diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a59d39d..c0c980e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ celerybeat.pid
# Environments
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11d7e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Use the official Python image as the base image
+FROM python:3.10
+# Install necessary dependencies for Chrome and ChromeDriver
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget gnupg
+RUN wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | apt-key add -
+RUN echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable
+# Create a new non-root user with a home directory
+RUN useradd -m -s /bin/bash spellsbot
+# Set the working directory to /app
+# Copy the requirements file into the container at /app
+COPY requirements.txt .
+# Install project dependencies
+RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
+# Copy the rest of the application code
+COPY . /app
+# Change the ownership of the /app directory to the newly created user
+RUN chown -R spellsbot:spellsbot /app
+# Set the user for subsequent commands
+USER spellsbot
+# Run the run.py script
+CMD ["python", "spells_bot/run.py"]
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 91b1746..48378eb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,30 @@
Pathfinder Spellbook for Telegram.
Available at [@SpellsBot](https://t.me/SpellsBot).
+### Run
+docker build --rm -t spellsbot .
+Run the container providing `--env-file` and `-v` mounts for database file and table data directory
+docker run -d --name spellsbot-dev \
+ --env-file .env.dev \
+ -v /botdata/db_files:/db_data \
+ -v /botdata/data:/table_data \
+ spellsbot
+### Telegram Commands
+`/start` - Приветствие
+`/menu` - Поиск по классам и кругам
+`/spellbook` - Моя книга заклинаний
+`/help` - Как пользоваться книгой
+`/settings` - Настройки поиска
diff --git a/bot.py b/bot.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d5d89d..0000000
--- a/bot.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from argparse import ArgumentParser
-from pathlib import Path
-from telegram import Update
-from telegram.ext import (
- CallbackContext,
- Updater,
- InlineQueryHandler,
- CommandHandler,
- CallbackQueryHandler,
-from spells_bot.config import BotSettings
-from spells_bot.responder import Responder
-from spells_bot.utils.log import create_logger
-logger = create_logger("SpellsBot")
-def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- """Send a message when the command /start is issued."""
- try:
- chat_id = update.effective_user.id
- spell_id = context.args[0]
- context.bot.send_media_group(**responder.send_spell_tables(chat_id, spell_id))
- except IndexError:
- update.message.reply_text(**responder.greet())
-def help(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- """Send a message when the command /help is issued."""
- update.message.reply_text(**responder.help())
-def inline_query(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- """Handle the inline query."""
- chat = update.inline_query.from_user["username"]
- chat_id = update.inline_query.from_user.id
- query = update.inline_query.query.lower().strip()
- if not query:
- return
- logger.info(f'User @{chat} [{chat_id}] searched "{query}"')
- update.inline_query.answer(**responder.inline_search(query, chat_id))
-def menu(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- """Send main menu message"""
- chat_id = update.effective_user.id
- update.message.reply_text(**responder.menu(chat_id))
-def tables_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- user_id = update.effective_user.id
- cmd, spell_id = Responder.decode_callback(update.callback_query.data)
- try:
- context.bot.send_media_group(**responder.send_spell_tables(user_id, spell_id))
- update.callback_query.answer("")
- except Exception as e:
- logger.info(
- f"Redirecting to bot chat on 'show tables' click because {type(e)}: {e}"
- )
- update.callback_query.answer(
- "Перейдите в чат с ботом, чтобы посмотреть таблицы", show_alert=True
- )
- update.callback_query.edit_message_reply_markup(
- **responder.redirect_button(spell_id)
- )
-def home_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- cmd = Responder.decode_callback(update.callback_query.data)
- chat_id = update.callback_query.from_user.id
- update.effective_message.edit_text(**responder.menu(chat_id))
- update.callback_query.answer("")
-def class_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- cmd, class_id = Responder.decode_callback(update.callback_query.data)
- update.effective_message.edit_text(**responder.menu_class(class_id))
- update.callback_query.answer("")
-def class_info_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- cmd, class_id = Responder.decode_callback(update.callback_query.data)
- update.effective_message.reply_text(**responder.class_info_delimiter(class_id))
- update.effective_message.reply_media_group(
- **responder.send_class_info_tables(class_id)
- )
- update.effective_message.delete()
- update.effective_message.reply_text(
- **responder.menu_class(class_id, tables_button=False)
- )
- update.callback_query.answer("")
-def level_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- cmd, class_id, level, page = Responder.decode_callback(update.callback_query.data)
- chat_id = update.callback_query.from_user.id
- update.effective_message.edit_text(
- **responder.menu_level(class_id, level, chat_id, page)
- )
- update.callback_query.answer("")
-def search_settings_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- cmd, book = Responder.decode_callback(update.callback_query.data)
- chat_id = update.callback_query.from_user.id
- update.callback_query.edit_message_reply_markup(
- **responder.update_search_settings(chat_id, book)
- )
- update.callback_query.answer(f"Updated settings for {chat_id}")
-def pass_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- update.callback_query.answer("")
-def error(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- """Log Errors caused by Updates."""
- logger.warning(f"Update {update} caused error {context.error}")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("-e", "--env", type=Path, required=True)
- options = parser.parse_args()
- settings = BotSettings()
- updater = Updater(settings.telegram.bot_token)
- responder = Responder(settings, updater.bot.link)
- h = updater.dispatcher.add_handler
- eh = updater.dispatcher.add_error_handler
- h(CommandHandler("start", start))
- h(CommandHandler("help", help))
- h(CommandHandler("menu", menu))
- h(InlineQueryHandler(inline_query))
- h(CallbackQueryHandler(search_settings_callback, pattern=r"SETTINGS"))
- h(CallbackQueryHandler(tables_callback, pattern=r"TABLE:.*"))
- h(CallbackQueryHandler(home_callback, pattern=r"^HOME"))
- h(CallbackQueryHandler(class_callback, pattern=r"CLASS:.*"))
- h(CallbackQueryHandler(class_info_callback, pattern=r"CLASSINFO:.*"))
- h(CallbackQueryHandler(level_callback, pattern=r"LEVEL:.*"))
- h(CallbackQueryHandler(pass_callback, pattern=r"^PASS$"))
- eh(error)
- updater.start_polling()
- logger.info("BOT DEPLOYED. Ctrl+C to terminate")
- updater.idle()
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index c1bab87..5c3b7c7 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/spells_bot/__init__.py b/spells_bot/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/spells_bot/bot/__init__.py b/spells_bot/bot/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/spells_bot/bot/callback_schema.py b/spells_bot/bot/callback_schema.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e509629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spells_bot/bot/callback_schema.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+from aiogram.filters.callback_data import CallbackData
+class MenuClassCallback(CallbackData, prefix="MENU_CLS"):
+ """"""
+class BaseClassesCallback(CallbackData, prefix="CLS"):
+ id: int
+class ClassesTableCallback(BaseClassesCallback, prefix="CLS_TABLE"):
+ """"""
+class ClassesSpellsCallback(BaseClassesCallback, prefix="CLS_SPELL"):
+ """"""
+ spell_level: int
+ page: int | None = 0
+class SpellTablesCallback(CallbackData, prefix="SPELL_TABLE"):
+ spell_id: int
+class SpellbookReadCallback(CallbackData, prefix="BOOK_R"):
+ index: int
+ spell_id: int | None = None
+ extended: bool = False
+class SpellbookCreateCallback(CallbackData, prefix="BOOK_C"):
+ spell_id: int | None = None
+class SpellbookPromptDeleteCallback(SpellbookReadCallback, prefix="BOOK_TRY_D"):
+ """"""
+class SpellbookConfirmDeleteCallback(SpellbookReadCallback, prefix="BOOK_D"):
+ spell_id: int
+class ChatSettingsAddFilterCallback(CallbackData, prefix="SETTINGS_ADD"):
+ rulebook_id: int
+class ChatSettingsRemoveFilterCallback(CallbackData, prefix="SETTINGS_REMOVE"):
+ rulebook_id: int
+class EmptyCallback(CallbackData, prefix="IGNORE"):
+ """"""
diff --git a/spells_bot/bot/messages/__init__.py b/spells_bot/bot/messages/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/spells_bot/bot/messages/buttons.py b/spells_bot/bot/messages/buttons.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36b14d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spells_bot/bot/messages/buttons.py
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+from typing import Sequence
+from aiogram.filters.callback_data import CallbackData
+from aiogram.types import InlineKeyboardButton
+from spells_bot.bot.callback_schema import (
+ SpellbookReadCallback,
+ EmptyCallback,
+ SpellbookPromptDeleteCallback,
+ SpellbookConfirmDeleteCallback,
+ SpellbookCreateCallback,
+ SpellTablesCallback,
+ ClassesTableCallback,
+ ClassesSpellsCallback,
+ MenuClassCallback,
+from spells_bot.config import settings
+def try_inline_search_button(text: str = None, query: str = None):
+ return InlineKeyboardButton(text=text or "Поиск по названию", switch_inline_query_current_chat=query or "")
+def empty_callback_button(text: str):
+ return InlineKeyboardButton(text=text, callback_data=EmptyCallback().pack())
+def spell_show_tables_button(spell_id: int):
+ return InlineKeyboardButton(
+ text="Показать таблицы",
+ callback_data=SpellTablesCallback(spell_id=spell_id).pack(),
+ )
+def class_show_tables_button(class_id: int):
+ return InlineKeyboardButton(
+ text="Показать таблицы",
+ callback_data=ClassesTableCallback(id=class_id).pack(),
+ )
+def spell_website_redirect_button(alias: str):
+ return InlineKeyboardButton(text="🌐 На сайте", url=f"{settings.api.spell_info_url_prefix}/{alias}")
+def spell_add_to_spellbook_button(spell_id: int):
+ return InlineKeyboardButton(
+ text="📖 Добавить в книгу заклинаний",
+ callback_data=SpellbookCreateCallback(spell_id=spell_id).pack(),
+ )
