This charter adheres to the conventions described in the Kubernetes Charter README and uses the Roles and Organization Management outlined in sig-governance.
SIG Storage is responsible for ensuring that different types of file and block storage (whether ephemeral or persistent, local or remote) are available wherever a container is scheduled (including provisioning/creating, attaching, mounting, unmounting, detaching, and deleting of volumes), storage capacity management (container ephemeral storage usage, volume resizing, etc.), influencing scheduling of containers based on storage (data gravity, availability, etc.), and generic operations on storage (snapshoting, etc.).
Some notable examples of features owned by SIG Storage:
- Persistent Volume Claims and Persistent Volumes
- Storage Classes and Dynamic Provisioning
- Kubernetes volume plugins
- Container Storage Interface (CSI)
- Secret Volumes, ConfigMap Volumes, DownwardAPI Volumes, EmptyDir Volumes (co-owned with SIG-Node)
- Kubernetes internal controllers and APIs responsible for exposing file and block storage to Kubernetes workloads.
- Kubernetes external sidecar containers and binaries required for exposing file and block storage to Kubernetes workloads.
- Interfaces required for exposing file and block storage to Kubernetes workloads.
- Unit, Integration, and End-to-End (E2E) Tests validating and preventing regressions in the above.
- Defining interface and requirements for connecting third party storage systems to Kubernetes.
SIG Storage is not responsible for
- Data path of remote storage (GCE PD, AWS EBS, NFS, etc.)
- How bits are transferred.
- Where bits are stored.
- Container writable layer (SIG Node handles that).
- The majority of storage plugins/drivers (generally owned by storage vendors).
SIG Storage adheres to the Roles and Organization Management outlined in sig-governance and opts-in to updates and modifications to sig-governance.
Deviations from sig-governance
SIG Storage delegates subproject approval to Technical Leads. See Subproject creation - Option 1.