oct 21:19:22 GMT 2018

  • clean README files and add revelent information from the difference between pre-submission (Date: Fri Oct 26 19:14:15 2018 +0100) submission (Date: Sun 28 Oct 21:07:37 GMT 2018)

  • github commit: thesis draft 1.5

using texlive2017

66M Aug 30 15:45 thesis.pdf

compilation time is around 8 mins: start: Thu 30 Aug 15:37:43 BST 2018 done: Thu 30 Aug 15:45:44 BST 2018

using texlive2018

Success!  Wrote 118 pages, 68504274 bytes to thesis.pdf  
66M Aug 30 17:46 thesis.pdf 

compiration time is around 4 mins:
start: Thu 30 Aug 17:42:06 BST 2018
done: Thu 30 Aug 17:46:22 BST 2018

  • First thesis draft!

    • + figures were organised and moved in /figs/* - however, manual converstion should be made. therefore makefile shoudl be checket!
    • + files were created in each of the chapters that present log information and extra infomration about each chapter. - many of that information is very badly organised!

    done: Fri 3 Aug 12:24:23 BST 2018

  • Commit to github and share the first draft of thesis Friday 29 June 2018. added: Mon 25 Jun 14:44:33 BST 2018 sorted: Fri 3 Aug 12:17:44 BST 2018

  • Polish Chapter 1: Introduction! created: Mon 23 Jul 22:47:44 BST 2018 done: last week of july2018

  • Create github repository for data and code of the thesis! created: Mon 23 Jul 22:43:30 BST 2018
    done: Thu 26 Jul 16:15:00 BST 2018

    • some examples of other github repositories for phd code and data:

  • Thesis Outline

    • Chris Baber has made the following recommendations on 29 June 2018: Mainly each chapter may be 30 pages long with the following outline: Chapter 1 Introduction make assumptions about traditional signal processing and present comparisons between timedomain, frequencydomain and nonlineardynamics using a table. It can then be concluded with evidence ahy NL methods tell us than others do not do.

      Chapter 2 Literture Review Chapter 3 Building Dataset Chapter 4 ... Methods...(how does this methods are applied) Results

    • Check outline of assam thesis and others from Baber, Russell and Cooke.

    added: Sat 30 Jun 13:30:57 BST 2018 done: Fri 3 Aug 11:15:25 BST 2018

  • figures

    added: Mon 25 Jun 02:13:33 BST 2018

  • Mon 25 Jun 02:15:51 BST 2018

    • add the whole manuscript to the thesis. DONE
    • reorgnise chapters thesis DONE
    • reorginse figures paths. DONE: Fri 3 Aug 11:15:55 BST 2018
    • count the number of words


  • Add small abstracts for the chapters ( created:20feb2018, sorted: ) (this might be a time consuming so I decided to sorte it out) sorted: Mon 25 Jun 14:45:03 BST 2018

  • Description Template ( created: ; sorted:)

  • Structuring the thesis (created:25feb2018, sorted: ) When you have a draft outline, carefully review it with your supervisor: is there unnecessary material (i.e. not directly related to the research question/aim)? If so, remove or rework it. Is there missing material? Then add it. Whenever you want to make a major change to your work, outlining it first can help you to consider new, more persuasive possibilities for structure.

  • Print a dummy version of the thesis and check the margins and pagination or modify them with custommargin in thesis.tex and preamble.tex (created: 21feb2018, sorted: )

4.3 Margins and Pagination The margin on the binding edge must be at least 3 cm. When photographs are mounted the binding margin must be increased to 4 cm (see section 2.7 below). It is desirable to leave 3 cm at the top and bottom of the page and about 2 cm at the outer edge. Preliminary pages (see section 3.2) are unnumbered, pagination beginning with the first page of the text proper. Page numbers may either be placed at top-centre, 1 cm below the edge or at the foot of the page, 2 cm above the edge. Be consistent in whichever style you choose.

