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Building Tests for R packages (_buildtest build --r-package <R-PACKAGE>)

buildtest comes with option to build test for R packages to test R packages are working as expected. The R tests are coming from the repository

In buildtest this repository is defined by variable BUILDTEST_R_REPO that can be tweaked by environment variable or configuration file (config.yaml)

buildtest supports tab completion for option --r-package which will show a list of r packages available for testing.

To illustrate the tab completion feature see command below

[siddis14@prometheus buildtest-framework]$ _buildtest build --r-package
Display all 108 possibilities? (y or n)
abc             animation       bigmemory       calibrate       evaluate        ffbase          forecast        gam             stringi         TeachingDemos   TraMineR
abind           ape             bio3d           car             expm            fields          foreign     stringr         tensor          tree
acepack         arm             bit             caret           extrafont       filehash        formatR         gamlss.dist     strucchange     tensorA         trimcluster
adabag          assertthat      bitops          caTools         FactoMineR      flashClust      Formula         gbm             subplex         testthat        tripack
ade4            AUC             bnlearn         cgdsr           fail            flexclust       fossil          gclus           SuperLearner         tseries
adegenet        backports       boot            checkmate       fastcluster     flexmix         fpc             gdalUtils       SuppDists       tibble          tseriesChaos
adephylo        base            bootstrap       chron           fastICA         fma             fpp             gdata           survival        tidyr           TTR
ADGofTest       base64          brglm           cluster         fastmatch       FME             fracdiff        geepack         survivalROC     timeDate        unbalanced
akima           BatchJobs       Brobdingnag     EasyABC         fdrtool         FNN             futile.logger   geiger          taxize          tkrplot
AlgDesign       beanplot        Cairo           ellipse         ff              foreach         futile.options  statmod         tcltk           tm

To build r package test you must specify a R module. buildtest will generate the binarytest along with any test from R package specified by option --r-package.

The following command _buildtest build -s R/3.4.3-intel-2018a-X11-20171023 --r-package abc will build R test along with R package abc

.. program-output:: cat scripts/r_packagetest_abc.txt

This option is compatible with --shell, --enable-job and --job-template if you want to build tests with different shell or create job scripts