+def spellbook_add_spell_button():
+ return InlineKeyboardButton(text="Добавить новое", switch_inline_query_current_chat="")
+def spellbook_toggle_extended_button(extended: bool, index: int):
+ if extended:
+ button = InlineKeyboardButton(
+ text="Краткое описание", callback_data=SpellbookReadCallback(index=index, extended=False).pack()
+ )
+ else:
+ button = InlineKeyboardButton(
+ text="Полное описание", callback_data=SpellbookReadCallback(index=index, extended=True).pack()
+ )
+ return button
+def arrow_selector_button(text: str, callback_data: CallbackData, is_active: bool = True):
+ if is_active:
+ button = InlineKeyboardButton(text=text, callback_data=callback_data.pack())
+ else:
+ button = InlineKeyboardButton(text=EMPTY_BUTTON_TEXT, callback_data=EmptyCallback().pack())
+ return button
+def index_view_selector_button(text: str):
+ return empty_callback_button(text)
+def spellbook_left_arrow_button(index: int, extended: bool, is_active: bool = True):
+ return arrow_selector_button("<", SpellbookReadCallback(index=index - 1, extended=extended), is_active)
+def spellbook_right_arrow_button(index: int, extended: bool, is_active: bool = True):
+ return arrow_selector_button(">", SpellbookReadCallback(index=index + 1, extended=extended), is_active)
+def spellbook_selector_buttons(extended: bool, index: int, index_max: int):
+ row = [
+ spellbook_left_arrow_button(index, extended, is_active=index > 0),
+ index_view_selector_button(f"{index + 1}/{index_max}"),
+ spellbook_right_arrow_button(index, extended, is_active=index < index_max - 1),
+ ]
+ return row
+def class_left_arrow_button(class_id: int, spell_level: int, page: int, is_active: bool = True):
+ return arrow_selector_button(
+ "<", ClassesSpellsCallback(id=class_id, spell_level=spell_level, page=page - 1), is_active
+ )
+def class_right_arrow_button(class_id: int, spell_level: int, page: int, is_active: bool = True):
+ return arrow_selector_button(
+ ">", ClassesSpellsCallback(id=class_id, spell_level=spell_level, page=page + 1), is_active
+ )
+def class_spell_level_page_buttons(class_id: int, spell_level: int, page: int, page_max: int):
+ row = [
+ class_left_arrow_button(class_id, spell_level, page, is_active=page > 0),
+ index_view_selector_button(f"Страница {page + 1}/{page_max + 1}"),
+ class_right_arrow_button(class_id, spell_level, page, is_active=page < page_max),
+ ]
+ return row
+def class_spell_level_buttons(class_id: int, spell_levels: Sequence[int], active_spell_level: int = None):
+ spell_level_button_rows = [[]]
+ spell_level_row_idx = 0
+ max_columns_per_row = 5
+ for level in spell_levels:
+ if len(spell_level_button_rows[spell_level_row_idx]) >= max_columns_per_row:
+ spell_level_row_idx += 1
+ spell_level_button_rows.append([])
+ if active_spell_level is not None and level == active_spell_level:
+ text = "🔘"
+ callback_data = EmptyCallback().pack()
+ else:
+ text = str(level)
+ callback_data = ClassesSpellsCallback(id=class_id, spell_level=level).pack()
+ button = InlineKeyboardButton(text=text, callback_data=callback_data)
+ spell_level_button_rows[spell_level_row_idx].append(button)
+ return spell_level_button_rows
+def class_main_menu_button():
+ return InlineKeyboardButton(text="Назад в меню", callback_data=MenuClassCallback().pack())
+def spellbook_delete_button(extended: bool, index: int, spell_id: int):
+ return InlineKeyboardButton(
+ text="🗑️ Удалить",
+ callback_data=SpellbookPromptDeleteCallback(index=index, spell_id=spell_id, extended=extended).pack(),
+ )
+def spellbook_delete_confirm_button(extended: bool, index: int, spell_id: int):
+ return InlineKeyboardButton(
+ text="⚠ Подтвердить удаление",
+ callback_data=SpellbookConfirmDeleteCallback(index=index, spell_id=spell_id, extended=extended).pack(),
+ )
diff --git a/spells_bot/bot/messages/keyboards.py b/spells_bot/bot/messages/keyboards.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c174ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spells_bot/bot/messages/keyboards.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+from typing import Sequence
+from aiogram.types import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup
+from spells_bot.bot.callback_schema import (
+ BaseClassesCallback,
+ ChatSettingsRemoveFilterCallback,
+ ChatSettingsAddFilterCallback,
+from spells_bot.bot.messages import buttons
+from spells_bot.pathfinder_api.schemas import BotClassInfo, BotSpellInfo, BotBook
+def try_inline_search(text: str = None, query: str = None):
+ keyboard = [[buttons.try_inline_search_button(text, query)]]
+ return InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=keyboard)
+def start_main():
+ return try_inline_search()
+def help_main():
+ return try_inline_search()
+def menu_main(classes: [BotClassInfo]):
+ keyboard = [[]]
+ row_idx = 0
+ max_columns_per_row = 3
+ for c in classes:
+ if len(keyboard[row_idx]) >= max_columns_per_row:
+ row_idx += 1
+ keyboard.append([])
+ button = InlineKeyboardButton(text=c.name, callback_data=BaseClassesCallback(id=c.id).pack())
+ keyboard[row_idx].append(button)
+ return InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=keyboard)
+def menu_class(class_: BotClassInfo, show_tables_button: bool = True):
+ keyboard = []
+ if show_tables_button:
+ keyboard.append([buttons.class_show_tables_button(class_.id)])
+ spell_level_button_rows = buttons.class_spell_level_buttons(class_.id, class_.spellLevels)
+ keyboard += spell_level_button_rows
+ keyboard.append([buttons.class_main_menu_button()])
+ return InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=keyboard)
+def menu_class_spell_level(
+ class_: BotClassInfo,
+ active_spell_level: int,
+ show_tables_button: bool = True,
+ active_page: int = 0,
+ page_max: int = 0,
+ keyboard = []
+ if show_tables_button:
+ keyboard.append([buttons.class_show_tables_button(class_.id)])
+ if page_max > 0:
+ spell_level_page_buttons = buttons.class_spell_level_page_buttons(
+ class_.id, active_spell_level, active_page, page_max
+ )
+ keyboard.append(spell_level_page_buttons)
+ spell_level_button_rows = buttons.class_spell_level_buttons(class_.id, class_.spellLevels, active_spell_level)
+ keyboard += spell_level_button_rows
+ keyboard.append([buttons.class_main_menu_button()])
+ return InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=keyboard)
+def spellbook_empty():
+ keyboard = [[buttons.spellbook_add_spell_button()]]
+ return InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=keyboard)
+def spellbook_main(spell: BotSpellInfo, index: int, index_max: int, extended: bool, tables: bool = False):
+ keyboard = []
+ if tables:
+ keyboard.append([buttons.spell_show_tables_button(spell.id)])
+ keyboard += [
+ [buttons.spellbook_toggle_extended_button(extended, index)],
+ buttons.spellbook_selector_buttons(extended, index, index_max),
+ [buttons.spell_website_redirect_button(spell.alias)],
+ [buttons.spellbook_delete_button(extended, index, spell.id)],
+ ]
+ return InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=keyboard)
+def spellbook_main_prompt_delete_spell(spell: BotSpellInfo, index: int, index_max: int, extended: bool):
+ keyboard = [
+ [buttons.spellbook_toggle_extended_button(extended, index)],
+ buttons.spellbook_selector_buttons(extended, index, index_max),
+ [buttons.spell_website_redirect_button(spell.alias)],
+ [buttons.spellbook_delete_confirm_button(extended, index, spell.id)],
+ ]
+ return InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=keyboard)
+def spellbook_main_after_delete_spell(index: int, index_max: int, extended: bool):
+ keyboard = [buttons.spellbook_selector_buttons(extended, index, index_max), [buttons.spellbook_add_spell_button()]]
+ return InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=keyboard)
+def extended_description_message(spell: BotSpellInfo, tables: bool = False):
+ keyboard = [[buttons.spell_show_tables_button(spell.id)] if tables else []]
+ keyboard += [
+ [buttons.spell_website_redirect_button(spell.alias)],
+ [buttons.spell_add_to_spellbook_button(spell.id)],
+ ]
+ return InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=keyboard)
+def extended_description_message_saved_spell(spell: BotSpellInfo):
+ keyboard = [[buttons.spell_website_redirect_button(spell.alias)]]
+ return InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=keyboard)
+def chat_settings(all_rulebooks: Sequence[BotBook], user_rulebooks: Sequence[int]):
+ keyboard = []
+ for book in all_rulebooks:
+ if book.id in user_rulebooks:
+ icon = "☑"
+ callback_data = ChatSettingsRemoveFilterCallback(rulebook_id=book.id).pack()
+ else:
+ icon = "☐"
+ callback_data = ChatSettingsAddFilterCallback(rulebook_id=book.id).pack()
+ button = InlineKeyboardButton(text=f"{icon} {book.name}", callback_data=callback_data)
+ keyboard.append([button])
+ return InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=keyboard)
diff --git a/spells_bot/bot/messages/texts.py b/spells_bot/bot/messages/texts.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87c5ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spells_bot/bot/messages/texts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+import warnings
+from typing import Sequence
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, MarkupResemblesLocatorWarning
+from spells_bot.config import settings
+from spells_bot.pathfinder_api.schemas import BotClassInfo, BotSpellInfo
+warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=MarkupResemblesLocatorWarning)
+def _validate_message_len(msg: str):
+ """Validate message length against telegram API limits
+ Args:
+ msg: text to be validated. Any markup should be included in the string
+ Returns:
+ True if text can fit in one telegram message, False otherwise
+ """
+ return len(msg.encode("utf-8")) < 4096
+def _menu_message_header(text: str):
+ return f"{text}\n\n"
+def start_main():
+ return (
+ f"{_menu_message_header('📖 Книга Заклинаний Pathfinder 1e 🔮')}"
+ "/spellbook - открыть мою книгу\n"
+ "/help - как пользоваться книгой\n"
+ "/menu - поиск по классам\n"
+ "/settings - настройки поиска\n"
+ )
+def help_main(bot_name: str):
+ return (
+ f"{_menu_message_header('📖 Как пользоваться книгой ℹ')}"
+ "В этой книге можно искать и записывать заклинания.\n\n"
+ f"Начните писать\n\n@{bot_name} название заклинания
+ "в любом чате, выберите нужный результат и полное описание заклинания отправится в текущий чат.\n"
+ "Его можно будет записать в свою книгу избранных заклинаний, которая открывается по команде /spellbook\n\n"
+ "Для поиска доступных заклинаний для определенного класса, перейдите в /menu.\n\n"
+ "Настройте фильтр по книгам правил в /settings или во время поиска, выбрав результат внизу списка."