  • Read carefully the resources and requirements before to submit PhD thesis at University of Birmingham ( CRAETED:21August2017, SORTED:DATE )


  • Add papers to the thesis ( created:20feb2018, sorted: ) sorted: Mon 23 Jul 22:34:15 BST 2018

  • Check othert thesis outline and quality of the thesis and improve the current version added: Mon 25 Jun 14:42:50 BST 2018 sorted: Mon 23 Jul 22:33:29 BST 2018

  • create a structure of the thesis map as the one proposed by Australian National University ( CRAETED:31August2017, SORTED:DATE )

  • improve the structure with the "Structuring Guide" that includes: Chapter Number, Chapter title, How long (number of words), Deadline, What you have got? ( CRAETED:31August2017, SORTED:25february2018 )

  • Change chapters font to capitals. Check other thesis to check that this request is completed. etheses

4.4 Chapter Headings and Sub-Headings New chapters should always commence on a fresh page. Titles should be in capitals and centered. Sub-headings within chapters should be left-justified.

% Style 2: Sets Page Number at the Bottom with Chapter/Section Name on LO/RE
  \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ ##1}}
  \fancyhead[RO]{\bfseries\nouppercase \rightmark}
  \fancyhead[LE]{\bfseries \nouppercase \leftmark}

There are other thesis that use slighly different principles:

(created:21feb2018, sorted: 25feb2018 1530)

  • Add a proper title page adapting this template 🔗

3.2.1 Title Page The title of the thesis should be given between 5 and 7 cm from the top of the page, followed by the name of the author and, after about a 5 cm space, a statement of the degree for which the thesis is submitted:

By modifying the following lines at PhDThesisPSnPDF.cls


the title page were amended to fit the uob requirements for the title page

(created:21feb2018, sorted: 24feb2018,19:00)

  • Make sure you meet the PhD requirements for your institution.

Length of the Thesis. 7.4.2(d). The maximum number of words in the PhD thesis for Engineering and Physical Sciences is 50,000 words and no minimum of words. The calculation of the word length excludes: abstract, acknowledgements, contents pages, appendices, tables, diagrams and figures (including associated legends), the list of references, bibliography, footnotes and endnotes and any bound published material.

4.1 Typing and Wordprocessing You must make your own arrangements for the typing of your thesis. Use double line-spacing throughout the body of the text. Single-spacing is acceptable for quotations, footnotes, captions, etc and within items in the bibliography.

\doublespacing LINE95 at preamble/preamble.tex

4.2 Typeface and Point Size Recommended fonts include Times Roman, Arial and Courier or other type-1 or true-type fonts. To help ensure clarity, it is important that the point size is not too small. Your thesis may be photocopied or reduced at a later stage, so a 12 point typeface is the recommended standard for general use.

%\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,times,print,index,authoryear]{classes/PhDThesisPSnPDF}LINE4 of thesis.tex

4.5 Paper You should use A4 paper.

%\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,times,print,index,authoryear]{classes/PhDThesisPSnPDF}LINE4 of thesis.tex

( CRAETED:20August2017, SORTED:DATE )

  • Use apalike references ( created:20feb2018, sorted:21feb2018 )

    • \documentclass[a4paper,12pt,times,draft,index,authoryear]{classes/PhDThesisPSnPDF}
  • Change CAPITAL letters at the begining of paths and cleaning the structure of the repository (created: 20feb2018, done:20feb2018)

  • Clean the Appendix Sections for thesis v0.1 ( CRAETED:, SORTED:21August2017 )

  • Reorganise the sections and subsections of the thesis v0.1 ( CRAETED:, SORTED:21August2017 )

  • Clean the template and put a reference in the main README for future reference in case of looking for examples. thesis v0.1 ( CRAETED:14August2017, SORTED:20August2017 )

  • Create Subdirectories for Chapters and Appendix. thesis v0.1 ( CRAETED:, SORTED:21August2017 )