+ )
+def menu_main():
+ return f"{_menu_message_header('📖 Поиск по классам 🔮')}"
+def menu_class(class_: BotClassInfo):
+ header = _menu_message_header(f"📖 {class_.name} 🔮")
+ return f"{header}{class_.description}"
+def menu_class_spell_level(class_: BotClassInfo, spells: Sequence[BotSpellInfo], spell_level: int):
+ spell_description_pages = []
+ header = _menu_message_header(f"{class_.name} {spell_level} круг")
+ current_page = header
+ for s in spells:
+ spell_line = f"{s.name}: {s.shortDescription}"
+ possible_current_page = "\n".join([current_page, spell_line])
+ if _validate_message_len(possible_current_page):
+ current_page = possible_current_page
+ else:
+ spell_description_pages.append(current_page)
+ current_page = "\n".join([header, spell_line])
+ spell_description_pages.append(current_page)
+ return spell_description_pages
+def spellbook_empty():
+ return 'Книга заклинаний пуста\n\nВыберите нужное заклинание через поиск и нажмите "Добавить в книгу заклинаний"'
+def spellbook_main(spell: BotSpellInfo, extended: bool):
+ tables = None
+ if extended:
+ text, tables = extended_description_message(spell)
+ else:
+ text = short_description_message_with_optional_values(spell)
+ return text, tables
+def spellbook_main_after_delete_spell():
+ return "Удалено"
+def settings_main(bot_name: str):
+ return (
+ f"{_menu_message_header('📖 Настройки поиска ⚙')}"
+ "Выберите книги правил, в которых хотите искать заклинания. "
+ f"Настройки распространяются на /menu и поиск через @{bot_name}. "
+ )
+def _insert_into_html_template(html: str):
+ return f"""
@SpellsBot название заклинания
- "в любом чате и выберите нужный результат. Этот результат отправится в текущий чат.\n\n"
- "Для поиска по классам и кругам используйте /menu"
- )
- kb_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup.from_button(
- InlineKeyboardButton(
- "Попробуйте поиск в этом чате", switch_inline_query_current_chat=""
- )
- )
- return dict(text=text, reply_markup=kb_markup, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
- def help(self):
- text = (
- "Начните вводить *@SpellsBot название заклинания* в любом чате "
- "и выберите нужный результат. Этот результат отправится в текущий чат."
- )
- return dict(text=text, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
- def inline_search(self, query: str, chat_id: int):
- articles = []
- for spell in self.search.short_info(
- query, chat_id, top_n=MAX_INLINE_QUERY_RESULTS - 1
- ):
- spell_ext = self.search.extended_info(spell.alias)
- title = spell.name
- if spell.short_description_components:
- title += f" ({spell.short_description_components})"
- class_restrictions = ", ".join(f"{c.name} {c.level}" for c in spell.classes)
- school = ", ".join(s.name for s in spell.schools)
- description = f"{class_restrictions}\n{spell.short_description}"
- if spell_ext:
- text_parts = [
- f"{spell_ext.full_name.upper()}",
- f"{school}\n",
- "\n".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in spell_ext.variables.items()),
- f"\n{spell_ext.text}",
- ]
- text = "\n".join(text_parts)
- else:
- text = (
- f"{title.upper()}\n\n"
- "Невозможно загрузить данные с сайта, смотрите описание заклинания по ссылке"
- )
- if len(text) >= MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
- text_ending = " ... продолжение по ссылке"
- cutoff = MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - len(text_ending)
- text = text[:cutoff] + text_ending
- buttons = []
- buttons.append(
- InlineKeyboardButton(
- "🌐 На сайте",
- url=self._spell_url(spell.alias),
- )
- )
- try:
- if spell_ext:
- n_tables = len(spell_ext.tables)
- if n_tables > 0:
- buttons.append(
- InlineKeyboardButton(
- f"📜 Показать таблицы ({n_tables})",
- callback_data=self.encode_callback("TABLE", spell.alias),
- )
- )
- except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
- pass
- if spell_ext:
- en_school_name = _school_ru2en(spell_ext.school)
- thumb_url = self._school_icon_url(en_school_name)
- else:
- thumb_url = None
- a = InlineQueryResultArticle(
- id=str(uuid4()),
- title=title,
- description=description,
- input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent(
- text, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML
- ),
- reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup.from_column(buttons),
- thumb_url=thumb_url,
- )
- articles.append(a)
- chat_settings = self.search.get_chat_settings(chat_id)
- current_book_filter = [
- _book_alias_to_readable_name(k)
- for k, v in chat_settings.book_filter.items()
- if v
- ]
- current_book_filter = ", ".join(current_book_filter)
- settings_article_description = f"Фильтр по книгам: {current_book_filter}"
- settings_article = InlineQueryResultArticle(
- id=str(uuid4()),
- title="Настройки поиска",
- description=settings_article_description,
- input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent(
- f"Настройте фильтр для чата {chat_id}"
- ),
- reply_markup=self._book_filter_markup(chat_settings.book_filter),
- thumb_url=self._settings_icon_url(),
- )
- articles.append(settings_article)
- return dict(results=articles)
- # def send_search_settings(self, chat_id: int):
- # return dict(
- # chat_id=chat_id,
- # text=f"Настройте фильтр для чата {chat_id}",
- # reply_markup=self._book_filter_markup(chat_id),
- # )
- def update_search_settings(self, chat_id: int, book: str):
- chat_settings = self.search.update_chat_settings(chat_id, book)
- return dict(reply_markup=self._book_filter_markup(chat_settings.book_filter))
- def send_spell_tables(self, chat_id: str, spell_alias: str):
- media_group = []
- spell_short, spell_ext = self.search.full_info(spell_alias)
- for t in spell_ext.tables:
- class_restrictions = ", ".join(
- f"{c.name} {c.level}" for c in spell_short.classes
- )
- caption = (
- f"{spell_ext.full_name.upper()} "
- f"таблица {int(t.path.stem) + 1}\n"
- f"{class_restrictions}"
- )
- m = InputMediaPhoto(
- t.path.open("rb"),
- caption=caption,
- parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
- )
- media_group.append(m)
- return dict(chat_id=chat_id, media=media_group)
- def redirect_button(self, spell_id: str):
- buttons = []
- buttons.append(
- InlineKeyboardButton(
- "🌐 На сайте",
- url=self._spell_url(spell_id),
- )
- )
- buttons.append(
- InlineKeyboardButton(
- "Перейти в чат с ботом",
- url=self._bot_url(spell_id),
- )
- )
- return dict(reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup.from_column(buttons))
- def menu(self, chat_id: int):
- text = "📖 МЕНЮ 🔮\n\nВыберите класс"
- buttons = [
- InlineKeyboardButton(
- c.name, callback_data=self.encode_callback("CLASS", c.id)
- )
- for c in self.search.iter_classes(chat_id)
- ]
- button_rows = [buttons[i : i + 3] for i in range(0, len(buttons) + 1, 3)]
- return dict(
- text=text,
- reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(button_rows),
- parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
- )
- def menu_class(self, class_id: str, tables_button: bool = True):
- c = self.search.class_info(int(class_id))
- text = f"{c.name}\n\n{c.short_description}"
- buttons = []
- for lvl in self.search.iter_levels(int(class_id)):
- b = InlineKeyboardButton(
- lvl, callback_data=self.encode_callback("LEVEL", c.id, lvl, 0)
- )
- buttons.append(b)
- class_info_button = InlineKeyboardButton(
- " О классе", callback_data=self.encode_callback("CLASSINFO", class_id)
- )
- home_button = InlineKeyboardButton(
- "🔮 Назад в меню", callback_data=self.encode_callback("HOME")
- )
- button_rows = [buttons[i : i + 5] for i in range(0, len(buttons) + 1, 5)]
- has_tables = len(list(self.search.iter_class_info_tables(int(class_id)))) > 0
- if tables_button and has_tables:
- button_rows.insert(0, [class_info_button])
- button_rows.append([home_button])
- return dict(
- text=text,
- reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(button_rows),
- parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
- )
- def class_info_delimiter(self, class_id: str):
- c = self.search.class_info(int(class_id))
- return dict(
- text=f"📜 {c.name.upper()} 📜",
- parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
- )
- def send_class_info_tables(self, class_id: str):
- media_group = []
- for p, class_info in self.search.iter_class_info_tables(int(class_id)):
- caption = (
- f"{class_info.name.upper()} таблица {int(p.stem) + 1}"
- )
- m = InputMediaPhoto(
- p.open("rb"),
- caption=caption,
- parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
- )
- media_group.append(m)
- return dict(media=media_group)
- def menu_level(self, class_id: str, level: str, chat_id: str, page: str = 0):
- class_id, level, page, chat_id = (
- int(class_id),
- int(level),
- int(page),
- int(chat_id),
- )
- class_info = self.search.class_info(class_id)
- text_parts = [f"{class_info.name} {level} круг"]
- n_pages, spells = self.search.paginate_short_info_by_level(
- class_id, level, chat_id, page
- )
- for s in spells:
- text_parts.append(f"{s.name}: {s.short_description}")
- text = "\n".join(text_parts)
- buttons = []
- pagination_buttons = []
- if n_pages >= 1:
- if page >= 1:
- b = InlineKeyboardButton(
- f"<< Страница {page}",
- callback_data=self.encode_callback(
- "LEVEL", class_id, level, page - 1
- ),
- )
- pagination_buttons.append(b)
- if page < n_pages - 1:
- b = InlineKeyboardButton(
- f"Страница {page + 2} >>",
- callback_data=self.encode_callback(
- "LEVEL", class_id, level, page + 1
- ),
- )
- pagination_buttons.append(b)
- for lvl in self.search.iter_levels(class_id):
- b_text = lvl
- b_callback_data = self.encode_callback("LEVEL", class_id, lvl, 0)
- if lvl == level:
- b_text = "🔘"
- b_callback_data = "PASS"
- b = InlineKeyboardButton(b_text, callback_data=b_callback_data)
- buttons.append(b)
- button_rows = [buttons[i : i + 5] for i in range(0, len(buttons) + 1, 5)]
- if pagination_buttons:
- button_rows.insert(0, pagination_buttons)
- button_rows.append(
- [
- InlineKeyboardButton(
- "🔮 Назад в меню", callback_data=self.encode_callback("HOME")
- )
- ]
- )
- return dict(
- text=text,
- parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
- reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(button_rows),
- )
diff --git a/spells_bot/run.py b/spells_bot/run.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad0b2b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spells_bot/run.py
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+import asyncio
+import logging
+from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, Router, types, F
+from aiogram.filters import Command
+from aiogram.methods import EditMessageReplyMarkup, SendMediaGroup
+from aiogram.types import (
+ Message,
+ CallbackQuery,
+ InputMediaPhoto,
+ FSInputFile,
+from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
+from spells_bot.utils import text_parser
+from spells_bot.bot.callback_schema import (
+ BaseClassesCallback,
+ SpellbookReadCallback,
+ SpellbookCreateCallback,
+ SpellbookPromptDeleteCallback,
+ SpellbookConfirmDeleteCallback,
+ EmptyCallback,
+ ChatSettingsAddFilterCallback,
+ ChatSettingsRemoveFilterCallback,
+ MenuClassCallback,
+ ClassesTableCallback,
+ ClassesSpellsCallback,
+ SpellTablesCallback,
+from spells_bot.config import settings
+from spells_bot.bot.messages import views, texts
+from spells_bot.bot.messages import keyboards
+from spells_bot.database.models import (
+ get_db,
+ get_or_create_user,
+ get_saved_spells,
+ create_saved_spell,
+ delete_saved_spell,
+ get_saved_spell_by_index,
+ get_chat_settings,
+ chat_settings_add_rulebook,
+ chat_settings_remove_rulebook,
+from spells_bot.image_generator import HtmlToImage
+from spells_bot.pathfinder_api import api
+router = Router()
+ format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s",
+ datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
+ level=logging.INFO,
+api_client = api.HttpClient()
+async def on_startup():
+ """"""
+ logging.info("API session started")
+ api_client.start()
+async def on_shutdown():
+ """"""
+ logging.info("API session stopped")
+ await api_client.stop()
+async def command_start_handler(message: Message) -> None:
+ """
+ This handler receive messages with `/start` command
+ """
+ # Most event objects have aliases for API methods that can be called in events' context
+ # For example if you want to answer to incoming message you can use `message.answer(...)` alias
+ # and the target chat will be passed to :ref:`aiogram.methods.send_message.SendMessage`
+ # method automatically or call API method directly via
+ # Bot instance: `bot.send_message(chat_id=message.chat.id, ...)`
+ # await message.answer(f"Hello, {message.from_user.full_name}!")
+ # Create a keyboard with a single button
+ with get_db() as db:
+ user = get_or_create_user(db, message.from_user.id)
+ text, keyboard = views.start_main()
+ await message.answer(text=text, reply_markup=keyboard)
+async def command_menu_handler(message: Message, bot: Bot) -> None:
+ """
+ This handler receive messages with `/help` command
+ """
+ bot_user = await bot.me()
+ text, markup = views.help_main(bot_user.username)
+ await message.answer(text=text, reply_markup=markup)
+async def command_menu_handler(message: Message) -> None:
+ """
+ This handler receive messages with `/menu` command
+ """
+ classes = await api.get_classes(api_client.session, extended=True, magical_only=True)
+ text, markup = views.menu_main(classes)
+ await message.answer(text=text, reply_markup=markup)
+async def command_spellbook_handler(message: Message) -> None:
+ """
+ This handler receive messages with `/spellbook` command
+ """
+ with get_db() as db:
+ saved_spells = get_saved_spells(db, message.from_user.id)
+ try:
+ spell_id = saved_spells[0].spell_id
+ except IndexError:
+ text, keyboard = views.spellbook_empty()
+ await message.answer(text=text, reply_markup=keyboard)
+ return
+ spell_data = await api.get_spell(api_client.session, spell_id, extended=True)
+ text, keyboard = views.spellbook_main(
+ index=0,
+ index_max=len(saved_spells),
+ spell=spell_data,
+ )
+ await message.answer(text=text, reply_markup=keyboard, disable_web_page_preview=True)
+async def command_settings_handler(message: Message, bot: Bot) -> None:
+ with get_db() as db:
+ chat_settings = get_chat_settings(db, message.from_user.id)
+ user_rulebooks = chat_settings.book_filter
+ all_rulebooks = await api.get_rulebooks(api_client.session, with_spells=True)
+ bot_user = await bot.me()
+ text, keyboard = views.settings_main(all_rulebooks, user_rulebooks, bot_user.username)
+ await message.answer(text=text, reply_markup=keyboard)
+@router.message(~(F.via_bot | F.from_user.is_bot))
+async def any_text_message_handler(message: Message) -> None:
+ text, keyboard = views.any_text_message(message.text)
+ await message.answer(text=text, reply_markup=keyboard)
+async def inline_search(inline_query: types.InlineQuery):
+ with get_db() as db:
+ chat_settings = get_chat_settings(db, inline_query.from_user.id)
+ user_rulebooks = chat_settings.book_filter
+ try:
+ ru_name, en_name = text_parser.clean_spell_search_query(inline_query.query)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ logging.info(f"Ignored query {inline_query.query} ({e})")
+ spells = []
+ else:
+ spells = await api.get_spells(
+ api_client.session, ru_name=ru_name, en_name=en_name, extended=True, rulebook_ids=user_rulebooks
+ )
+ logging.info(
+ f'User @{inline_query.from_user.username} [{inline_query.from_user.id}] searched "{inline_query.query}"'
+ )
+ all_rulebooks = await api.get_rulebooks(api_client.session, with_spells=True)
+ await inline_query.answer(
+ results=views.inline_results(
+ inline_query.query, spells, all_rulebooks, user_rulebooks, inline_query.from_user.id
+ )
+ )
+async def spell_tables_callback(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: SpellTablesCallback, bot: Bot):
+ await query.answer(texts.toast_drawing_tables())
+ spell = await api.get_spell(api_client.session, callback_data.spell_id, extended=True)
+ text, tables = texts.extended_description_message(spell)
+ hti = HtmlToImage(settings.storage.data_root_dir, settings.hti.css_file)
+ spell_table_images = hti.spell_tables(tables, spell_alias=spell.alias)
+ media_group = []
+ for image_idx, image_path in enumerate(spell_table_images):
+ photo = InputMediaPhoto(
+ media=FSInputFile(image_path), caption=f"{spell.name.upper()} таблица {image_idx + 1}"
+ )
+ media_group.append(photo)
+ await bot(SendMediaGroup(chat_id=query.from_user.id, media=media_group))
+async def chat_settings_add_rulebook_callback(
+ query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: ChatSettingsAddFilterCallback, bot: Bot
+ with get_db() as db:
+ chat_settings = chat_settings_add_rulebook(db, query.from_user.id, callback_data.rulebook_id)
+ user_rulebooks = chat_settings.book_filter
+ all_rulebooks = await api.get_rulebooks(api_client.session, with_spells=True)
+ keyboard = keyboards.chat_settings(all_rulebooks, user_rulebooks)
+ await query.answer()
+ if query.message:
+ await query.message.edit_reply_markup(reply_markup=keyboard)
+ else:
+ await bot(EditMessageReplyMarkup(inline_message_id=query.inline_message_id, reply_markup=keyboard))
+async def chat_settings_remove_rulebook_callback(
+ query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: ChatSettingsRemoveFilterCallback, bot: Bot
+ with get_db() as db:
+ chat_settings = chat_settings_remove_rulebook(db, query.from_user.id, callback_data.rulebook_id)
+ user_rulebooks = chat_settings.book_filter
+ all_rulebooks = await api.get_rulebooks(api_client.session, with_spells=True)
+ keyboard = keyboards.chat_settings(all_rulebooks, user_rulebooks)
+ await query.answer()
+ if query.message:
+ await query.message.edit_reply_markup(reply_markup=keyboard)
+ else:
+ await bot(EditMessageReplyMarkup(inline_message_id=query.inline_message_id, reply_markup=keyboard))
+async def classes_with_id_spell_level_callback(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: ClassesSpellsCallback):
+ await query.answer()
+ with get_db() as db:
+ chat_settings = get_chat_settings(db, query.from_user.id)
+ user_rulebooks = chat_settings.book_filter
+ class_ = await api.get_class(api_client.session, callback_data.id, extended=True, magical_only=True)
+ spells = await api.get_spells(
+ api_client.session, class_id=class_.id, level=callback_data.spell_level, rulebook_ids=user_rulebooks
+ )
+ text, markup = views.menu_class_spell_level(
+ class_, spells, active_spell_level=callback_data.spell_level, page=callback_data.page
+ )
+ await query.message.edit_text(text=text, reply_markup=markup, disable_web_page_preview=True)
+async def classes_with_id_tables_callback(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: ClassesTableCallback):
+ await query.answer(texts.toast_drawing_tables())
+ class_ = await api.get_class(api_client.session, callback_data.id, extended=True, magical_only=True)
+ text, markup = views.menu_class(class_, show_tables_button=False)
+ hti = HtmlToImage(settings.storage.data_root_dir, settings.hti.css_file)
+ class_tables = []
+ if class_.tableFeatures:
+ class_tables.append(texts.class_table_feature(class_))
+ if class_.tableSpellCount:
+ class_tables.append(texts.class_table_spell_count(class_))
+ class_table_images = hti.class_tables(class_tables, class_.alias)
+ await query.message.delete()
+ await query.message.answer(f"📜 {class_.name.upper()} 📜")
+ media_group = []
+ for image_idx, image_path in enumerate(class_table_images):
+ photo = InputMediaPhoto(
+ media=FSInputFile(image_path), caption=f"{class_.name.upper()} таблица {image_idx + 1}"
+ )
+ media_group.append(photo)
+ await query.message.answer_media_group(media=media_group)
+ await query.message.answer(text=text, reply_markup=markup, disable_web_page_preview=True)
+async def classes_with_id_callback(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: BaseClassesCallback):
+ await query.answer()
+ class_ = await api.get_class(api_client.session, callback_data.id, extended=True, magical_only=True)
+ text, markup = views.menu_class(class_)
+ await query.message.edit_text(text=text, reply_markup=markup, disable_web_page_preview=True)
+async def classes_callback(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: MenuClassCallback):
+ await query.answer()
+ classes = await api.get_classes(api_client.session, extended=False, magical_only=True)
+ text, markup = views.menu_main(classes)
+ await query.message.edit_text(text=text, reply_markup=markup, disable_web_page_preview=True)
+async def spellbook_read_callback(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: SpellbookReadCallback):
+ await query.answer()
+ with get_db() as db:
+ try:
+ spell, index_max = get_saved_spell_by_index(db, query.from_user.id, callback_data.index)
+ except IndexError:
+ await query.message.edit_text(
+ text=f"No spell for index {callback_data.index}", disable_web_page_preview=True
+ )
+ return
+ spell_data = await api.get_spell(api_client.session, spell.spell_id, extended=True)
+ text, keyboard = views.spellbook_main(
+ index=callback_data.index,
+ index_max=index_max,
+ spell=spell_data,
+ extended=callback_data.extended,
+ )
+ await query.message.edit_text(text=text, reply_markup=keyboard, disable_web_page_preview=True)
+async def spellbook_create_callback(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: SpellbookReadCallback, bot: Bot):
+ with get_db() as db:
+ try:
+ create_saved_spell(db, query.from_user.id, callback_data.spell_id)
+ spell_data = await api.get_spell(api_client.session, callback_data.spell_id, extended=True)
+ await query.answer("Добавлено в книгу заклинаний")
+ await bot(
+ EditMessageReplyMarkup(
+ inline_message_id=query.inline_message_id,
+ reply_markup=keyboards.extended_description_message_saved_spell(spell_data),
+ )
+ )
+ except IntegrityError:
+ await query.answer("Заклинание уже есть в книге")
+async def spellbook_prompt_delete_callback(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: SpellbookPromptDeleteCallback):
+ await query.answer("Стереть заклинание из книги?")
+ with get_db() as db:
+ spell, index_max = get_saved_spell_by_index(db, query.from_user.id, callback_data.index)
+ spell_data = await api.get_spell(api_client.session, spell.spell_id, extended=callback_data.extended)
+ keyboard = keyboards.spellbook_main_prompt_delete_spell(
+ spell_data, callback_data.index, index_max, callback_data.extended
+ )
+ await query.message.edit_reply_markup(reply_markup=keyboard)
+async def spellbook_delete_callback(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: SpellbookConfirmDeleteCallback):
+ with get_db() as db:
+ delete_saved_spell(db, query.from_user.id, callback_data.spell_id)
+ updated_index = callback_data.index - 1
+ try:
+ spell, index_max = get_saved_spell_by_index(db, query.from_user.id, updated_index)
+ spell_data = await api.get_spell(api_client.session, spell.spell_id, extended=True)
+ text, keyboard = views.spellbook_main(
+ index=updated_index,
+ index_max=index_max,
+ spell=spell_data,
+ extended=callback_data.extended,
+ )
+ except IndexError:
+ text, keyboard = views.spellbook_empty()
+ await query.answer("Вы стерли заклинание из книги")
+ await query.message.edit_text(text=text, reply_markup=keyboard, disable_web_page_preview=True)
+async def empty_callback(query: CallbackQuery, callback_data: EmptyCallback):
+ await query.answer()
+async def main() -> None:
+ # Dispatcher is a root router
+ dp = Dispatcher()
+ # ... and all other routers should be attached to Dispatcher
+ dp.include_router(router)
+ # Initialize Bot instance with a default parse mode which will be passed to all API calls
+ bot = Bot(settings.telegram.bot_token, parse_mode="HTML")
+ # And the run events dispatching
+ await dp.start_polling(bot, on_startup=on_startup)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ asyncio.run(main())
diff --git a/spells_bot/search/__init__.py b/spells_bot/search/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b32a4dc..0000000
--- a/spells_bot/search/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from spells_bot.search.spell_search import SpellSearch
diff --git a/spells_bot/search/sourcing/__init__.py b/spells_bot/search/sourcing/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cd744fe..0000000
--- a/spells_bot/search/sourcing/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-from spells_bot.search.sourcing.database import Database
-from spells_bot.search.sourcing.html2image import HctiApi
-from spells_bot.search.sourcing.spellsource import SourceUpdater
diff --git a/spells_bot/search/sourcing/database.py b/spells_bot/search/sourcing/database.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 44b925d..0000000
--- a/spells_bot/search/sourcing/database.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,609 +0,0 @@
-from typing import List, Generator, Optional, Dict, Iterable, Union, Tuple
-from sqlalchemy import (
- create_engine,
- Column,
- Integer,
- String,
- Boolean,
- ForeignKey,
- update,
- and_,
- asc,
- UnicodeText,
-from sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite import JSON
-from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
-from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
-from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relationship, Session
-from spells_bot.config import DatabaseSettings
-from spells_bot.search.sourcing.datatypes import (
- ShortSpellInfo,
- ExtendedSpellInfo,
- SpellTable,
- ChatSettings,
- ClassInfo,
- SchoolInfo,
- ClassInfoSpellRestriction,
- BasicShortSpellInfo,
-from spells_bot.utils.log import create_logger
-logger = create_logger("database")
-Base = declarative_base()
-class ShortSpellInfoRecord(Base):
- __tablename__ = "short_spell_info"
- id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
- alias = Column(String, unique=True, index=True)
- short_description_components = Column(String)
- book_abbreviation = Column(String)
- book_alias = Column(String)
- short_description = Column(String)
- schools = Column(JSON)
- classes = Column(JSON)
- name = Column(UnicodeText)
- is_race_spell = Column(Boolean)
- extended_spell_info = relationship(
- "ExtendedSpellInfoRecord", back_populates="short_spell_info", uselist=False
- )
-class ExtendedSpellInfoRecord(Base):
- __tablename__ = "extended_spell_info"
- id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
- full_name = Column(String)
- school = Column(String)
- variables = Column(JSON)
- text = Column(String)
- short_spell_info_id = Column(
- Integer, ForeignKey("short_spell_info.id"), unique=True
- )
- short_spell_info = relationship(
- "ShortSpellInfoRecord", back_populates="extended_spell_info"
- )
- tables = relationship("SpellTableRecord", back_populates="extended_spell_info")
-class SpellTableRecord(Base):
- __tablename__ = "spell_table"
- id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
- html = Column(String)
- url = Column(String, default="")
- path = Column(String, default="")
- extended_spell_info_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("extended_spell_info.id"))
- extended_spell_info = relationship(
- "ExtendedSpellInfoRecord", back_populates="tables"
- )
-class ClassRecord(Base):
- __tablename__ = "class"
- id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
- alias = Column(String, unique=True, index=True)
- book_abbreviation = Column(String, default="")
- book_alias = Column(String, default="")
- short_description = Column(String, default="")
- name = Column(UnicodeText, unique=True, index=True)
- is_own_spell_list = Column(Boolean, nullable=True)
- max_spell_lvl = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
- parent_class_ids = Column(JSON)
-class SchoolRecord(Base):
- __tablename__ = "school"
- id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
- name = Column(UnicodeText, index=True)
- type_id = Column(Integer)
- type_name = Column(UnicodeText)
-class ChatSettingsRecord(Base):
- __tablename__ = "chat_settings"
- id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
- chat_id = Column(Integer, unique=True)
- book_filter = Column(JSON)
-def init_db(sqlalchemy_database_url: str, drop: bool = False) -> sessionmaker:
- """Create sqlalchemy sessionmaker
- :param sqlalchemy_database_url: currently tested only against sqlite
- :param drop: drop existing and recreate database if True
- :return:
- """
- engine = create_engine(sqlalchemy_database_url)
- session_callable = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
- if drop:
- Base.metadata.drop_all(bind=engine)
- Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine)
- return session_callable
-class Database:
- """Implements CRUD operations.
- Private methods are basic reusable functions which must accept ``db: Session`` as their first argument
- Public methods must always instantiate sessions as ``with self._db() as db: ...``
- """
- def __init__(self, settings: DatabaseSettings, drop_on_startup: bool = False):
- self._settings = settings
- self._db = init_db(settings.sqlalchemy_url, drop_on_startup)
- @staticmethod
- def _create_or_update_registry_item(
- db: Session,
- db_item_type,
- item: Union[ShortSpellInfo, ClassInfo, SchoolInfo],
- where_db: str,
- where_item: str,
- ):
- """Wrapper over try: add, except not unique: update existing
- :param db: sqlalchemy session
- :param db_item_type: database class for this item
- :param item: an instance of pydantic model
- :param where_db: name of database item attribute for equality comparison
- :param where_item: name of pydantic item attribute for equality comparison
- :return:
- """
- try:
- db.add(db_item_type(**item.to_orm()))
- db.commit()
- except IntegrityError:
- db.rollback()
- stmt_update = (
- update(db_item_type)
- .where(getattr(db_item_type, where_db) == getattr(item, where_item))
- .values(item.to_orm())
- )
- db.execute(stmt_update)
- db.commit()
- @staticmethod
- def _iter_classes(
- db: Session, book_filter: list = None
- ) -> Generator[ClassInfo, None, None]:
- """Yield classes which appear in the ``book_filter`` list
- :param db: sqlalchemy session
- :param book_filter: list of aliases in camelCase
- :return:
- """
- if book_filter:
- classes = (
- db.query(ClassRecord)
- .where(ClassRecord.book_alias.in_(book_filter))
- .all()
- )
- else:
- classes = db.query(ClassRecord).all()
- for c in classes:
- yield ClassInfo.from_orm(c)
- @staticmethod
- def _create_or_update_classes(db: Session, classes: List[ClassInfo]):
- """Create or update classes in ``class`` table
- :param db: sqlalchemy session
- :param classes: list of ClassInfo items
- :return:
- """
- for c in classes:
- Database._create_or_update_registry_item(db, ClassRecord, c, "id", "id")
- @staticmethod
- def _iter_schools(db: Session) -> Generator[SchoolInfo, None, None]:
- """Yield all SchoolInfo records
- :param db: sqlalchemy session
- :return:
- """
- for s in db.query(SchoolRecord).all():
- yield SchoolInfo.from_orm(s)
- @staticmethod
- def _create_or_update_schools(db: Session, schools: List[SchoolInfo]):
- """Create or update schools in ``school`` table
- :param db: sqlalchemy session
- :param schools: list of SchoolInfo items
- :return:
- """
- for s in schools:
- Database._create_or_update_registry_item(db, SchoolRecord, s, "id", "id")
- @staticmethod
- def _create_or_update_spells(db: Session, spells: List[ShortSpellInfo]):
- """Create or update spells in ``short_spell_info`` table
- :param db: sqlalchemy session
- :param spells: list of ShortSpellInfo items
- :return:
- """
- for s in spells:
- Database._create_or_update_registry_item(
- db, ShortSpellInfoRecord, s, "alias", "alias"
- )
- @staticmethod
- def _convert_short_spell_info_rows(db: Session, rows: List[ShortSpellInfoRecord]):
- """Serialize list of ShortSpellInfoRecord items to list of ShortSpellInfo items.
- Since class and school info are stored in a json column as ids,
- we need to get corresponding class and school info from database
- before we can instantiate a ``ShortSpellInfo`` model
- :param db: sqlalchemy session
- :param rows: list of ShortSpellInfoRecord items
- :return:
- """
- id2class = {c.id: c for c in Database._iter_classes(db)}
- id2school = {s.id: s for s in Database._iter_schools(db)}
- for result in rows:
- schools = [id2school[s] for s in result.schools]
- classes = []
- for c, lvl in result.classes.items():
- class_info = id2class[int(c)]
- class_info_restriction = ClassInfoSpellRestriction(
- **class_info.dict(), level=lvl
- )
- classes.append(class_info_restriction)
- basic_spell_info = BasicShortSpellInfo.from_orm(result)
- yield ShortSpellInfo(
- **basic_spell_info.dict(), classes=classes, schools=schools
- )
- @staticmethod
- def _iter_rulebooks(db: Session) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
- """Yield rulebook aliases in camelCase
- :param db: sqlalchemy session
- :return:
- """
- for book_alias in db.query(ShortSpellInfoRecord.book_alias).distinct():
- yield book_alias[0]
- @staticmethod
- def _default_book_filter(book_alias_list: Iterable[str]):
- """Custom default book filter which includes only coreRulebook and advancedPlayerGuide
- :param book_alias_list: list of all available book aliases
- :return:
- """
- book_filter = {book: False for book in book_alias_list}
- book_filter["coreRulebook"] = True
- book_filter["advancedPlayerGuide"] = True
- return book_filter
- @staticmethod
- def _get_chat_settings(db: Session, chat_id: int) -> ChatSettingsRecord:
- """Return chat settings for the given chat_id
- :param db: sqlalchemy session
- :param chat_id: chat id
- :return:
- """
- return (
- db.query(ChatSettingsRecord)
- .filter(ChatSettingsRecord.chat_id == chat_id)
- .first()
- )
- @staticmethod
- def _create_chat_settings(
- db: Session, chat_id: int, book_filter: Dict[str, bool] = None
- ) -> ChatSettingsRecord:
- """Create chat settings record with the given book filter or a default one
- :param db: sqlalchemy session
- :param chat_id: chat id
- :param book_filter: dict of aliases and their values, e.g. {"aliasNameOne": True, "aliasNameTwo": False}.
- If not provided, will create a default alias.
- :return:
- """
- book_filter = book_filter or Database._default_book_filter(Database._iter_rulebooks(db))
- chat_settings = ChatSettingsRecord(chat_id=chat_id, book_filter=book_filter)
- db.add(chat_settings)
- db.commit()
- db.refresh(chat_settings)
- return chat_settings
- @staticmethod
- def _get_or_create_chat_settings(
- db: Session, chat_id: int, book_filter: Dict[str, bool] = None
- ) -> ChatSettingsRecord:
- """Wrapper over get or create chat settings
- :param db: sqlalchemy session
- :param chat_id: chat id
- :param book_filter: used only if _get_chat_settings fails.
- Dict of aliases and their values, e.g. {"aliasNameOne": True, "aliasNameTwo": False}.
- If not provided, will create a default alias.
- :return:
- """
- chat_settings = Database._get_chat_settings(db, chat_id)
- if not chat_settings:
- chat_settings = Database._create_chat_settings(db, chat_id, book_filter)
- return chat_settings
- @staticmethod
- def _get_book_filter(db: Session, chat_id: int = None) -> List[str]:
- """Return list of enabled book aliases in camelCase.
- :param db: sqlalchemy session
- :param chat_id: chat id. if not provided, will return all available aliases
- :return:
- """
- if chat_id:
- chat_settings = Database._get_or_create_chat_settings(db, chat_id)
- include_books = [k for k, v in chat_settings.book_filter.items() if v]
- else:
- include_books = list(Database._iter_rulebooks(db))
- return include_books
- def has_spell_list(self, min_n: int = 1000):
- """Check if there are at least ``min_n`` spells.
- Use it to check if you need to update registry
- :param min_n: min number of spells to return True
- :return:
- """
- with self._db() as db:
- short_spell_info_count = db.query(ShortSpellInfoRecord).count()
- return short_spell_info_count > min_n
- def create_or_update_registry(
- self,
- spells: List[ShortSpellInfo],
- classes: List[ClassInfo],
- schools: List[SchoolInfo],
- ):
- """Create or update short spell info, class and school tables
- with provided values
- :param spells: list of ShortSpellInfo objects
- :param classes: list of ClassInfo objects
- :param schools: list of SchoolInfo objects
- :return:
- """
- with self._db() as db:
- self._create_or_update_classes(db, classes)
- self._create_or_update_schools(db, schools)
- self._create_or_update_spells(db, spells)
- def iter_short_spell_info_by_name(
- self, name: str, chat_id: int = None
- ) -> Generator[ShortSpellInfo, None, None]:
- """Yield short spell info filtering by name and chat's book filter if chat_id is provided
- :param name: spell name in cyrillic
- :param chat_id: if provided and not found in database, will create a default filter
- :return:
- """
- with self._db() as db:
- include_books = self._get_book_filter(db, chat_id)
- rows = (
- db.query(ShortSpellInfoRecord)
- .where(ShortSpellInfoRecord.book_alias.in_(include_books))
- .order_by(asc(ShortSpellInfoRecord.name))
- .all()
- )
- for result in self._convert_short_spell_info_rows(db, rows):
- if name in result.name.lower():
- yield result
- def iter_short_spell_info_by_class_level(
- self, class_id: int, spell_level: int, chat_id: int = None
- ) -> Generator[ShortSpellInfo, None, None]:
- """Yield short spell info filtering by class, spell level restriction,
- and chat's book filter if chat_id is provided
- :param class_id: class id
- :param spell_level: spell circle level
- :param chat_id: if provided and not found in database, will create a default filter
- :return:
- """
- with self._db() as db:
- include_books = self._get_book_filter(db, chat_id)
- rows = (
- db.query(ShortSpellInfoRecord)
- .where(
- and_(
- ShortSpellInfoRecord.classes[str(class_id)].as_integer()
- == spell_level,
- ShortSpellInfoRecord.book_alias.in_(include_books),
- )
- )
- .order_by(asc(ShortSpellInfoRecord.name))
- .all()
- )
- yield from self._convert_short_spell_info_rows(db, rows)
- def get_class(self, class_id: int) -> ClassInfo:
- """Get class info by id
- :param class_id: class id
- :return:
- """
- with self._db() as db:
- c = db.query(ClassRecord).where(ClassRecord.id == class_id).first()
- return ClassInfo.from_orm(c)
- def iter_classes(self, chat_id: int):
- """Yield classes filtering by chat settings
- :param chat_id: chat id
- :return:
- """
- with self._db() as db:
- include_books = self._get_book_filter(db, chat_id)
- yield from self._iter_classes(db, include_books)
- def iter_levels(self, class_id: int) -> Generator[int, None, None]:
- """Yield all level numbers which appear in spells for the given class id
- :param class_id: class id
- :return:
- """
- class_id_str = str(class_id)
- with self._db() as db:
- rows = (
- db.query(ShortSpellInfoRecord)
- .where(ShortSpellInfoRecord.classes[class_id_str].as_integer() >= 0)
- .all()
- )
- unique_levels = set()
- for r in rows:
- unique_levels.add(r.classes[class_id_str])
- yield from unique_levels
- def iter_rulebooks(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
- """Yield rulebook aliases in camelCase
- :return:
- """
- with self._db() as db:
- yield from self._iter_rulebooks(db)
- def get_full_spell_info(
- self, spell_alias: str
- ) -> Tuple[ShortSpellInfo, Optional[ExtendedSpellInfo]]:
- """Get all spell info by english alias if it exists
- :param spell_alias: spell name in ascii
- :return:
- """
- extended_spell_info = None
- with self._db() as db:
- short_spell_info = (
- db.query(ShortSpellInfoRecord)
- .filter(ShortSpellInfoRecord.alias == spell_alias)
- .first()
- )
- if short_spell_info:
- extended_spell_info = short_spell_info.extended_spell_info
- short_spell_info = list(self._convert_short_spell_info_rows(db, [short_spell_info]))[0]
- if extended_spell_info:
- extended_spell_info = ExtendedSpellInfo.from_orm(
- extended_spell_info
- )
- return short_spell_info, extended_spell_info
- def get_extended_spell_info(self, spell_alias: str) -> Optional[ExtendedSpellInfo]:
- """Get extended spell info by english alias if it exists
- :param spell_alias: spell name in ascii
- :return:
- """
- _, extended_spell_info = self.get_full_spell_info(spell_alias)
- return extended_spell_info
- def create_extended_spell_info(
- self,
- spell_alias: str,
- extended_spell_info: ExtendedSpellInfo,
- tables: List[SpellTable],
- ) -> ExtendedSpellInfo:
- """Create extended spell info record attaching it to its parent short spell info record
- :param spell_alias: spell name in ascii
- :param extended_spell_info: extended spell info
- :param tables: discovered or created spell tables
- :return:
- """
- tables = [SpellTableRecord(**t.to_orm()) for t in tables]
- with self._db() as db:
- short_spell_info = (
- db.query(ShortSpellInfoRecord)
- .filter(ShortSpellInfoRecord.alias == spell_alias)
- .first()
- )
- extended_spell_info = ExtendedSpellInfoRecord(
- **extended_spell_info.to_orm(),
- tables=tables,
- short_spell_info=short_spell_info,
- )
- db.add(extended_spell_info)
- db.commit()
- db.refresh(extended_spell_info)
- extended_spell_info = ExtendedSpellInfo.from_orm(extended_spell_info)
- return extended_spell_info
- def get_or_create_chat_settings(self, chat_id: int) -> ChatSettings:
- """Return existing chat settings or new ones with the default filter
- :param chat_id: chat id
- :return: existing or new default ChatSettings
- """
- with self._db() as db:
- chat_settings = self._get_or_create_chat_settings(db, chat_id)
- chat_settings = ChatSettings.from_orm(chat_settings)
- return chat_settings
- def update_book_filter(self, chat_id: int, book_alias: str) -> ChatSettings:
- """Toggle book filter value for the given alias and return updated chat settings
- :param chat_id: chat id
- :param book_alias: alias name in camelCase whose value will be toggled
- :return: updated ChatSettings
- """
- with self._db() as db:
- chat_settings = self._get_or_create_chat_settings(db, chat_id)
- new_book_filter = chat_settings.book_filter
- new_book_filter[book_alias] = not new_book_filter[book_alias]
- stmt_update = (
- update(ChatSettingsRecord)
- .where(ChatSettingsRecord.chat_id == chat_id)
- .values(book_filter=new_book_filter)
- )
- db.execute(stmt_update)
- db.commit()
- db.refresh(chat_settings)
- chat_settings = ChatSettings.from_orm(chat_settings)
- return chat_settings
diff --git a/spells_bot/search/sourcing/datatypes.py b/spells_bot/search/sourcing/datatypes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2343235..0000000
--- a/spells_bot/search/sourcing/datatypes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import List, Optional, Dict
-from pydantic import BaseModel
-class OrmSerializableBaseModel(BaseModel):
- """Base pydantic model with orm_mode enabled.
- ``.from_orm(...)`` is implemented by default when orm_mode = True
- ``.to_orm()`` is implemented for convenience
- and can be overridden in child models, e.g. to serialize ``Path``s
- """
- class Config:
- orm_mode = True
- def to_orm(self):
- return self.dict()
-class SpellTable(OrmSerializableBaseModel):
- html: str
- url: Optional[str]
- path: Optional[Path]
- def to_orm(self):
- return {"html": self.html, "url": self.url, "path": str(self.path)}
-class ClassInfo(OrmSerializableBaseModel):
- id: int
- alias: str = ""
- book_abbreviation: str = ""
- book_alias: str = ""
- short_description: str = ""
- name: str
- is_own_spell_list: Optional[bool]
- max_spell_lvl: Optional[int]
- parent_class_ids: list
-class ClassInfoSpellRestriction(ClassInfo):
- level: int
-class SchoolInfo(OrmSerializableBaseModel):
- id: int
- name: str
- type_id: int
- type_name: str
-class BasicShortSpellInfo(OrmSerializableBaseModel):
- """Part of ShortSpellInfo which can be serialized from orm and to orm
- """
- alias: str
- short_description_components: str
- book_abbreviation: str
- book_alias: str
- short_description: str
- name: str
- is_race_spell: bool
-class ShortSpellInfo(BasicShortSpellInfo):
- """Part of ShortSpellInfo which cannot be serialized from orm but can be serialized to orm
- """
- schools: List[SchoolInfo]
- classes: List[ClassInfoSpellRestriction]
- @classmethod
- def from_orm(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError(f"{cls.__name__} should be instantiated with __init__ rather than from_orm")
- def to_orm(self):
- d = self.dict(exclude={"schools", "classes"})
- d["schools"] = [s.id for s in self.schools]
- d["classes"] = {c.id: c.level for c in self.classes}
- return d
-class ExtendedSpellInfo(OrmSerializableBaseModel):
- full_name: str
- school: str
- variables: dict
- text: str
- tables: List[SpellTable]
- def to_orm(self):
- return {
- "full_name": self.full_name,
- "school": self.school,
- "variables": self.variables,
- "text": self.text,
- }
-class ChatSettings(OrmSerializableBaseModel):
- chat_id: int
- book_filter: Dict[str, bool]
- def to_orm(self):
- return self.dict()
diff --git a/spells_bot/search/sourcing/html2image.py b/spells_bot/search/sourcing/html2image.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f7bf2b..0000000
--- a/spells_bot/search/sourcing/html2image.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Union
-import requests
-from spells_bot.config import HctiSettings
-from spells_bot.utils.log import create_logger
-from spells_bot.search.sourcing.datatypes import SpellTable
-logger = create_logger("hcti")
-class HctiApi:
- def __init__(self, settings: HctiSettings):
- self._settings = settings
- self.css = self._load_css(settings.css_file)
- @staticmethod
- def _load_css(path):
- with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as css_f:
- css = css_f.read()
- return css
- def create_image(self, html: str):
- """Create image via hcti api from html and pre-configured css
- :param html: raw html
- :return:
- """
- data = {
- "html": html,
- "css": self.css,
- "device_scale": 1,
- }
- response = requests.post(
- url=self._settings.url,
- data=data,
- auth=(self._settings.user_id, self._settings.api_key),
- )
- image_url = None
- try:
- image_url = response.json()["url"]
- except KeyError:
- logger.error(str(response.json()))
- return image_url
- @staticmethod
- def download_image(
- url: str, download_path: Union[Path, str], overwrite: bool = False
- ) -> None:
- """Download image
- :param url: image url
- :param download_path: path to file
- :param overwrite: overwrite existing file if True
- :return:
- """
- download_path = Path(download_path)
- if overwrite or not download_path.exists():
- try:
- download_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
- response = requests.get(url)
- with open(download_path, "wb") as f:
- f.write(response.content)
- logger.info(f"Downloaded {url} to {download_path}")
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error(f"Failed to save {url} to {download_path} because {e}")
- def find_or_create(self, html: str, path: Union[Path, str, None]):
- """Discover image locally or create and download
- :param html: raw html
- :param path: possible image path
- :return:
- """
- url = None
- path = Path(path)
- if not path.is_file():
- url = self.create_image(html)
- self.download_image(url, path)
- return SpellTable(html=html, url=url, path=path)
diff --git a/spells_bot/search/sourcing/spellsource.py b/spells_bot/search/sourcing/spellsource.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8be3946..0000000
--- a/spells_bot/search/sourcing/spellsource.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import re
-from typing import List, Tuple
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
-from requests_html import HTMLSession
-from spells_bot.config import DataSourceSettings
-from spells_bot.search.sourcing.datatypes import (
- ExtendedSpellInfo,
- ClassInfo,
- SchoolInfo,
- ShortSpellInfo,
- ClassInfoSpellRestriction,
- SpellTable,
-from spells_bot.utils.log import create_logger
-logger = create_logger("source_updater")
- "Id": "id",
- "Name": "name",
- "IsOwnSpellList": "is_own_spell_list",
- "MaxSpellLvl": "max_spell_lvl",
- "ParentClassIds": "parent_class_ids",
- "Id": "id",
- "Name": "name",
- "TypeId": "type_id",
- "TypeName": "type_name",
- "Alias": "alias",
- "ShortDescriptionComponents": "short_description_components",
- "BookAbbreviation": "book_abbreviation",
- "BookAlias": "book_alias",
- "ShortDescription": "short_description",
- "SchoolIds": "schools",
- "ClassSpell": "classes",
- "Name": "name",
- "IsRaceSpell": "is_race_spell",
-def _rename_keys(original_dict, key_map):
- return {key_map[k]: v for k, v in original_dict.items()}
-class SourceUpdater:
- def __init__(self, settings: DataSourceSettings, save_dir: str = None):
- self._settings = settings
- self.spell_list_url = settings.spell_list_url.rstrip("/")
- self.class_list_url = settings.class_list_url.rstrip("/")
- self.prestige_class_list_url = settings.prestige_class_list_url.rstrip("/")
- self.spell_info_url_prefix = settings.spell_info_url_prefix.rstrip("/")
- self.save_dir = save_dir
- @staticmethod
- def _extract_data_from_js(
- raw_data: str,
- data_type: str,
- variable_prefix: str = None,
- variable_postfix: str = None,
- ) -> List[dict]:
- """Strip syntax and extra characters and load data as json
- :param raw_data: string with js var containing data inside its value
- :param data_type: "spells", "classes" or "schools"
- :param variable_prefix: (optional) string before data value, defaults to "var {data_type} = \\'"
- :param variable_postfix: (optional) string after data value, defaults to "\\';
- :return: list of dicts with data
- """
- variable_prefix = variable_prefix or f"var {data_type} = \\'"
- variable_postfix = variable_postfix or "\\';
- start, end = len(variable_prefix) - 1, -(len(variable_postfix) - 1)
- raw_json = raw_data.strip()[start:end]
- json_data = json.loads(raw_json)
- return json_data
- @staticmethod
- def _iter_class_extra_info(raw_data):
- """Yield class name and extracted class info from one of the class lists
- :param raw_data:
- :return:
- """
- for p in raw_data.find("p.indent"):
- try:
- header = p.find("span.textHeader")[0]
- name_html = header.find("a")[0]
- alias = list(name_html.links)[0].split("/")[-1]
- name = name_html.text
- sup_html = header.find("sup")[0]
- book_alias = list(sup_html.links)[0].split("/")[-1]
- book_abbreviation = sup_html.text
- short_description = p.text.split(":")[-1]
- extra_class_info = {
- "alias": alias,
- "name": name,
- "book_alias": book_alias,
- "book_abbreviation": book_abbreviation,
- "short_description": short_description,
- }
- yield name, extra_class_info
- except IndexError:
- pass
- def _extract_classes_from_js_and_extra_data(
- self,
- raw_classes_data: str,
- raw_basic_class_extra_data,
- raw_prestige_class_extra_data,
- ) -> List[ClassInfo]:
- """Serialize class info from class data taken from spell list and class lists
- :param raw_classes_data: data taken from spell list
- :param raw_basic_class_extra_data: data taken from class list
- :param raw_prestige_class_extra_data: data taken from prestige class list
- :return:
- """
- classes = []
- extra_basic_class_data = list(
- self._iter_class_extra_info(raw_basic_class_extra_data)
- )
- extra_prestige_class_data = list(
- self._iter_class_extra_info(raw_prestige_class_extra_data)
- )
- extra_class_data_map = {
- name: data
- for name, data in extra_basic_class_data + extra_prestige_class_data
- }
- for class_info in self._extract_data_from_js(raw_classes_data, "classes"):
- class_info_kwargs = _rename_keys(class_info, CLASSES_KEY_MAP)
- class_name = class_info_kwargs["name"]
- extra_class_info_kwargs = extra_class_data_map.get(class_name, {})
- class_info_kwargs.update(extra_class_info_kwargs)
- classes.append(ClassInfo(**class_info_kwargs))
- return classes
- def _extract_schools_from_js(self, raw_schools_data: str) -> List[SchoolInfo]:
- """Serialize school info
- :param raw_schools_data: raw school data
- :return:
- """
- schools = []
- for school_info in self._extract_data_from_js(raw_schools_data, "schools"):
- school_info_kwargs = _rename_keys(school_info, SCHOOLS_KEY_MAP)
- schools.append(SchoolInfo(**school_info_kwargs))
- return schools
- def _extract_spells_from_js(
- self, raw_spell_data: str, classes: List[ClassInfo], schools: List[SchoolInfo]
- ) -> List[ShortSpellInfo]:
- """Serialize short spell info with mapped classes and schools
- :param raw_spell_data: raw spell data
- :param classes: list of serialized ClassInfo
- :param schools: list of serialized Schools
- :return:
- """
- spells = []
- id2class = {c.id: c for c in classes}
- id2school = {s.id: s for s in schools}
- for spell in self._extract_data_from_js(raw_spell_data, "spells"):
- class_restrictions = []
- for restriction in spell["ClassSpell"]:
- class_info = id2class[restriction["ClassId"]]
- class_info_restriction = ClassInfoSpellRestriction(
- **class_info.dict(), level=restriction["Level"]
- )
- class_restrictions.append(class_info_restriction)
- spell["ClassSpell"] = class_restrictions
- spell["SchoolIds"] = [id2school[idx] for idx in spell["SchoolIds"]]
- spell["ShortDescription"] = re.sub(
- "|", "", spell["ShortDescription"]
- )
- spell_kwargs = _rename_keys(spell, SPELLS_KEY_MAP)
- spells.append(ShortSpellInfo(**spell_kwargs))
- return spells
- def _collect_spell_list_js_lines(self) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
- """Scrape raw js strings containing spells, classes, schools data
- :return:
- """
- with HTMLSession() as sess:
- response = sess.get(self.spell_list_url)
- script_with_data = response.html.find("script")[1].full_text
- spells_raw, classes_raw, schools_raw = script_with_data.split("\n")[1:4]
- return spells_raw, classes_raw, schools_raw
- def _collect_extra_class_data(self):
- """Scrape class info from class and class/prestige lists
- :return:
- """
- with HTMLSession() as sess:
- basic_classes_response = sess.get(self._settings.class_list_url)
- prestige_classes_response = sess.get(self._settings.prestige_class_list_url)
- return basic_classes_response.html, prestige_classes_response.html
- def _collect_spell_info(self, spell_alias: str) -> ExtendedSpellInfo:
- """Scrape extended spell info
- :param spell_alias: camelCase spell name
- :return:
- """
- with HTMLSession() as sess:
- response = sess.get(f"{self.spell_info_url_prefix}/{spell_alias}")
- # using lxml soup to correctly parse tables, because they're mangled with tags - soup = BeautifulSoup(response.html.html, "lxml") - - full_name_raw = soup.find("h1", class_="detailPage").text - full_name = full_name_raw.strip().split("\n")[0] - school = None - variables = {} - text_lines = [] - tables = [] - - for table in soup.find_all("table"): - table = re.sub('
', "", str(table)) - tables.append(SpellTable(html=table)) - - for p in response.html.find("p.indent"): - var_header = p.find("span.textHeader") - table_row = p.find("table, thead, tbody, tr, td") - - if p.text.startswith("Школа"): - school = p.text - elif var_header: - full_text_raw = p.full_text - var_name_raw = var_header[0].text - var_value_raw = full_text_raw[len(var_name_raw) :] - - var_name, var_value = var_name_raw.strip(" :"), var_value_raw.strip() - variables[var_name] = var_value - elif table_row: - pass - else: - if p.text: - text_lines.append(p.text) - - return ExtendedSpellInfo( - full_name=full_name, - school=school, - variables=variables, - text="\n".join(text_lines), - tables=tables, - ) - - def update_spell_info(self, spell_alias: str) -> ExtendedSpellInfo: - """Get spell info - - :param spell_alias: - :return: - """ - extended_spell_info = self._collect_spell_info(spell_alias) - - logger.info(f"Collected extended spell info for {spell_alias}") - return extended_spell_info - - def update_registry(self): - """Get spells, classes, schools data - - :return: - """ - spells_raw, classes_raw, schools_raw = self._collect_spell_list_js_lines() - ( - basic_classes_extra_raw, - prestige_classes_extra_raw, - ) = self._collect_extra_class_data() - - schools = self._extract_schools_from_js(schools_raw) - classes = self._extract_classes_from_js_and_extra_data( - classes_raw, basic_classes_extra_raw, prestige_classes_extra_raw - ) - spells = self._extract_spells_from_js(spells_raw, classes, schools) - - logger.info( - f"Collected registry, found: {len(spells)} spells, {len(classes)} classes, {len(schools)} schools" - ) - return spells, classes, schools diff --git a/spells_bot/search/spell_search.py b/spells_bot/search/spell_search.py deleted file mode 100644 index 70f4702..0000000 --- a/spells_bot/search/spell_search.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -import math - -from spells_bot.config import ( - DatabaseSettings, - DataSourceSettings, - StorageSettings, - HctiSettings, -) -from spells_bot.search.sourcing import Database, SourceUpdater, HctiApi -from spells_bot.utils.log import create_logger - -logger = create_logger("search") - - -class SpellSearch: - def __init__( - self, - db_settings: DatabaseSettings, - storage_settings: StorageSettings, - source_settings: DataSourceSettings, - hcti_settings: HctiSettings, - ) -> None: - self._db_name = db_settings.sqlalchemy_url - self.db = Database(db_settings) - - self.data_root_dir = storage_settings.data_root_dir - self.classinfo_tables_dir = storage_settings.data_root_dir / "classinfo" - self.spell_tables_dir = storage_settings.data_root_dir / "tables" - - self.source = SourceUpdater(source_settings) - self.hcti = HctiApi(hcti_settings) - self._check_db_readiness() - - def _check_db_readiness(self): - """Check and update short spell info, classes and schools registry if needed - - :return: - """ - if not self.db.has_spell_list(): - logger.info(f"{self._db_name} is not prepared, updating spell list...") - self.update_sources() - - logger.info(f"{self._db_name} is ready") - - def get_chat_settings(self, chat_id: int): - return self.db.get_or_create_chat_settings(chat_id) - - def update_chat_settings(self, chat_id: int, book: str): - return self.db.update_book_filter(chat_id, book) - - def update_sources(self): - spells, classes, schools = self.source.update_registry() - self.db.create_or_update_registry(spells, classes, schools) - - def short_info(self, query: str, chat_id: int, top_n: int = 10): - return list(self.db.iter_short_spell_info_by_name(query, chat_id))[:top_n] - - def extended_info(self, spell_alias: str): - _, extended_spell_info = self.full_info(spell_alias) - return extended_spell_info - - def full_info(self, spell_alias: str): - short_spell_info, extended_spell_info = self.db.get_full_spell_info(spell_alias) - - if not extended_spell_info: - try: - extended_spell_info = self.source.update_spell_info(spell_alias) - - updated_tables = [] - for t_idx, t in enumerate(extended_spell_info.tables): - table_image_path = self.spell_tables_dir / spell_alias / f"{t_idx}.png" - table = self.hcti.find_or_create(t.html, table_image_path) - updated_tables.append(table) - - extended_spell_info = self.db.create_extended_spell_info( - spell_alias, extended_spell_info, updated_tables - ) - except Exception as e: - pass - - return short_spell_info, extended_spell_info - - def class_info(self, class_id: int): - return self.db.get_class(class_id) - - def iter_classes(self, chat_id: int): - yield from self.db.iter_classes(chat_id) - - def iter_class_info_tables(self, class_id: int): - class_info = self.class_info(class_id) - class_info_dir = self.classinfo_tables_dir / class_info.alias - - for p in class_info_dir.glob("*.png"): - yield p, class_info - - def iter_levels(self, class_id: int): - yield from self.db.iter_levels(class_id) - - def paginate_short_info_by_level( - self, - class_id: int, - level: int, - chat_id: int, - page: int = 0, - n_per_page: int = 50, - ): - all_spells = list( - self.db.iter_short_spell_info_by_class_level(class_id, level, chat_id) - ) - n_pages_total = math.ceil(len(all_spells) / n_per_page) - return n_pages_total, all_spells[n_per_page * page : n_per_page * (page + 1)] diff --git a/spells_bot/utils/__init__.py b/spells_bot/utils/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/spells_bot/utils/log.py b/spells_bot/utils/logger.py similarity index 100% rename from spells_bot/utils/log.py rename to spells_bot/utils/logger.py diff --git a/spells_bot/utils/text_parser.py b/spells_bot/utils/text_parser.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9cf600 --- /dev/null +++ b/spells_bot/utils/text_parser.py @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +from string import ascii_lowercase + + +# Allow alphabet + space + roman numbers +RU_CHARACTERS = "абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя" + " " + "ivx" +EN_CHARACTERS = ascii_lowercase + " " + "ivx" + + +def clean_spell_search_query(raw_query: str): + """Cleans up and returns either ru name or en name + + Args: + raw_query: search text + + Returns: + tuple of either (ru_name, None) or (None, en_name) + + Raises: + ValueError: if impossible to detect language or query is empty + """ + query = raw_query.lower().strip() + + ru_name = en_name = None + if all(char in RU_CHARACTERS for char in query): + ru_name = query + elif all(char in EN_CHARACTERS for char in query): + en_name = query + else: + raise ValueError("Query must be in either english or russian") + + if not (ru_name or en_name): + raise ValueError("Empty query") + + return ru_name, en_name diff --git a/templates/table.css b/templates/table.css index 7bdc86c..66b04dd 100644 --- a/templates/table.css +++ b/templates/table.css @@ -5,7 +5,16 @@ html { -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; - device-scale: 1; + /*device-scale: 1;*/ +} + +.tableBlock { + width: 100%; +} + +.tableHeader { + font: italic small-caps bold 1.1rem/2 cursive; + font-weight: bolder; } .commonTable { @@ -13,7 +22,7 @@ html { border-style: hidden; color: rgb(10, 10, 10); text-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 1px 0 10px; - font: italic small-caps bold 3rem/2 cursive; + font: italic small-caps bold 1.1rem/2 cursive; font-weight: bolder; padding: 4px; margin: 2%; @@ -22,11 +31,13 @@ html { .commonTable thead td { border-bottom: 3px solid #000000; } + table td { border-left: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border-right: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border-top: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2); } + table td{ /* Added padding for better layout after collapsing */ padding: 4px 8px; }